
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Country & State – what is the expected process?

Country & State – what is the expected process?

Posted: February 15, 2015 at 6:53 pm

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February 15, 2015 at 6:53 pm

On my registration form, it shows state dropdown first, before country dropdown. But when you select country, it does not reduce the number of states to just that country – is this the expected behaviour? Seems odd. If I select UK, surely states should then be limited to just states in UK? We have added country and state packs from all over Europe – so not only do you have to search through the country list to select your country, you also have to hunt through the state list containing all the states from the various countries – doesn’t make sense.

I like how it works in woocommerce – the very first dropdown on the checkout form is the country field and once you’ve selected that, it limits the states to just that particular chosen country.

Please let me know if how I have it set up appears to be correct.



February 16, 2015 at 2:27 pm

In addition to my above query – it appears the “add new state” option for users to add any missing state, has disappeared in the latest update 4.6.6.p

  • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Garth. Reason: removed screenshot (per request)


February 16, 2015 at 4:44 pm

Thanks Garth

Here’s the updated screenshot:


February 16, 2015 at 4:47 pm

I’ve changed themes and disabled all plugins. The issue remains and this must be a bug in EE4.

Please can someone help?

I also followed the hack mentioned in this post, but my state/country fields still remain as dropdowns.

Currently – people outside of the country / state I have listed are not able to register and I’m needing this fixed ASAP – even a hack would be fine….



  • Support Staff

February 16, 2015 at 7:21 pm

Hi jack,

The hack mentioned in this thread:

Is for the payment methods, not the Address info fields.

We do not currently have contextual state dropdowns based on the country selected.

You could remove the State and Country fileds from the ‘Address information’ question group.

Event Espresso -> Registration form -> Question groups -> Address Information.

Uncheck the 2 checkboxes for state and country and save.

This will allow you attendees to register until a better solution is added.


February 16, 2015 at 7:58 pm

Hi – I can’t untick this info – we need country details – and it seems I am unable to alter the dropdown to text field.

I understand an update is due shortly 4.6.7 that should take care of this. Awaiting with eagerness!!

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

February 17, 2015 at 12:45 pm

Hi, please backup your site and update to the current version of Event Espresso 4:



February 18, 2015 at 1:09 am


I’ve now updated to 4.6.9 but can’t see any way to make state (or even country) optional as a text field. They are locked in the admin.

I tried the suggestion mentioned here – but it is also not working:

Also, the “Add new state” link is still missing from the registration page?

What’s going on guys – I am beginning to regret buying this – it takes forever to get any reply and the software is simply not working. We have some very frustrated customers that simply cannot register.


February 18, 2015 at 2:31 pm

I am very surprised I am the only person with this issue – are there not more people who have noticed that it is now impossible to add your own state / country to the registration form ? Unless you manually enable hundreds of countries (could take weeks) in the country section, I am not sure how else this can be done.

If there is a way to modify the billing form, why is there not a similar method for the address fields?

Yes, I realise that I could remove the state and country dropdowns and replace with my own state / country text fields, but this is a messy and problematic approach (how does it affect existing registrations for example).

Looking at the files, there does not appear to be any registration form as such, so hacking the files won’t really be an easy approach either.

Please advise.


  • Support Staff

February 18, 2015 at 7:19 pm

Hi JackB,

Event Espresso 4.6.10.p is available now and includes an “Add a country and state” mini form for the registration form.


February 19, 2015 at 6:05 pm

Great, finally we are “back to square one” after a week of waiting for you to fix the missing “add your own state” option. I can’t say that I’m impressed by your internal testing procedures after several releases continued to miss the inclusion of this feature. Frankly, I’m amazed that more users weren’t complaining about this missing (essential) feature

Anyway, I am sure you’ll be the first to admit that your team dropped the ball here. This is not an attack, it’s frustration for a lot of my wasted time chasing you to fix an essential (and very basic) feature of the product. Let me know where to send the invoice!

Alright, rant over, at least users can now register on our site again (hopefully). That said, this still does not solve my issue of wanting to be able to;

1) Have the option to change the State field from a dropdown to a text entry field.
2) Or have a contextual state field that is populated following a country selection (e.g. similar to woocommerce).
3) As an additional thought to my previous points; why is it even necessary to have country and state packs? Most country select form fields SIMPLY have the option to display all countries. It really seems an illogical and unnecessarily complicated step.

You could simply grab one of these and add it as a file that the form pulls the data from. Users may then modify it, if they so desire.

Thank you.


  • Support Staff

February 20, 2015 at 11:55 am

Hi JackB,

Thanks for the feedback.


  • Support Staff

September 28, 2016 at 3:11 pm

2) Or have a contextual state field that is populated following a country selection (e.g. similar to woocommerce).

Update: This was added in 4.9.13.p.

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