
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Cant export all custom fields to CVS

Cant export all custom fields to CVS

Posted: December 1, 2015 at 6:07 pm

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Chris Bouse

December 1, 2015 at 6:07 pm

Hello, I am running EE4.8.25.p to register students for training courses. I created “Question Groups” for each course to get additional registration information which is needed for the course. Each group is a different set of questions, which only applies to a specific course. When I export the registrants to CVS I am not getting all of the custom fields. I only get 6 of the 10 questions I am asking. I can’t figure out why only certain fields are exporting to CVS. At first I thought it might be because the question contained a non-alphanumeric symbol, /&() but some of the questions which I am getting contain them.

Chris Bouse

December 2, 2015 at 6:26 pm

Does anyone have a guess as to why I cant get all of my custom fields to export? I am doing it manually and it is taking quite a bit of time.

Thanks ~Chris


  • Support Staff

December 3, 2015 at 8:52 am

Hi Chris,

Can you try enabling WP DEBUG LOGGING on your site, then check the debug.log file for errors after you run a CSV report? There’s some instructions on how to enable logging here:

Chris Bouse

December 3, 2015 at 11:23 am

Ok, I inserted the code, opened the dashboard, went to event espresso–> Registrations and exported to CSV. Here is the error log:

** redacted, this is a public forum **

Any advice/guidance is appreciated. ~Chris

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Josh. Reason: removed sensitive server details


  • Support Staff

December 3, 2015 at 11:39 am

Hi Chris,

I checked the log and I didn’t see any errors from Event Espresso, although there were more than a few errors that were resulting from other WP plugins. A good next step in troubleshooting this would be to try temporarily deactivating those other plugins.

Chris Bouse

December 3, 2015 at 11:45 am

Roger that, thank you sir. I will work with one of my programmers to go through the list. I guess I will be playing the deactivation game late tonight. I will repost soon with the results.


  • Support Staff

December 3, 2015 at 12:22 pm

You can also check the registrations in the WP admin and compare the answers to the questions there to the ones in the CSV report. Are there discrepancies? If so, are they consistent? For example is it a question that’s been edited, added, or removed from the question group recently?

Chris Bouse

December 7, 2015 at 8:24 pm

I finally got this figured out and wanted to post the solution for others. The short answer, the fields that wouldn’t export all had the same Admin Label” name. The only field that exported in the CVS with the same admin label name was the last filed, which was in order on the list. I assume that the field kept getting overwritten by the next one until it hit the end.

I think we were using the admin label for an unconventional purpose. We use the plugin to manage training course and each course registration has a different set of questions, some mandatory and some optional. We were labeling each field with the admin label to differentiate between each course and which questions were required and optional. This was only done in secession planning so the next person to take over would know what we did incase the groups got altered or deleted.


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