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Calender Not showing in front end

Posted: January 19, 2023 at 11:29 pm

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January 19, 2023 at 11:29 pm

We are facing an issue with Calender not showing


  • Support Staff

January 20, 2023 at 2:43 am

Hi there,

We will need more details on this to help troubleshoot.

Can you link me to the page you have the calendar on?

Which shortcode are you using to output the calendar?

Did it work previously or is this a new install?


January 20, 2023 at 9:18 pm

This reply has been marked as private.


January 22, 2023 at 9:35 pm

Hi Tony,

Let us know if any updates on the above.



  • Support Staff

January 23, 2023 at 7:51 am

Hi there,

Support isn’t available over the weekends so I’ve just looked over this now.

I edited the page and changed the shortcode to be capitalized, saved and then purged the Site Ground Cache for the home page.

The calendar now shows up.

I suspect this is related to the caching rather than the capitalization as that shouldn’t make any difference.

Can you check if it’s working for you now?


January 24, 2023 at 12:53 am

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the update. Looks fine.

Also, we have another question. Let us know how can we show the calender in a single event page. Is it possible?

Looking forward.


  • Support Staff

January 24, 2023 at 3:16 am

I’m not sure I follow, you want to include the Calendar an every single event page?

The full calendar or as a widget?


January 24, 2023 at 8:36 am

Hi Tony,

We show the calendar on a single event page so that user book the event from that page and on that page Calender shows only the events on the calendar



January 25, 2023 at 4:18 am

Hi Tony,

Let us know if any updates on above.



  • Support Staff

January 25, 2023 at 4:34 am

I’m still not sure I follow what you are trying to do.

If you want to include the Calendar widget on the single event page we have a calendar widget you can add to your sidebar:

Is that what you are looking to do?

If so that within Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets


January 27, 2023 at 12:55 am

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the update. If we will add the calendar to a single event page through the widget, Is that calender only show that single event page, which we are currently open or it shows all the events which are added to the events?




  • Support Staff

January 27, 2023 at 4:57 am

Sounds like you are asking if the calendar will display expired events or just the upcoming events, is that correct?

The widget has the option to display expired events or not, within the widget is the ‘Display Expired Events?’ option, just make sure that is set to No to only display upcoming events.


January 27, 2023 at 7:30 am

Ok thanks for the update


  • Support Staff

January 27, 2023 at 7:50 am

You’re most welcome 🙂


January 27, 2023 at 7:57 am


I’m not sure you are aware, but you have been speaking to my developers. I am Martin, the owner of NerdHerdTours. Going forward whenever I communicate in here I will write “this is Martin” at the top and my name at the bottom so you know it was me.

I think things are getting lost in translation here. Would it be possible to speak to you over the phone, or via Teams, Zoom, etc.?

From looking at the above conversation, I don’t feel you have a sense of what I’m trying to do and I feel a verbal conversation would be more productive.

I will lay out below what I basically want:

1) On the landing page I want a calendar to show all upcoming scheduled tours with:
a) tour icon photo
b) time
c) tour name that hyperlinks to a tour description page for customers who want to learn more about the tour.
d) “Book Now” button for customers who know they are ready to purchase and don’t want to go to the info page.

2) On the individual tour pages I would also like calendars in the upper right hand section of the screen that:
a) only show the tour described by the info page they are on
b) times
c) photo icon (not as important on this page though)
d) “Book Now” button that brings customers to a checkout for the day and time they selected (not a list of days and times).

2d is very important. I have 8 tours and schedule them out for months ahead and sometimes the entire year. I can’t have people clicking to book a tour, and then going to a page with hundreds of lines and expect them to find the tour they want to do 4 months from now.

Please let me know if you follow what I have outlined above or have any questions. Regardless of if you feel you understand, please outline a way I can communicate with you over the phone and preferably through Teams or Zoom so that we can screen share.




  • Support Staff

February 2, 2023 at 3:54 pm

Hi Martin,

My apologies for missing your reply.

I think things are getting lost in translation here. Would it be possible to speak to you over the phone, or via Teams, Zoom, etc.?

I agree, the above requests don’t really fit with what you are trying to do.

Generally, we don’t do Teams/Zoom meetings but I think an exception needs to be made here as its I agree that it will likely be the quickest way to see what you are trying to do.

I’m based in the UK and usually available between 10am-10pm UTC, what time works best for you?

I’ll give you a brief answer for the points raised but we can discuss those further.

1) On the landing page I want a calendar to show all upcoming scheduled tours with:
a) tour icon photo
b) time
c) tour name that hyperlinks to a tour description page for customers who want to learn more about the tour.
d) “Book Now” button for customers who know they are ready to purchase and don’t want to go to the info page.

1a-c sounds like the default behaviour for the calendar.

Point d is not something we currently have available. All registrations ‘start’ at the Ticket Selector which is shown on the single event page, they can’t start a registration without selecting a ticket (or multiple) and submitting those so we don’t have a ‘Book now’ button to skip that and proceed straight to checkout.

2) On the individual tour pages I would also like calendars in the upper right hand section of the screen that:
a) only show the tour described by the info page they are on
b) times
c) photo icon (not as important on this page though)
d) “Book Now” button that brings customers to a checkout for the day and time they selected (not a list of days and times).

a will need some custom work, the calendar can display events from a specific category so on your single event pages your developers could pass the current events category to display those events. It’s possible to do, but will need some custom development.

b/c sound like the default calendar functionality.

d has the same issue as above, we don’t have a ‘direct’ book now button like you are requesting.

2d is very important. I have 8 tours and schedule them out for months ahead and sometimes the entire year. I can’t have people clicking to book a tour, and then going to a page with hundreds of lines and expect them to find the tour they want to do 4 months from now.

There is filter available within the Ticket Selector which can allow you to specify which tickets load, so again with some custom development its possible to set th calendar to add say the datetime ID to the link displayed on the calendar and then within the single event page check for that value and only show tickets relevant for that specific date.

However, I need to clarify here that current the above features aren’t a part of Event Espresso out of the box so it will need custom code to do what you are requesting.


February 2, 2023 at 8:09 pm


Thank you for promptly getting back to me. I appreciate it.

For 1d – I’m fine with a “Book Now” button being a link to a Ticket Selector page, but the page would need to be for the specific tour/day/time that the book now button was associated with on the calendar. I can’t have it lead to a page with hundreds of Ticket Selector lines for potential tours to book.

For 2a – I can live without an individual calendar specific to the tour info page it is on, provided there is a book now button that leads to a page where they can select their tour/date/time from a simple drop down box. Again, people book tours months in advance. The longer they book out, the more likely it is for a large tour group. I don’t want them scrolling forever to find the date/time they are interested in.

There has to be some solution to this. I’m not the only tour guide on the internet. What do other tour sites do? How does Viator/Trip Advisor do it? They have calendar based systems specific to the tour/day/time that you are interested in that lead you to individualized tour/day/time checkouts. How do they do it?

You mentioned there is some degree of customization that can happen. I need to speak with you in person to get an idea of:

1) What that customization will be capable of.
2) How long it will take my developers to do it.

For that reason it may be best to schedule a call that includes them. Possibly via their call scheduling procedure. You are in Britain, I’m in NYC, and I think they are in India given the time they do updates. They may just be in British Columbia though. They are part of an agency that subs work out.

Anyway, I do appreciate you making an exception to the phone rule – I really do. I will try my best to organize this to not keep you up past your bedtime.

I will touch base with my developers and get back to you.




February 2, 2023 at 8:17 pm


Additionally for scheduling calls, below is a link to the developer’s call scheduling:

Please look at it and let me know timeframes that work for you. I do the tours as a side hustle and work at my desk job from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Eastern Standard Time, which I believe is 5 hours behind your time this time of year.

I am willing to do the call immediately after work, or get up early for you and do it before work.

– Martin



  • Support Staff

February 3, 2023 at 7:55 am

For 1d – I’m fine with a “Book Now” button being a link to a Ticket Selector page, but the page would need to be for the specific tour/day/time that the book now button was associated with on the calendar. I can’t have it lead to a page with hundreds of Ticket Selector lines for potential tours to book.

That is possible to do via a filter for the ticket within the ticket selector but again it would be custom.

For 2a – I can live without an individual calendar specific to the tour info page it is on, provided there is a book now button that leads to a page where they can select their tour/date/time from a simple drop down box. Again, people book tours months in advance. The longer they book out, the more likely it is for a large tour group. I don’t want them scrolling forever to find the date/time they are interested in.

Sure, but again that’s not something we have so it’s something you developers would need to build out for your use case.

There has to be some solution to this. I’m not the only tour guide on the internet. What do other tour sites do? How does Viator/Trip Advisor do it? They have calendar based systems specific to the tour/day/time that you are interested in that lead you to individualized tour/day/time checkouts. How do they do it?

We can’t cater to every use case in the same way the above also do not, each system has its pros and cons. There is a solution to what you are trying to do but we don’t have it built into Event Espresso out of the box so you will need some custom code.

You mentioned there is some degree of customization that can happen. I need to speak with you in person to get an idea of:

1) What that customization will be capable of.
2) How long it will take my developers to do it.

That’s going to very much depend on the ability of your developers and how much time you want to spend on these customizations.

For that reason it may be best to schedule a call that includes them. Possibly via their call scheduling procedure. You are in Britain, I’m in NYC, and I think they are in India given the time they do updates. They may just be in British Columbia though. They are part of an agency that subs work out.

Your developers don’t have any available slots until Monday between 3pm – 4:30pm, 4pm/4:30pm (UTC) works for me.

If you want to do a brief discussion over the above on a call before then I’m happy to.


February 4, 2023 at 9:15 am


Yes, please book 3:00 PM UTC, and that will be 8:00 PM EST.

Please share the calendar invite with me when you receive it, or add me to the meeting if there is the option to do so.




February 4, 2023 at 9:15 am


Yes, please book 3:00 PM UTC, and that will be 8:00 PM EST.

Please share the calendar invite with me when you receive it, or add me to the meeting if there is the option to do so.




February 5, 2023 at 10:31 pm

This reply has been marked as private.


  • Support Staff

February 6, 2023 at 7:56 am

Just noting, I have joined


February 6, 2023 at 9:47 am


I owe you an apology. I thought this would be 8pm my time, but it was actually 10am!

I was at work and in a meeting for my main job.

I added five hours when I should have subtracted. I’m very embarrassed. I should have caught that when you suggested that time.

The confirmation above was from the developers and not myself. It came though late at night after I had gone to bed. Had I know this was at 10am I would have cancelled it.

Was any discussion held?


  • Support Staff

February 7, 2023 at 6:33 am

Yeah, 3pm was a bit of a push for me as I normally pick up my boys at that time which is why I mentioned 4/4:30pm, but it happens and it’s done now 🙂

I spoke to your developers and highlighted a couple of filters they can use for some of what you are trying to do.

The instant book now button is likely going to be the biggest pain for you in this setup as all registrations need to start at the ticket selector, a book now button would have no idea which ticket selection to use within an event (even if your specific setup would only use a single ticket type, others may not so EE would need some way to cater for this if this was built in).

The calendar showing the event’s individual dates can be done relatively easily with a filter.

They mentioned ‘recurring events’ which I’m not sure if you are aware of or not, is not officially supported at this time in EE4. EE4 recurring events can be done but it’s manual, meaning you create each individual DateTime and ticket(s) assigned to those DateTimes. With the current event editor you will also run into an issue with the servers max_input_vars limit being hit (you can adjust that on the server) as you add more datetimes/tickets.

With EE5 (the next update for EE4) we completely rewrote a lot of the event editor to work around that and added support for a recurring events manager. Id recommend you try those out on your new site (they are available within the Pre-Release Channel on your account page).


February 7, 2023 at 6:46 am


This is Martin.

Thanks, that is very helpful information.

Again, I apologize for misinterpreting the time zones, and appreciate that you were willing to break policy and hop on a call.

Have a great day,



  • Support Staff

February 9, 2023 at 7:31 am

No problem, it happens, I’m just glad I could help clear some parts of it up.

Any further questions just let me know.

Have a great day

Thank you, same to you 🙂

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