Hey there.
Trying to find where I can change some colors on the calendar page embed. As it stands, we cant see the arrows for navigation and the pop-over is transparent without any bg at all. Need to change these.
Can you try enabling the themeroller styles in Event Espresso>Templates Settings? The base themeroller styles should override the theme’s styles for the calendar.
Be sure to disable the Legacy styles when enabling the Themeroller styles.
If a themeroller theme is almost alright – how do you go about altering an element? eg. My background colour on the calendar is red, with the Day of the week text a mid grey which is quite hard to read. On the event detail page the event tile has a red block behind, but the text is white. Im using ‘blitzer’ which generally I like the themes colours, but to be able to tweak it a little would be great. I checked the themeroller website, but couldn’t find anything about how it integrates with EE.
@Shawn can you please open a new thread for your question? It will be easier for us to follow up there, as your question is a little off topic in this thread.
This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by Seth Shoultes.
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