
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Booking Issue – PayPal took payment but website shows status as 'abandoned' ??

Booking Issue – PayPal took payment but website shows status as 'abandoned' ??

Posted: July 4, 2016 at 9:32 am

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July 4, 2016 at 9:32 am

Hi, the site has a few payments where despite payment going through the site is showing the status of a few orders as abandoned. So, I read that it could be people paying and then not returning all the way back to the site, or something to do with Cron settings, or a hosting / PHP setting maybe?? Please can someone help me as soon as possible, the thread I found was almost 6 months old I’d like up to date help if possible. we are using EE4 4.9.2 and I see there is an update available. I’m happy to pay for a support ticket to resolve this if I really need to. Thanks, Marc.


  • Support Staff

July 4, 2016 at 3:51 pm

Hi Marc,

First a quick explanation of how the PayPal Standard payment method works so you can follow the possible causes.

When you select PayPal and click to be directed to PayPal to pay EE creates a payment within your transaction and give that payment a status of ‘Pending’.

You pay on PayPal and they send an IPN to your site to tell EE you have paid. This would normally update the payment mentioned above to complete BUT the transaction remains as Abandoned.

Then the user should be directed back to your site from PayPal, that action updates the Transaction from Abandoned to Complete (EE checks the payment status before doing this).

So… a Transaction remains Abandoned if you do not have auto return enabled on your PayPal Account and the user simply closes the browser after paying without clicking the link to go back to your site (or if auto return is enabled and they still just close the browser before making it back)

To help work around that a cron job is setup when the user very first selects PayPal above. What it does is waits for roughly 1 hour after the user has started the registration and then checks the payment within the transaction, if its Approved the IPN updated the payment, but the user didn’t return, so it updates the transaction to Complete.

So the cron issn’t the cause of this, its to help with it and auto return is one reason the Transaction has not updated.

Can you first check if that is enabled on your PayPal account?

Also, does this happen on every PayPal standard payment made on your site or some?


July 5, 2016 at 12:40 am

Hi, auto return is not set to on. When we set this what do we put as the return URL. But, in any case I am not sure this is the reason. Last night we did a test and bought two tickets. One was closed immediately after making payment (so did not return to the website) and the other we clicked to take us back. Both payments and registrations went through as we would expect. Do you want login / FTP details or anything so you can check things further?? Thanks, Marc


July 5, 2016 at 12:50 am

Hi, in answer to your other question it has only happened a few times other payments have gone through. It did happen at around the same time though. Let me know if you can take a look, thanks.


  • Support Staff

July 5, 2016 at 9:32 am

When we set this what do we put as the return URL.

You can set it to your thank-you page, however it won’t matter what it is set to.

PayPal requires a URL to enable the feature but EE passes the return_url to PayPal with the payment as each return URL is unique. The URL passed to the payment overrides the default you have set.

Both payments and registrations went through as we would expect.


As in once you closed the window in another window you view the Registration within the admin and it had been Approved?

Do you want login / FTP details or anything so you can check things further??

Sure, if you send the details over I’ll take a look through the payment logs and see if there are any clues.

You can use this form:


July 6, 2016 at 1:30 am

Hi, thanks for the input. You can access the site here:

Removed – Tony

Yes with the payments tested – exited the browser on one of them and then re-opened and logged in to check it was fine. Please look and see what you can do in the meantime we will get the auto return and URL in place. Thanks, will wait to hear back.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Tony. Reason: removed login details


  • Support Staff

July 6, 2016 at 8:07 am

Hi Marc,

Please reset the password on that account and resend the login details using this form:

The forums are public so we strongly recommend not posting login details directly on the forums.

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