November 4, 2015 at 8:55 am
Thanks Tony,
I tried renaming the directory as suggested an received an error.
See it here: http://musemarketinggroup.ca/error.jpg
Here is the code from my invoice template, sorry I am not sure where else to paste it, hopefully it is helpful.
//Added by Imon
if (isset($_SESSION['espresso_session']['id'])) {
require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH . 'class/fpdf/fpdf.php';
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/function.pdf.php'); //Added by Imon
global $espresso_premium;
if ($espresso_premium != true)
global $wpdb, $org_options;
$invoice_payment_settings = get_option('event_espresso_invoice_payment_settings');
//Added by Imon
$multi_reg = false;
$registration_id = espresso_return_reg_id();
$admin = isset($_REQUEST['admin']) ? $_REQUEST['admin'] : false;
$registration_ids = array();
$c_sql = "select * from " . EVENTS_MULTI_EVENT_REGISTRATION_ID_GROUP_TABLE . " where registration_id = '$registration_id' ";
//echo $c_sql;
$check = $wpdb->get_row($c_sql);
if ($check !== NULL) {
$registration_id = $check->primary_registration_id;
$registration_ids = $wpdb->get_results("select registration_id from " . EVENTS_MULTI_EVENT_REGISTRATION_ID_GROUP_TABLE . " where primary_registration_id = '$registration_id' ", ARRAY_A);
$multi_reg = true;
} else {
$registration_ids[] = array("registration_id" => $registration_id);
$attendees = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT a.*, e.event_name FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " a JOIN " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " e ON e.id=a.event_id WHERE a.registration_id ='" . $registration_id . "' order by a.id LIMIT 0,1 ");
foreach ($attendees as $attendee) {
$attendee_id = $attendee->id;
$attendee_last = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($attendee->lname), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$attendee_first = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($attendee->fname), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$attendee_address = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($attendee->address), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$attendee_address .= isset($attendee->address2) ? "\n" . html_entity_decode(stripslashes($attendee->address2), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") : '';
$attendee_city = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($attendee->city), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$attendee_state = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($attendee->state), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$attendee_zip = $attendee->zip;
$attendee_email = $attendee->email;
//$attendee_organization_name = $attendee->organization_name;
//$attendee_country = $attendee->country_id;
$phone = $attendee->phone;
$date = $attendee->date;
$num_people = $attendee->quantity;
$payment_status = $attendee->payment_status;
$txn_type = $attendee->txn_type;
$amount_pd = $attendee->amount_pd;
$payment_date = $attendee->payment_date;
$event_id = $attendee->event_id;
$event_name = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($attendee->event_name), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
//$attendee_session = $attendee->attendee_session;
#$num_people = isset($num_people) && $num_people > 0 ? $num_people : espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id);
#$event_meta = event_espresso_get_event_meta($event_id);
// $event_data['additional_attendee_reg_info']
//if ($payment_status != 'Completed') {
// $payment_status = 'Pending';
// $txn_type = 'INV';
// $payment_date = date('Y-m-d-H:i:s');
//Added by Imon
// if (count($registration_ids) > 0 && $admin == false) {
// foreach ($registration_ids as $reg_id) {
// $sql = "UPDATE " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " SET payment_status = '" . $payment_status . "', txn_type = '" . $txn_type . "', payment_date ='" . $payment_date . "' WHERE registration_id ='" . $reg_id['registration_id'] . "' AND txn_type ='' ";
// $wpdb->query($sql);
// }
// }
//Query Database for event and get variable
/* $events = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " WHERE id='" . $event_id . "'");
foreach ($events as $event){
//$event_id = $event->id;
$event_name = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($event->event_name),ENT_QUOTES,"UTF-8");
$event_desc = $event->event_desc;
$event_description = $event->event_desc;
$event_identifier = $event->event_identifier;
$start_date = $event->start_date;
} */
//This is an example of how to get custom questions for an attendee
//Get the questions for the attendee
/* $q_sql = "SELECT ea.answer, eq.question
LEFT JOIN " . EVENTS_QUESTION_TABLE . " eq ON eq.id = ea.question_id
WHERE ea.registration_id = '".$registration_id."'";
$q_sql .= " AND ea.question_id = '9' ";
$q_sql .= " ORDER BY eq.sequence asc ";
$organization_name = $wpdb->last_result[0]->answer;//question_id = '9' */
//Instanciation of inherited class
$pdf = new Espresso_PDF();
if (isset($invoice_payment_settings['pdf_title'])) {
$pdf->SetTitle(pdftext($event_name . ' - ' . $invoice_payment_settings['pdf_title']));
} else {
//Create the top right of invoice below header
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
$pdf->Cell(180, 0, pdftext(__('Date: ', 'event_espresso') . date(get_option('date_format'))), 0, 1, 'R'); //Set invoice date
$pdf->Cell(180, 10, pdftext(__('Primary Attendee ID: ', 'event_espresso') . $attendee_id), 0, 0, 'R'); //Set Invoice number
//Set the top left of invoice below header
$pdf->SetFont('Times', 'BI', 14);
if (isset($invoice_payment_settings['payable_to'])) {
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 10, pdftext($invoice_payment_settings['payable_to']), 0, 'L'); //Set payable to
} else {
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 10, pdftext(''), 0, 'L'); //Set payable to
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
if (isset($invoice_payment_settings['payment_address'])) {
$pdf->MultiCell(50, 5, pdftext($invoice_payment_settings['payment_address']), 0, 'L'); //Set address
} else {
$pdf->MultiCell(50, 5, pdftext(''), 0, 'L'); //Set address
//Set the biiling information
$pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12);
$pdf->Cell(50, 5, pdftext(__('Bill To: ', 'event_espresso')), 0, 1, 'L'); //Set biil to
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
$pdf->Cell(50, 5, pdftext($attendee_first . ' ' . $attendee_last), 0, 1, 'L'); //Set attendee name
$pdf->Cell(50, 5, pdftext($attendee_email), 0, 1, 'L'); //Set attendee email
//Set attendee address
$attendee_address != '' ? $pdf->Cell(100, 5, pdftext($attendee_address), 0, 1, 'L') : '';
$pdf->Cell(100, 5, (pdftext($attendee_city != '' ? $attendee_city : '') . ($attendee_state != '' ? ' ' . $attendee_state : '')), 0, 1, 'L');
$attendee_zip != '' ? $pdf->Cell(50, 5, pdftext($attendee_zip), 0, 1, 'L') : '';
$pdf->Cell(50, 5, pdftext($phone), 0, 1, ‘L’); //Set phone
//Added by Imon
$attendees = array();
$total_cost = 0.00;
$total_orig_cost = 0.00;
$total_amount_pd = 0.00;
foreach ($registration_ids as $reg_id) {
$sql = "select ea.registration_id, ed.event_name, ed.start_date, ed.event_identifier, ea.fname, ea.lname, ea.quantity, ea.orig_price, ea.final_price, ea.amount_pd from " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " ea ";
//$sql .= " inner join " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_COST_TABLE . " eac on ea.id = eac.attendee_id ";
$sql .= " inner join " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " ed on ea.event_id = ed.id ";
$sql .= " where ea.registration_id = '" . $reg_id['registration_id'] . "' order by ed.event_name ";
$tmp_attendees = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
foreach ($tmp_attendees as $tmp_attendee) {
$sub_total = $tmp_attendee["final_price"] * $tmp_attendee["quantity"];
$orig_total = $tmp_attendee["orig_price"] * $tmp_attendee["quantity"];
$attendees[] = $pdf->LoadData(array(
pdftext($tmp_attendee["event_name"] . "[" . date('m-d-Y', strtotime($tmp_attendee['start_date'])) . "]") . ' >> '
. pdftext(html_entity_decode($tmp_attendee["fname"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . " " . html_entity_decode($tmp_attendee["lname"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")) . ';'
. pdftext($tmp_attendee["quantity"]) . ';'
. doubleval($tmp_attendee["final_price"]) . ';'
. doubleval($sub_total)
$total_cost += $sub_total;
$total_orig_cost += $orig_total;
$total_amount_pd += $tmp_attendee["amount_pd"];
$event_identifier = $tmp_attendee["event_identifier"];
$header = array(pdftext(__('Event & Attendee', 'event_espresso')), pdftext(__('Quantity', 'event_espresso')), pdftext(__('Per Unit', 'event_espresso')), pdftext(__('Sub total', 'event_espresso')));
$w = array(100, 25, 30, 30);
$alling = array('L', 'L', 'C', 'C', 'C');
$left = 100 + 25 + 30;
$right = 30;
$pdf->ImprovedTable($header, $attendees, $w, $alling);
//if ( $total_amount_pd != $total_cost ) {
$pdf->InvoiceTotals(pdftext(__('Total:', 'event_espresso')), $total_cost, $left, $right);
$text = pdftext(__('Amount Paid:', 'event_espresso'));
$pdf->InvoiceTotals($text, $total_amount_pd, $left, $right);
// $discount = $total_orig_cost - $total_cost;
// if ($discount > 0) {
// $text = __('Discount:', 'event_espresso');
// } else {
// $text = __('Discount:', 'event_espresso');
// $pdf->InvoiceTotals($text, $discount, $left, $right);
// }
$total_owing = $total_cost - $total_amount_pd;
$text = pdftext(__("Total due:", 'event_espresso'));
$pdf->InvoiceTotals($text, $total_owing, $left, $right);
//Build the payment link and instructions
if (isset($invoice_payment_settings['pdf_instructions'])) {
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 5, pdftext($invoice_payment_settings['pdf_instructions']), 0, 'L'); //Set instructions
} else {
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 5, pdftext(''), 0, 'L'); //Set instructions
//Create a payment link
$payment_link = home_url() . "/?page_id=" . $org_options['return_url'] . "&r_id=" . $registration_id;
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'BU', 20);
add_action( 'action_hook_espresso_invoice_payment_link', 'espresso_invoice_payment_link', 10, 2 );
function espresso_invoice_payment_link( $pdf, $payment_link ){
$pdf->Cell(200, 20, pdftext(__('Pay Online', 'event_espresso')), 0, 1, 'C', 0, $payment_link); //Set payment link
do_action( 'action_hook_espresso_invoice_payment_link', $pdf, $payment_link );
$pdf->Output('Invoice_' . $attendee_id . '_' . $event_identifier . '.pdf', 'D');
November 4, 2015 at 11:28 am
Add New Note to this Reply
The error posted in the screenshot means that the Invoice directory from within the core plugin has been removed (likely when the custom one was added) so EE can’t load the default template.
Have you modified any other core files within EE?
I tried your template and that worked but threw a notice before this like:
$pdf->Cell(50, 5, pdftext($phone), 0, 1, ‘L’);
Should be:
$pdf->Cell(50, 5, pdftext($phone), 0, 1, 'L');
(The quotes around the L are unstyled)
I would recommend updating to the latest version of Event Espresso 3 (is it currently and retesting this using the default Invoice template. However befor doing so it is recommended to make a full site backup before doing so (including all files and the database).