
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium 4.0 Errors and Q's

4.0 Errors and Q's

Posted: February 11, 2014 at 2:27 pm

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February 11, 2014 at 2:27 pm

Hello, I have been using 3.0 on a number of sites for the past year. Decided to start a new project on 4.0 and ran into a few issues.

– While doing a test registration I got
“An error has occurred:
Your form data could not be applied to any valid registrations.

– I love the invoicing option since some of my events are by reservation. But can it be made so that you can chose payment options per event? SO that some can be by invoice and not others? I am guessing no but wanted to check.

– added the update to function.php that changes out the default list address for events. It is not showing the list nor is any other category shortcode producing a list of events.

Thank you for your time


February 11, 2014 at 2:35 pm

Hmm, scratch that. Since updating the /events/ address to be /events-festival/ now none of my events load at all even when going to “view event” from inside the event editor itself.


  • Support Staff

February 11, 2014 at 10:18 pm

The url /events/ is the location of your Events custom post type archive page. That’s where we show all the events by default. If you want to have the event list on a another page and add the [espresso_events] shortcode to it.

Does that help?


February 11, 2014 at 10:42 pm

nope, unfortunately not. Since the shortcode is not showing anything when I use it on other pages. It was the first thing I tried. As well, the FAQ section inside of 4.0 talks about the functions.php update for the different default custom post address.


February 12, 2014 at 5:29 am


Just to be sure, you are using [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] in uppercase? Lowercase will not work.

The “How do I change the part of the URL on the events pages to something other than “events”?” in the FAQ is generally not needed, the shortcode is normally sufficient.

Have you flushed the permalinks?


February 12, 2014 at 2:03 pm

Can’t say I have ever heard of “flushed permalinks”.
As for the code, I was copy/pasting from the resource materials, the category shortcode tags provided etc.

I have since removed the change in default address and added the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] tag here where it auto generates “upcoming events” text but no events.
There are a few in the system which can be seen here in the custom post main location.

1) Shortcodes not producing lists. I tried turning off some plugins with no luck. A theme conflict?

2) When registering for an event (like on this page it is not going to the payment option portion. Could it be similar issue as #1? I confirmed Paypal is set as active (using Paypal standard – not business or pro) and I even added invoice as an option and filled that all out to see if it would show and no dice. I get “An error has occurred:
Your form data could not be applied to any valid registrations.
SNGPGCHC-DSNGPGCHC-PROATTINF-1270” when invoice is added and I get nothing at all when just paypal is added.

3) A new one. When looking at events with multiple times, I am not entirely sure I understand the multiple dates and times. When setting up tickets associated with a certain time in the same event like the one above, is there a time selection with the ticket selection? I ended up making 3 of every ticket to match the times (“event daytimes”) I added. I may be missing completely the purpose of that feature.

Thanks guys!


February 12, 2014 at 2:05 pm

Just googled flushing permalinks. That part looks easy enough 🙂


  • Support Staff

February 12, 2014 at 4:09 pm

1) re permalinks – go to your WordPress admin Settings > Permalinks. Save that page and it should “flush” them.

2) It’s worth trying to activate the 2012, or 2014 theme and see if the issue persists. Can you do that?

We’re discussing this more.

3) Each ticket has a date and time so you have to create a ticket for each time slot if that’s what you need???? Can I have a little more info of what you need and I’ll try to answer more thoroughly.


  • Support Staff

February 12, 2014 at 4:30 pm

With #2 can you tell us what other plugins you have installed?

It would be great if you could disable other plugins one by one and try registering after each one to see if there is a plugin conflict.

Brent Christensen

  • Support Staff

February 12, 2014 at 5:00 pm

Hi Tam,

I’m the lead developer for EE and have looked at your site.

RE: the problem with the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] shortcode:
This is a known issue with how some themes display their content. I have been working on that issue today and will hopefully have a solution available soon.

RE: “An error has occurred: Your form data could not be applied to any valid registrations. SNGPGCHC-DSNGPGCHC-PROATTINF-1270?
This is almost definitely a conflict with one of your plugins. Our “Event Queue” basically works like any online shopping cart where items that you add to your cart, in this case tickets, get stored in something called a session (temporary storage) until you finish the checkout process, which then saves your purchase to the database. Every time you visit an Event Espresso page on your site, our software checks your PHP Session ID, in order to keep track of any tickets you have selected. Something on your site is resetting the PHP Session ID with no regard for other plugins that may be relying on it. I know this because if you select a quantity of tickets on your site and click register, you are taken to the Registration Checkout page with the registration form. IF you click your browser’s refresh button, it will then tell you that there is “Nothing in your Event Queue”. The only way this could happen is if your Event Queue was cleared on purpose (which is NOT the case), OR if your PHP Session ID was reset, which prevents us from matching up your current request with your previous request’s Event Queue (ie: we can’t find your shopping cart because someone else erased the number that we were using to keep track of it).

As an example of how things are supposed to work, you can go to this demo site for EE4:
add some tickets, then refresh teh page when you get to the registration form. You will see that it does NOT empty your Event Queue (your shopping cart), whereas refreshing the page on your site DOES empty the Event Queue, which means that something is almost definitely resetting the PHP Session ID.

As Garth has suggested, try turning off your plugins one by one while adding tickets and refreshing the registration checkout page to see which plugin is interfering with the PHP Session ID.


February 12, 2014 at 7:08 pm

Hey guys, thank you for looking into this. For the shortcode issue, I will look forward to the update.

After disabling all of my plugins (except EE 4), I cleared my cache and tried it all again. The shortcode still does not work and I still get the SNGPGCHC-DSNGPGCHC-PROATTINF-1270? error when going to buy tickets.

So I tried the 2014 theme with all of my plugins installed and it allllllll worked. Shortcode and the purchasing. It is a theme conflict. I have the very latest version of the theme installed, and the latest wordpress and latest EE4. not sure what to check next.


  • Support Staff

February 13, 2014 at 3:34 am

Hi Tam,

Could you send a copy of the theme to so we can investigate this further please?


February 13, 2014 at 8:43 am

Hey Tony, I will do that but I also realize at this point it is not an EE issue, but my own theme choice that is causing the problem. If support credits are required let me know and I would be happy to purchase. You guys always are so amazing with service. It’s one of the many reasons why this is the 4th client I’ve moved to EE.


  • Support Staff

February 14, 2014 at 2:05 pm

Hi Tam,

Thank you for the compliment and we’d be happy to help. We’ll let you know if we require you to purchase a support token. However, it would also be a good idea to reach out to the theme author and discuss this with them for future compatibility. Let us know when you’ve sent in your theme (if you haven’t already).

Thanks again!


February 18, 2014 at 1:22 pm

Hey Garth, I did send it in right after I got the update last week. And I did open a thread with the developer as well but I’m not holding my breath. That discussion is at the following stage:
Feb 15: “I will test the plugin as soon as possible, but can’t promise anything”


  • Support Staff

February 18, 2014 at 4:07 pm

I understand. Hopefully they do respond soon.


  • Support Staff

February 19, 2014 at 1:55 pm

Hi Tam,

Are you running the same version of the Nevada theme that you sent us? The reason I ask is because I loaded it up onto a test site and the checkout process worked as expected when I tried it out.

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