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SMS Integration

Posted: March 16, 2016 at 12:48 pm

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March 16, 2016 at 12:48 pm

Hi, my name is Clinton. I would like to integrate sms confirmation at the thank you page after registration is complete. The sms messaging service that i’m using requires certain parameters which are the recipients name, phone number and the message. I created a custom message that asks for the registration code and the total amount paid by the registrant. My question is this, how can I pass these parameters/details from event espresso to this external site, or is there a way I can embed the code in the thank you page so that once an attendee registers for an event, the automatically get an sms alert confirming their registration. If so please show me how. Thank you

Seth Shoultes

March 16, 2016 at 2:28 pm

Hi Clinton,

You might want to look into using CURL to send the data, or see if your SMS service can pull the required data using the EE4 REST API.

Someone created an SMS plugin for EE4 that might be of some help in this case:

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