
Home Forums Events Calendar Add-on Same issue with jQuery and Calendar

Same issue with jQuery and Calendar

Posted: June 8, 2021 at 7:52 am

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June 8, 2021 at 7:52 am

referencing this ticket:

Using the jQuery migrate Helper disables some (many!) blocks available in Gutenberg, most notably the Tab Block found in Kadence Blocks. If I engage the migrate helper, tabs no longer work. Tabs are an integral part of many of my page layouts, and so they MUST work. Since the issue is jQuery in the Calendar not working, where are we on a fix for that particular issue in Event Espresso?
Thank you


June 16, 2021 at 7:12 am

Amplifying a bit. I can either choose to have my pages work with tabs, or I can choose to have my events calendar span weekends. Since page content is trumping events, right now, I have opted to turn off the jQuery Migrate Helper … which means my events calendar is no longer as functional as it should be. Any advice or help?

Seth Shoultes

June 21, 2021 at 11:47 pm

Hi there,

Just curious. Do you have any caching or site optimization plugins installed? There have been reports of caching and Autoptimize plugins causing issues recently.


June 22, 2021 at 5:45 am

Seth, We are not using any caching or auto-optimize plugins. The issue is 99.9% on the jQuery side, according to Event Espresso (or, at least that is implied, from the insistence that we use the jQuery Migrate Helper to “roll back” to an older version of jQuery). So I can either use the jQuery Migrate Helper to make sure my calendar works properly, but none of the tabs blocks on my pages will work, or use the tabs to organize content (content is king, remember) and none of the events that roll over a weekend will work. (se related ticket from another user:

Please tell me a permanent fix is in the works. Events run over weekends, and need to be displayed properly. Organizing content into tabs makes for a better user experience and needs to be displayed properly. The conflict is real.

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