Jeff at FurCon
October 11, 2015 at 8:19 pm
We had a big problem with PayPal IPN not going through, such that users could register and pay but the system wouldn’t mark them as paid after sending them out to PayPal. We got it resolved, but wanted to share in case it helps anyone with the same problem.
As it turns out, we had the Transactions “page” (which forwards to the EE payment shortcode) set up correctly, but we hadn’t set a page for the “Post list” (under Settings > Reading ), which is apparently required in WordPress. Consequently, the Transactions page was somehow set by default as the Posts page (as we could see under All Pages , our “Transactions” page had - Posts page as a suffix), so evidently PayPal was correctly calling our IPN URL and receiving a “There are no posts!” HTML message.
We could also tell because that same “there are no posts” message was visible when navigating to our /transactions/ page in a browser.
To fix it, we created a dummy page in the WordPress pages interface, and set that to be the Posts page in Settings > Reading . As soon as we did, the Transactions page (in a web browser) would show a EE boilerplate message about payment gateways, and IPN began working again.
Hope this helps anyone who encounters this problem in the future!
Marketing director, Further Confusion