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Moving from Events Calendar

Posted: February 18, 2016 at 8:37 am

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February 18, 2016 at 8:37 am

Hi there,

We are considering making the move from Events Calendar to EE and I have a few specific questions based on our needs.

1.) Do events remain on the calendar even after they are completely booked? Or do they remain up and simply show as out of stock?
2.) We rely heavily on an internal note system seen only by our staff to leave comments regarding orders. Is there a place for notes within a registration?
3.) Can we customize what is seen in the admin panel of the transactions i.e. answers to questions we have attached to a registration? For example, we have events where only a deposit is collected, but we need to know how many participants are expected. It would be incredibly helpful to see a persons response to this question right in the admin panel without having to open up each transaction.
4.) Are there any more robust reporting add-ons for EE?

Thanks for your help with these questions and please let me know if further detail is needed.


Seth Shoultes

February 18, 2016 at 11:51 am

Hello Jessica,

Hope you are well. I’ll answer your questions below.

  1. Yes, the events remain on the calendar.
  2. Due to the structure of the registration data, we don’t have a default notes field for each registration/order. However, you can add an admin only registration question to the “Personal Information” question group. That way the field is only shown in the registration details page when viewing the registration. Here’s a screenshot of the custom question view in the admin:
  3. We don’t currently have a feature that allows you to customize the transactions or registrations screens. If you export a registrations report, then you can see everything in an Excel document, including answers to questions, payments, etc.
  4. We don’t have any reporting add-ons at the moment. We have a few things planned, but time is working against us at the moment 🙁

I hope I was able to answer your questions. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

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