July 7, 2015 at 4:36 pm
I’ve set up a custom “payment received” email for the primary registrant. Part of the main content of the email reads as follows:
Registration Details:
All I have within the [EVENT_LIST] section is [TICKET_LIST]. The [TICKET_LIST] section reads as follows:
Ticket Description: [TICKET_DESCRIPTION]
Quantity Purchased: [TKT_QTY_PURCHASED]
The test email that I sent to myself has the [EVENT_LIST] content showing up twice, like this:
Registration Details:
Ticket Description: Dinner
Price: $50.00 (USD)
Quantity Purchased: 3
Ticket Description: Dinner
Price: $50.00 (USD)
Quantity Purchased: 3
There’s nothing I can see in the code that would make the [EVENT_LIST], which is essentially the [TICKET_LIST], show up twice. How can I correct this?
Thank you for your help.