August 10, 2016 at 8:54 am
I figured out how to create questions but I cannot figure out how to get those questions to appear on an event registration. I am using EE4. I went to Event Spresso, created a new event called Test event. I created a few ticket types such as Early Bird, Regular, Discount, etc. On the right I chose Address Information for Questions for Primary Registrant and also chose Personal Information under Questions for Additional Registrants. I saved and published my page. I then click the Preview link to try to preview the page. It shows on that page my ticket options where I can choose a quantity. I select one of the ticket types quantity and then the only other option I have is to select Register. I click Register thinking I am going to be asked the questions I wanted and it just takes me to a registration checkout page that says “Thank you so much. Your ticket selections have been received for consideration.” How do I make it so they can choose the tickets and then enter the information I want them to enter?