OLG Multimedia
April 22, 2020 at 1:29 am
I’d like to use EE4 on a website using Elementor Pro.
I’d like to use Elementor Theme Builder to create a template to be used to display Single Event as well as Events Archive.
Basically this allows us to quickly and easily create fully responsive templates tweaked to display differently in desktop, tablet or mobile view.
Elementor Theme Builder allows us to create templates for any Custom Post Type using Dynamic Tags (https://www.dropbox.com/s/hwzeo3y8wcxulff/Dynamic-Tags.png?dl=0 ) such as Post Title, Post Content, etc… or Post Custom Fields ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/0scsisx2x6wrhc0/Post-Custom-Field.png?dl=0 ).
In order to use these Post Custom Fields we need to select the proper key for the field or enter a custom key (set with CPT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0jcxxo8y9gq7ry7/Post-Custom-Field-from-CPT.png?dl=0 or set via Elemtor Addon: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ouwb4yqixieyguc/Post-Custom-Field-from-Elementor-Addon.png?dl=0 ).
Unfortunately when I select Post Custom Field for a template set to display Single EE4 Events I have no options to use in the key section so I suppose I would need to use “custom keys” to be able to use EE4 content such as Datetimes, Ticket prices,…
Is there a way I find such keys for all EE4 Single Event fields?