July 12, 2016 at 8:34 am
I am just now trying the Espresso and I have a question on how to do a few things. First, I have created a basic page and it works. However, I don’t like how the registration process flows. For example, When on the registration page it has the form and information about the registration. They click Submit and then it takes them to a page where they confirm their registration. It is broken into two separate parts. The top part being the registration pricing and the bottom being their information. It has the word Confirm Registration twice. Is it possible to make it skip this step all together so once they hit submit on previous page it takes them to a thank you page for registering and then has their information. Also if I decide to use the Confirm Registration page, how do I edit that so it has all of the information together as one section with only one Confirm Registration button?
Last, once they confirm registration, they are then taken to a page for Payment Overview. It has Please choose a payment option and says registration is not complete until payment is received. How do I make it not even use this page and just take them to a Thank you for their registration page? If I decide to use this payment page how do I customize it?