Supporting our customers through COVID-19

Photo credit: Pixabay

Last updated: Thursday, April 16th

As author Brené Brown writes in her book, Daring Greatly, “Connection is why we’re here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.”

This post will be a living document with resources to help you stay connected with friends and family and your attendees wherever they may be in the world.

Personal resources for our customers
My events are being hosted later this year
My events are canceled or postponed
My events are rescheduled or I’m moving them online

Personal resources for our customers

Zoom has become a household name since early March. Families are hosting virtual game nights and friends are celebrating birthday parties online. Here are 32 ways that people are connecting through Zoom.

Complimentary online workshops around coronavirus challenges. Topics include positivity and wellness, family and relationships, health and hygiene, and productivity and work.

Learn more about hosting online events such as webinars and virtual conferences.

My events are being hosted later this year

The batch email system can be used to send an update about your event.

My events are canceled or postponed

Wondering how to continue with your events after they’ve been canceled? Check out this post: How to stay connected and still offer value to your event attendees.

Need help deciding what to do with your events? See this post: Options for your events during a crisis: postpone, cancel, or reschedule.

My events are rescheduled or I’m moving them online

Ready to reschedule your events? Here is how to reschedule an event in Event Espresso.

Switching to virtual events? We have a guide with video tutorials on how to customize Event Espresso for virtual and online events.

Want to make your next virtual event memorable? Check out this post: What makes a memorable and engaging virtual event?

Interesting features in Zoom:

Collaborate with a whiteboard
Manage chat access
Organize discussions through breakout rooms

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