Prices Increase June 1, 2014


In the December 2013 newsletter, we mentioned that our plugin prices would be increased in 2014. However, we’ve been so focused on building, testing and releasing EE4 (with 50+ features) that we’re just now finally able to make the official announcement (six months later).

It has been nearly two years since we have raised prices. By sharing Event Espresso with your friends and colleagues you have helped us grow and keep prices low. As you continue to share Event Espresso with others, it might be another two years before prices are increased.

We understand that no one likes higher prices for things, so out of respect to our customers, we want to be transparent and give you three ways to get greater value and choice.

So, please keep in mind that Event Espresso is an open source and mostly community based project. The revenue that comes from support license sales goes right back into the project and helps to provide for our families, as we work to add new features and maintain and support the ever expanding codebase.

We hope you see this announcement as fair and respectful. The following changes take effect June 1, 2014:

An 11% Increase for EE3 Support License, 25% Increase for EE3 Add-ons

In general, the core EE3 Support Licenses prices will be increased by 11% while the EE3 Add-on prices will increase by 25%. As always, we try to offer you the best value which is why we left the Support License prices as low as possible.

We see your purchase of Event Espresso as an investment that funds the development of new features and improvements to the quality of the product. We know Event Espresso users can save time and make more money by using Event Espresso than without EE–and we have heard this from many users. However, some customers may feel the new EE3 plugin prices are too high, and we understand that sentiment. In that case, we encourage customers who need a lower-priced option to take a look at Event Espresso 4 which is priced at about 50% less and includes more (just not identical) features than EE3.

EE3 Support Licenses 2013 ($) 2014 ($)
EE3 Personal 89.95 99.95
EE3 Business 179.95 199.95
EE3 Developer 499.95 549.95
EE3 Add-ons 2013 ($) 2014 ($)
Custom Templates (CTA) 15.00 19.95
CTA – Accordion 15.00 19.95
CTA – Date Range 15.00 19.95
CTA – Grid 15.00 19.95
CTA – Recurring 15.00 19.95
CTA – Table 15.00 19.95
CTA – Vector 20.00 19.95
Custom Files 34.95 39.95
Groupon 24.95 29.95
Infusionsoft 59.95 69.95
MailChimp 24.95 34.95
Multiple Events 39.95 49.95
Permissions Basic 59.95 69.95
Permissions Pro 99.95 119.95
Recurring Events 39.95 49.95
Seating Chart 249.95 299.95
Ticketing 149.95 179.95
WP User Integration 34.95 39.95


What about EE4 prices?
While “in Beta”, Event Espresso 4 Beta will be discounted significantly (approx. 50%). As the EE4 Beta matures to a “stable” development status, the price will rise. Those who purchase at this discounted rate are still entitled to 12 months of support and upgrades.

Buy/Renew before June 1 to Get The Lower Rates

You can take advantage of this notification period (the time between this announcement and June 1 when prices change), to buy a Support License or renew your current support license to extend it an additional 12 months.

  • New customers can buy now to save 11% off their first Support License (rather than pay more after prices increase).
  • Existing customers can renew now to save 36%-61% (rather than renew after the prices increase). We have triggered the renewal process for all existing customers who have purchased in the last three (3) months. You should have received an email with the links to help you renew, or you can look for the renewal buttons from your Account page. If your account does not expire in the next three (3) months but you want to renew, then please contact us.

More Power and Choice with Event Espresso 4

If you’ve taken some time to install or demo EE4 (which you can do for free at, you will notice that EE4 is a real advancement. EE4 has many of the new features that you have been requesting. EE4 also has a new interface, data structure and coding method; not to mention a significantly lower price than EE3.

If you were not already aware, EE4 core is available to existing EE3 customers. Today we’re also announcing that customers who purchase an EE3 support package will have access to the equivalent add-ons in EE4 (based on availability). This means that if you have access to an add-on for EE3 and we release that same add-on for EE4, you will also have access to the EE4 add-on for free as part of your EE3 support license. This offer will be available as long as the prices for the EE4 support licenses and add-ons are less than the equivalent EE3 support licenses and add-ons. We’re more concerned that you have access to the solution that can best meet your needs.

Please note that regardless of your access to EE3 or EE4, your support license only entitles you to upgrades and support for one website (regardless of the version you are using).

If you’ve not already read, we have A New Direction for the Event Espresso 4 Support Licenses. This new direction will allow you to purchase and renew only the products you need and want. We do intend to offer package discounts in the future, but our core EE4 Support License will offer you more flexibility now.

We aim to be respectful and transparent and help you be successful in your event business. We hope that the new pricing structure is easy to follow, but if you have any questions or comments, please contact us or comment below.

We’re excited about the future for Event Espresso and are continually re-investing time, money, and energy to improve our product and save you time and money in return. Your support makes all this possible, and for that we thank you.

2 thoughts on “Prices Increase June 1, 2014

  1. As a customer from Holland I don’t have a good feeling about the way EE deals with the part of their international clients from Europe. In Holland we have a very good and cheap payment method called iDEAL which is used in more than 60% of all online payments.
    For EE3 there is a good solution with Sisow or even better Pronamic, but for EE4 there is only a big international Mijireh which costs a terrible high price.
    In this way you force us to pay 11% higher prices for a product that is inferior to EE4.
    On the other hand Woocommerce is starting with a booking facility (with iDEAL offcourse). What do you think all your customers from Holland will do within a few months? I can tell you: we will look for any alternative to EE that is possible in the market.
    I want to stay with EE, I believe in EE, but don’t think so easy or patronizing about our national payment method iDEAL…it will cost you a lot of your customers from Holland (the Netherlands).


    • Hi Wim,

      Just because EE4 does not offer iDeal at this time does not mean it will not be available in the future. We may integrate iDeal for our customers in the Netherlands or it may become available via sponsored development.

      We added support for Mijireh because it can be an intermediary for many customers in your situation, but it is not the last and final gateway we’ll offer.

      Does that make sense?

      The other thing to remember, is that EE3 is still available and you can make the switch to EE4 when the time is right. Moving away from Event Espresso just because EE4 doesn’t have the exact gateway you want doesn’t make sense because you can use EE3 until that gateway is available.

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