Your Registrations Page Now Available in the Event Espresso 4 WP User Integration Add-on

We managed to sneak in a great new feature without anyone even knowing. That’s right, the “Your Registrations Page” is now available in the  WP User Integration add-on for Event Espresso 4.

The “Your Registrations” page is a front facing page for logged-in members of your website to view their registration history. Just by logging into your website, and viewing a specific WordPress page on the front-end of your website, users can view events they’ve registered for in the past.

If you are using the EE4 WP User Integration add-on in your WordPress website, just add the [ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS] shortcode to any page and your users will see a nice looking table of past registrations.


That’s not all!

We’ve also packed it full of other nice features, such as:

  • Responsive table design
  • Expandable rows that allow your user’s to:
    • view purchase history
    • view/edit personal details
    • download ticket(s)
    • print receipts
    • make a payment
  • Customizable using shortcode parameters:
    • template : defaults to simple_list_table. Can be either simple_list_table or event_section as the template slug (see screenshots above for difference. This has been designed so developers can hook in their own templates down the road if they want (or we can add additional layouts at whim as well).
    • per_page : defaults to 10. This allows the user to set the limit of rows that are shown before pagination kicks in on the main table (the event_section template does no pagination of tickets listed for each event).
    • your_events_title : defaults to localized “Your Events”. This allows for users to customize the label for the listing.
    • your_tickets_title : defaults to localized “Your Tickets”. This allows for users to customize the label for the listing of your tickets. Note, the “Your Tickets” label is currently only used with the event_section template.
  • Customizable templates. Developers can override the templates by copying the files from the template directory into your theme.

Don’t have the WP User Integration add-on?

What are you waiting for? Get the WP User Integration add-on now.

Already have this add-on?

You’re probably wanting to know how to use this great new feature. No worries! You can learn how to use it here. If you need support, just ask 🙂


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