Release Update: Event Espresso 4.4.5.p Now Available

A maintenance release for Event Espresso 4 is now available. Event Espresso 4.4.5.p offers 13 fixes and 2 enhancements.

Please backup your website before making any changes.

Bugfixes for Event Espresso 4.4.5

  • Fix issue where multiple required tickets causes some ticket options to become sold out
  • Fix datetimes being based on UTC rather than local time when being displayed on the front end
  • Fix Upcoming events widget does not display events that are currently active
  • Fix issue where the visibility of password protected on an event allowed registration through event listing page
  • Clean up translation strings
  • Fix untranslatable messaging verbiage
  • Fix issue where an extra space created a duplicate language domain entry for “In order to process your registration” message in SPCO
  • Fix the “Display expired events” options in the Template settings
  • Fix ability to remove price modifiers
  • Fix issue where events with no dates became unusable due to warning
  • Fix registration ticket price for tickets that get added to a secondary datetime
  • Fix Default Registration Status default setting option
  • Convert state number to state name for receipt

Enhancements for Event Espresso 4.4.5

  • Merge Pull Request: Added echo/return capabilities to template tags (ht: jonathan-dejong)
  • Merge GitHub Pull Request #42: Added markup around ticket info (ht: jonathan-dejong)

Interested in contributing to the Event Espresso 4 project? Request access to our project on GitHub

For a complete history of updates and changes to EE4 and the EE4-compatible add-ons, see the change log for Event Espresso 4.

Updating to Event Espresso 4.4.5

This update is important as it restores one-click updates for the Event Espresso 4 calendar.

One-click updates are available via the WordPress Plugins page within the WP dashboard to members who have activated their support license key. The support license key can be found on your Event Espresso account page and it is activated through the General Settings page for Event Espresso within your WordPress admin (WP dashboard).

Be sure to backup your WordPress site. Then login to your WordPress admin and click on Plugins in the WordPress admin menus. Then find the Event Espresso – Calendar and click on Deactivate. Locate Event Espresso within the list of plugins and click on Update Now. Allow Event Espresso to update and then reactivate the Event Espresso Calendar. You’ll then be able to update the Event Espresso 4 Calendar to the current version.

You can also manually update your Event Espresso software. Here is information on how to manually update Event Espresso via SFTP or FTP.

What Changes were made in Event Espresso 4.4.4?

You can view the change log for Event Espresso 4.4.4.

Preview Event Espresso 4.5

Event Espresso 4.5 (next major version of Event Espresso 4) is available in our pre-release channel. Join our pre-release channel today. You’ll then be able to access pre-release downloads from your Event Espresso account page (bottom right area of page).

Thank you for choosing Event Espresso!

2 thoughts on “Release Update: Event Espresso 4.4.5.p Now Available

    • This release only applies to the changes listed above.

      Additional payment gateways for Event Espresso 4 will be released individually as separate plugin add-ons. The payment gateway system has been re-written in EE 4.6, so additional payment gateway add-ons should start becoming available after 4.6 is released.

      What gateway are you looking for specifically?

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