Event Espresso 4 Decaf (lite/free) Now Available for Download

ImageEvent Espresso 4 Decaf (lite/free) has been officially released as the most flexible, powerful and easy-to-use WordPress events plugin. After three years of development, and more awesome enhancements already in the works, every event manager and WordPress developer should rely on Event Espresso 4.

Event Espresso 4 Decaf provides core event registration management features for WordPress:

  • Host unlimited events (single datetimes per event)
  • Create an unlimited number of types of tickets
  • Sell unlimited tickets for each event or all events
  • Restrict ticket sales to the availability of different ticket types
  • Restrict the ticket sales to the availability of the date and time (datetime) of the event, regardless of how many tickets or which ticket combinations are sold.
  • Collect payments via PayPal Standard, Invoice, Bank Draft, and Check. Additional payment methods are available in Event Espresso 4 Regular (premium)
  • Collect personal and address information for each registrant
  • Send automatic Registration Approved, Registration Not Approved, Registration Pending Payment, and Payment Received email confirmations.
  • And more!

The Event Espresso 4 Decaf core is a great place to start for the new event organizer.

Two Ways to Download

A BIG Thank You

Seth Shoultes, co-founder, offers his thanks to the Event Espresso users and staff who made this possible:

Users of Event Espresso 3, from all over the world, deserve a GREAT BIG THANK YOU! You have played a major role in steering the features we developed for EE4 over time. It’s our turn to repay you for all of your patience and guidance over the last 5+ years.

I truly hope you enjoy EE4 and all of the work we have put into this version of the plugin since we started development almost three years ago now. I am sure you will find EE4 much more flexible and intuitive than any other event registration and management system on WordPress.

Get the Caffeine – Upgrade to Regular (Premium)

Save more time and money, and get more power with Event Espresso 4 Regular (premium), which has exclusive features such as:

To Upgrade:

We hope you like Event Espresso 4 decaf, please leave us a comment below and tell us what you think.

4 thoughts on “Event Espresso 4 Decaf (lite/free) Now Available for Download

  1. Tip: when looking for this in the WordPress plugin repository, search for ‘decaf’.

    That actually finds it – ‘event expresso’ (one hit, another event plugin) or even ‘event expresso decaf’ (zero hits) doesn’t.

    This may change when WP.org get whatever they use for searching sorted.

    • Hi Ian,

      How are you today?

      Be careful to NOT use the “x” in our name. It’s “Event Espresso” (as in the coffee), NOT “Event EXpresso”. 🙂

      • We’ll add an “Event Expresso” tag to decaf’s readme.txt file to help with the search results. It’s a fairly common misspelling.

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