Iced Mocha for EE4; a Free Event Theme


Iced Mocha has been retired and is no longer recommended

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Fully integrated with Event Espresso 4

We have recently released our Iced Mocha theme for free on Github. The Iced Mocha Theme by Event Espresso is responsive, packed with features, and fully integrated with Event Espresso 4.event-list

The Iced Mocha theme for WordPress was developed to provide a nice WordPress theme that is fully integrated with Event Espresso 4. Based off of our Arabica – Twenty Fourteen child theme, which is included within the Event Espresso 4 plugin files, we were able to provide great looking event lists and registration forms right out of the box.

Much of the Iced Mocha template code is based on the Twenty Fourteen theme, but with a quite a few event specific features sprinkled in. Such as the ability to automatically showcase events in a slider, widget columns, and/or upcoming events right on the home page.

Lots of easy to use options

settings-pageWe took the EE 4 Arabica – Twenty Fourteen child theme all the way to a full fledged theme with multiple layout and color options. Iced Mocha includes the following features:

  • Custom Home Page/Presentation Page
    • Display Custom Sliders
    • Widget Columns
    • Upcoming Events
    • Recent Posts
  • Header Settings
  • Text and Color Settings
  • Post Information Settings
  • Featured Image Settings
  • and Much More

Our mission to help customers succeed

Often times our customers end up spending countless hours just trying to make things work as advertised with some third-party themes, but have no idea the theme they just paid $40+ for, is crippling shortcodes, overriding core WordPress functionality, reformatting content, or creating massive amounts of errors across their website.

That’s why we have made it our mission to give our Event Espresso 4 customers and developers an example of a well coded, easy to use WordPress theme, that is guaranteed to be compatible with the latest versions of Event Espresso 4. We feel that if we give our customers the tools they need to succeed, they will be much happier and more profitable.

19 thoughts on “Iced Mocha for EE4; a Free Event Theme

  1. Seriously perfect timing. I was looking in to this Fudge theme you say works well with EE, I needed multi-event integration and tickets available for yoga classes, and could not find proper infos. I was not in the mood to spend 79$ + just to try it out. Thanks 🙂

    • Actually, we tried to write a theme for EE3 a couple of years ago, but it didn’t work out so well and we wasted thousands of dollars trying to make it work.

      EE4 is much easier to develop themes for, because it uses custom post types, cleaner code, and works much better with a very wide array of themes and plugins.

  2. So I’m using this Iced Mocha theme and have created a child theme but I’m having issues with the Styles. It appears that many of the styles are being loaded right into the ‘Index’ page (so not from a style sheet but through a tag directly on the ‘Index’ page), so my updated styles from my child stylesheet won’t take unless I add !important to the end…which I’d rather not do to every element I change. Has anyone come across this problem? or know how/where to fix it? Thanks!

    • Hi Richard,

      Those styles are generated from the theme settings. You should be able to remove the action that is loading those styles using this snippet of code in your theme:

       remove_action( 'wp_head', 'iced_mocha_styles_echo', 20 );

      Please let me know if that helps.

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