A New Direction For the Event Espresso 4 Support Licenses


Since February when we released EE4 without any add-ons, we’ve realized that many people don’t need add-ons (such as the calendar); all they need is the core plugin. These users also do not want to be required to purchase something they do not need. As such, we’ve changed our method of packaging add-ons with the core plugin. The Event Espresso 4 Personal and Developer Licenses will no longer include add-ons. Add-ons can be purchased separately by anyone with at least a Personal Support License (whether EE3 or EE4 Personal Support License).

What is happening to the EE4 Developer License?

The EE4 Developer License is now an even better value. The EE4 Developer License includes five license keys, and more can be added at any time. Plus, when you purchase any of our add-on products, you can use those licenses across any of your active developer sites. This makes the EE4 Developer License more valuable with each add-on you purchase because you get even more great event registration software at a greater discount.

Where is the EE4 Business License?

In the near future we will offer a “Business License” (might be a different name) that is essentially a package that offers “one of everything” at a significantly discounted rate. This will allow event managers to get access to all our great event registration software for a super price. This support license package is yet to released.

These changes make Event Espresso more affordable and accessible to all event managers and WordPress developers.

15 thoughts on “A New Direction For the Event Espresso 4 Support Licenses

    • We made an announcement about prices increasing June 1, 2014 but take particular note to this part: https://eventespresso.com/2014/05/prices-increase-june-1-2014/

      Today we’re also announcing that customers who purchase an EE3 support package will have access to the equivalent add-ons in EE4 (based on availability). This means that if you have access to an add-on for EE3 and we release that same add-on for EE4, you will also have access to the EE4 add-on for free as part of your EE3 support license. This offer will be available as long as the prices for the EE4 support licenses and add-ons are less than the equivalent EE3 support licenses and add-ons. We’re more concerned that you have access to the solution that can best meet your needs.

  1. Hello Garth, but this isn’t fair to those of us who paid full price for the EE license. When I bought it, you were transitioning to EE4 which is why I bought it and the promise that the add on will be added as you develop them. I paid the full price for my license, not the discounted prices that people are paying now so now i am being forced to buy Add-ons? This doesn’t seem just to me. I have never used EE3. I have always used EE4 and i have been active giving feedback because I want to support it but I now feel that I have been duped and I am being cheated for buying a full business license. I essentially have an underdeveloped plug-in which cannot do as much as the soon to be antiquated EE3 plugin…so I pay more to get less. People like me should keep our business license through and through, otherwise this isn’t fair.

    i look forward to your reply.


    • We made an announcement about prices increasing June 1, 2014 but take particular note to this part: https://eventespresso.com/2014/05/prices-increase-june-1-2014/

      Today we’re also announcing that customers who purchase an EE3 support package will have access to the equivalent add-ons in EE4 (based on availability). This means that if you have access to an add-on for EE3 and we release that same add-on for EE4, you will also have access to the EE4 add-on for free as part of your EE3 support license. This offer will be available as long as the prices for the EE4 support licenses and add-ons are less than the equivalent EE3 support licenses and add-ons. We’re more concerned that you have access to the solution that can best meet your needs.

  2. “…The EE4 Developer License includes five license keys, AND you can purchase any EE4 add-on ONCE and use it with as many licenses as are on your account…”

    The EE3 Developer License includes five license keys, AND 15 Premium Add-ons.

    It seemed like you were offering the EE4 Developer License at a discount to get early adopters, or ‘guinea pigs’, while we had to wait for the Add-Ons to be released, AND be available for free…

    I was hoping that the speed of delivery of Add-Ons would be at least at a reasonable pace, but no such luck…

    And now there seems to be suggestions that ‘…we’ve realized that many people don’t need add-ons (such as the calendar); all they need is the core plugin….’, the terms of agreements are changing…for a very funny reason…
    OF COURSE, the majority of the present users DO NOT need the Add-Ons, because the ones that do will be using EE3, or some other solution…

    Please tell me how much I will need to pay to integrate EE4 with InfusionSoft (which was the main reason I bought EE4 to begin with), and if there is any hope that Add-On, and others are going to be delivered this year…

    I was starting to regret trying EE a while back, but now with this news, I seriously start to wonder.

    Hope all of this is my misunderstanding of the situation.


    • @ Peter

      See the replies above for a recent announcement about the EE3 support licenses and how they relate to the EE4 Add-ons.

      Regarding the speed of add-on development…we understand your frustration and we’re concerned with that too. But please don’t forget that we’ve released two major updates to EE4 in about three months with numerous fixes along the way. We have the EE4 Events Calendar that has already been released and we’re currently working on other add-ons. Please be as patient as you can, it took 5 years to build all the add-ons we currently have for EE3 (while building EE4 at the same time). I’m very confident it will be much faster than that for EE4.

  3. SO those of us that renewed/transferred our EE3 licenses to the EE4 discounted license and are using the current Calendar Add-On will have to pay more to continue using the Calendar Add-On now??? I don’t mind the decoupling of add-ons and making them new purchases, but a calendar as an add-on has always seemed a poor choice. Please tell me we will be able to continue using the calendar functionality without additional purchase…

    • Sorry for the really late reply…

      We made an announcement about prices increasing June 1, 2014 but take particular note to this part: https://eventespresso.com/2014/05/prices-increase-june-1-2014/

      Today we’re also announcing that customers who purchase an EE3 support package will have access to the equivalent add-ons in EE4 (based on availability). This means that if you have access to an add-on for EE3 and we release that same add-on for EE4, you will also have access to the EE4 add-on for free as part of your EE3 support license. This offer will be available as long as the prices for the EE4 support licenses and add-ons are less than the equivalent EE3 support licenses and add-ons. We’re more concerned that you have access to the solution that can best meet your needs.

  4. I purchased an EE4 license. Now i realized that my client needs the mobile app. in addon page i received following statement:

    Contact our Sales department
    for assistance to change your support license from EE4 to EE3 (which includes access to EE4).

    what does it means? do i need to downgrade from 4 to 3 in order to use the mobile app?

    That would be such a pity since i’ve already started building site with v4

  5. I’m a bit lost EE4 seems to be more limited than EE3, not an upgrade of it to me. The mobile part is very important for our client, and forcing to upgrade to EE4 if EE3 is discontinued seem a bad new.

    • We’re not going to discontinue EE3 until EE4 reaches feature parity. However, our strategy with mobile apps will change. Already, you can use barcode scanners to scan tickets and it’s faster and more reliable.

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