iPad Event Check-in and Registration App Features

To allow you more flexibility and control while on-site of an event, we are investigating whether there is a need for an iPad event check in and registration app and how it should work. We want to make the best iPad app possible for you, so we would love to get your feedback on what you would like to see included in the app.

It doesn’t matter how small or big the idea is, please let us know your thoughts by commenting on this in the comments below or in the forums.

3 thoughts on “iPad Event Check-in and Registration App Features

  1. This would be a great feature and add much needed flexibility.  I have used other registration apps,software etc.  specifically with joomla.  wordpress is new to our sitre and I love it. However with our registration capabilities we are lacking the ability to be able to see a real time registration via an url link?  Is this a possibility?  In the past I could email the organizer the url and they could track registration.  Now all I can do is email the organizer an excel file?  Which forces me to do this several times a day and isn’t real time.  Is this a coponent you can add to this registration feature.  It would be a huge bonus?  and I am not referring to the ipad app.  I am talking right now on the back end of the registration component.  Thanks in advance.. My hope is this would be an easy addition.

  2. Any update on this?   We have an upcoming event, and would love this for it!

    • @adacosta No specific date yet, but it is currently being developed. The first incarnation will be pretty much the same functionality of the iPhone/Android app and then we’ll start building new things on top of it from there.

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