Custom Post Types and Recurring Events Coming to Version 3.0.17

The last month has been insanely busy. I have been adding new features, fixing bugs, and working late every night to bring the best of WordPress to Event Espresso.

This is probably going to be the most exciting version of Event Espresso to date.gfg Version 3.0.17 will bring us custom post types for events and the very much anticipated Recurring Events Manager.

Event Development Framework

Event Development Framework

Event Development Framework

A very new and exciting feature in WordPress 3.0 is the ability to create custom post type, that is maintained in the WordPress posts table. This can help developers to build a theme that relies less on custom fields and makes it easier for clients.

The custom post type integration in Event Espresso will bring all kind of customization possibilities to your events. Allowing website owners and event professionals to harness the full power of WordPress and Event Espresso by using the premiere Event Development Framework for WordPress.

Our comprehensive Event Development Framework takes full advantage of WordPress using custom fields, post metadata, categories, tags, and taxonomies. You can even create pages or posts for each event that can be integrated into any theme within minutes.

Recurring Events Manager

This is probably one of the most anticipated addons of Event Espresso. For months I have received at least three emails a day inquiring about recurring events.

Well it is finally here! The Recurring Events Manager addon will bring the possibility to put your event registration system on auto-pilot.

This is going to be a huge benefit to anyone that has many of the same events throughout the year. Start by creating an event, then just tell the system how many days, weeks, or months you want the event to extend into the future. Events created using the Recurring Events Manager will auto-post on the registration start date and close when the registration date has passed or the event has been filled. That way you can continue to spend more time enjoying life.


For an up to date overview of all the recent changes to Event Espresso, be sure to view the change log.

View all of the available shortcodes and variables that will be available in version 3.0.17.

4 thoughts on “Custom Post Types and Recurring Events Coming to Version 3.0.17

  1. I purchased version 3.016 last month. Is version 3.0.17 available and also which version will work for reoccuring event addon feature.

  2. Hi Seth,
    I’m not sure that i have activated my licence. I use basic version and would like to be able to download last versions. Where can i find the last versions to dowload ? Should i receive any email to be aware when a new version is on ?

    Thanks for your answer


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