This page will help you estimate how much you could pay in Eventbrite fees, charges and ticket commisssion. With Event Espresso you can save 100% of Eventbrite commission, fees and charges to sell tickets or accept registrations online. Plus you can do it all on your own website with your own company branding, keep control of your event and attendee data, and deliver a more professional event registration experience with your WordPress website.
Enter Your Ticket Price and Quantity
To calculate the ticket commission fees that you would pay using the Eventbrite service, enter the the average price of the tickets that you expect to charge and enter the quantity of tickets you expect to sell. This will give you a good estimate of the fees you will pay. It may be easier if you do use this Eventbrite fees calculator multiple times if you have multiple types of tickets rather than choosing an average price and quantity.
If you have any questions, pleaseĀ Contact Us
Event Espresso is a WordPress event registration and ticket sales plugin. So, if you have your own website built using WordPress, you can use Event Espresso. If you don’t have a website built using WordPress, take a look at our online event registration platform called Event Smart.
Eventbrite fees according to their own website here.
Last updated: May 8, 2019
* Estimate only. Credit card and service fees across countries and territories may differ. Consult Eventbrite for final fee schedules and structures. Event Espresso, LLC cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy of the figures in regards to your individual circumstances, event type, event structure and or geographic location. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only.