Recurring Events Dropdown Template

The Recurring Events Drop-down custom template organizes the events with multiple datetimes into a drop-down. The list shortens the overall list of upcoming events which can extend onto multiple pages and hide other events if you automatically create and manage events with the Recurring Events Manager addon.

The Recurring Events Drop-down for Event Espresso 3 is a custom template that organizes the events with multiple datetimes into a dropdown menu. The dropdown menu allows your audience to select one date from among the available dates. The recurring events dropdown template shortens the complete list of upcoming events (which can extend onto multiple pages) with the Recurring Events Manager add-on so it does not overwhelm your attendees with too many options.

Documentation for Recurring Events Dropdown template

Recurring Events Dropdown template

The Custom Templates add-on must be installed and activated in order for this template to work. The Custom Templates Add-on is included in any Support License and the Recurring Events Dropdown template is an additional purchase.
View documentation for Recurring Events Dropdown template

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This template is only available for Event Espresso 3, but when the Recurring Events Manager for Event Espresso 4 is available, other style templates will also be available.

Event Espresso