7 Ways Nonprofit Web Design Can Drive Donor Engagement

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Your nonprofit’s website serves a wide array of purposes. From accepting online donations to promoting current campaigns and upcoming projects and events, your website is an important resource for your supporters.

Many nonprofits view their website one-dimensionally— simply as a one-stop-shop to convert visitors into donors. While it definitely serves that purpose, failing to see your website as a greater resource leaves much of its potential behind.

Your website provides an ongoing means of communication and connection with your audience.   And that’s why you need to focus on a strategic website plan that can help you engage donors over time.

A strategic plan for non-profit web design includes the following:

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New features: remove “Use Attendee #1’s information for ALL attendees,” add attendees to past events, and more

In this post, we’ll highlight a few improvements that are now available in Event Espresso. We are still working on major new features like Recurring Events, but we like to sneak in some useful upgrades here and there too.

Filter by venue in the events overview screen

Do you host events such as classes & workshops at different event locations? Now you can see events for a specific venue in your events overview screen.

From your WordPress dashboard, go to Event EspressoEvents. The new dropdown menu for All Venues appears between the “Show Active/Inactive” and “All Categories” dropdown menus.

Click on All Venues and choose a venue. Then click on the Filter button.

You’ll then see events for a specific venue. Afterward, you can click Reset Filters to see all events again across your venues. Read More

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Event Espresso vs Gravity Forms for Event Registration and Ticketing

The right event registration and ticketing solution can help you accept registration information from attendees while delivering a near-perfect online event registration experience for your prospective attendees.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at two of the most popular online event registration solutions – Event Espresso and Gravity Forms – that can help you accept registrations, sell tickets, and collect information from your attendees.
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How the Los Angeles Center of Photography used Event Espresso to have a “smashing success” with their Exposure Weekend event

Blog banner of the Los Angeles Center of Photography Used Event Espresso

Nestled in sunny southern California, in the heart of Hollywood, is the Los Angeles Center of Photography (LACP). We had the privilege of chatting with Brandon from the LACP.

LACP is a nonprofit 501c3 organization devoted to photographers and the photographic arts. The organization offers classes, workshops, exhibitions, portfolio reviews, and more, all to help photographers advance their skills and careers.

What does the Los Angeles Center of Photography do?

Whether you are a photography expert with years and years of experience or you are just getting started as a novice, the LACP has resources available to help you level up with your photography skills.

Photo credit: Julia Dean

When asked about one of their memorable events, Brandon told us about their “Exposure Weekend.” Hosted in the third week of July, the multi-day event was described as a smashing success, and we knew we wanted to hear more. Read More

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Making Your Haunted House a Success with Event Ticketing

House with Halloween decorations

Halloween is a holiday that people of all ages can enjoy. So it’s no wonder many businesses and individuals host Halloween-related events each year. There are many benefits to starting a spooky attraction such as a haunted house. However, there will be some planning and preparation needed to make it a success.

Paying particular attention to detail and taking a guided approach to promotions can help make your event both fun and profitable. With the right strategy and management tools, your haunted house can be a booming attraction.

In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of properly managing and promoting your Halloween event(s). Then we’ll walk you through three ways you can make your haunted house a success. Let’s get started!

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Announcing the Automated Upcoming Event Notifications add-on

Automatically send out event reminder emails for upcoming events

Has this happened to you before?

You hear about an upcoming event and eagerly register online to confirm your spot. Then you continue with life, and somehow you forget about the event. You’ve now missed an event that you were looking forward to, and it feels like you’ve tossed money away.

I know the feeling because I’ve had the same thing happen to me. It is more common than you think, and it may be happening for attendees that register for your events. Just like you, your attendees are busy, and they may also forget to show up for your next event.

The good news is that you can nudge your attendees by sending event reminder emails. Read More

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Use These 9 Simple Tips & Tricks to Take Your Event Page to the Next Level


If you want to make a good first impression on attendees, you need to have an engaging, informative, and visually appealing event page. Savvy event organizers follow tried-and-tested strategies to plan events that meet their attendees’ expectations from the very start and a helpful event page is a great place to start.

In this article, we’ll share nine great tips and tricks, plus a few bonus tips that you can use to take your event page to the next level and potentially increase registrations and bring in more event revenue.
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Is your Payment Method Ready to Comply with the EU’s SCA/PSD2 Regulations? And what to do if it isn’t.

The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) come into enforcement across Europe September 14, 2019. Although we’ve written about it before, we thought we should answer some questions about how this impacts  payments on your Event Espresso-powered website.

PSD2 is a set of new European regulations regarding payments, one of which is SCA. If your website does not meet the requirements of SCA, your European customer’s banks may refuse payment. The new requirements apply to online transactions where the issuing and acquiring banks are located in the European Economic Area (EEA).  

We’ll explain how to meet the requirements of SCA in order to keep accepting payments even after PSD2 comes into effect. Read More

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How to Leverage Pricing and Packaging to Sell Out Your Next Event

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Settling on the right ticket pricing strategy can make all the difference between success and failure. Do it right and you’ll be able to sell out your event. But with the wrong strategy you could end up losing money.

While there may be event organizers out there that exclusively only use promotional codes to sell event tickets, it’s not always the best approach to event ticketing.

Considering the benefits that other pricing strategies – such as ticket bundles and graduated pricing – bring to the table, you’ll likely never want to rely solely on promo codes again. By using alternate ticket pricing models, you’ll be able to offer targeted discounts, sell more tickets, and improve attendee satisfaction.

In this post, we’ll start by explaining why your event ticket pricing strategy matters and then look at three different types of pricing and packaging strategies to help you decide when to use each option.

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Import a list of attendees from a CSV file upload with the Event Espresso Importer

Do you have an upcoming event where you would like to import a list of attendees?

If you have a small number of attendees, then you could manually import them into Event Espresso through your WordPress dashboard. However, if you are expecting hundreds of attendees, then importing one by one is a show stopper.

Bulk register attendees with the Event Espresso Importer

As an alternative to manual registrations, you can upload a list of attendees by importing a CSV file with the Event Espresso Importer extension. Read More

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Event Espresso