Types of Organizations Using WordPress and Event Espresso for Event Registration and Ticketing

WordPress and Event Espresso can be powerful tools for almost any type of organization. Each organization’s event registration and ticketing process will be both similar and unique compared to other types of organizations. Event Espresso is flexible and provides many types of organizations and an advantage with their event registration and ticketing.

Non-profit Organizations

Your non-profit or community organizations need to maximize their budget, utilize the resources you have, and involve volunteers. With Event Espresso, non-profit organizations like yours can bring the event registration and ticketing systems in-house. You can take control of the event registration and ticketing process, control costs, and get more people involved to accomplish your mission. You do not have to pay high fees nor be locked in with any contract. With limited technical resources, Event Espresso can be a lifesaving for your non-profit to help generate revenue and engage with their audiences.

Educational Institutions

Educational institutions like yours often have the technical capabilities to deploy and manage websites, but not the capabilities to build custom registration and ticketing systems. Often educational institutions have technical requirements, privacy policies, security policies, etc that are difficult to comply with. Because Event Espresso is self-hosted, educational institutions can deploy Event Espresso to fit your needs. You can deploy Event Espresso on a private server, encrypt data, restrict access, etc., whatever is needed in your large organization. Event Espresso provides a great technical framework for event registration so that you can focus on what you do well, educating people, and less on the technical work.


Businesses all over the world trust Event Espresso to be their technology provider for events. Event Espresso is flexible and capable of supporting many different registration and ticketing processes and workflows. From classes and conferences to health screenings and festivals, Event Espresso can be deployed out of the box and ready to sell tickets within minutes, but Event Espresso can also be customized to meet niche requirements and workflows too. You don’t have to do everything the same way as everyone else using Event Espresso. And because you will have access to the code, if necessary, you can hire a developer to make changes for you.

Industry Associations

Industry associations rely on Event Espresso as their event technology provider because events are critical for their members. The more events an association can host or facilitate the more engaged members are and see more value with their membership. Also, associations like yours also organize a lot of different types of events from classes and workshops and conferences to fundraisers and community events. So, no matter the format of events, Event Espresso, can help you with those types of events too.


Venues trust Event Espresso to provide value-added event registration and ticketing services to their clients. Whether your venue is used for a live performance or a wedding or estate sale, venues trust Event Espresso to provide more services that they would not be able to offer otherwise. Offering more services to the same client means you can increase your revenue per client, and possibly capture revenue on behalf of a customer and use that revenue to offset fees due for the location and catering, etc.

Event Companies Offering Niche Experiences

Professional event companies like you are special and demanding because your events are your business. As an event company you are in the business of planning and executing unique experiences to your audience. These experiences are usually not possible without your investment. From organizing a professional conference, concert, or even holiday attractions, you deliver something unique. When your events are unique then they are often popular and your event registration and ticketing sales process needs to be able to keep up with the demands of your event business. With Event Espresso, you can host unlimited events, sell unlimited tickets, and pay zero ticket commission fees. The more events and ticket sales you do through Event Espresso, the more money you make and save.

And other types of organizations too

We can’t keep track of all the ways that Event Espresso has been used by so many other organizations for so many other different types of events. From selling registrations and tickets to family reunions to sporting events like hockey.

Even if your type of organization is not listed here, it’s very possible Event Espresso could still help you. Contact us today to discuss your situation and how Event Espresso can help.

Event Espresso