Add event managers with limited roles to access events - Event Espresso

Invite staff members with limited access to help manage your events

Event Espresso version 4.5.0+, includes 100+ WordPress capabilities for restricting access to various actions and views in the Event Espresso admin.

WordPress developers familiar with the WordPress Roles and Capabilities system know that it provides a really powerful system for user management. You can grant you staff access to certain areas or functions of Event Espresso based on a capability or user role.

  • No UI for user management. The system is entirely hidden to the average user, but it can be managed via a third-party roles and capability plugin (see below).
  • Over 100+ granular capabilities added. A number of capabilities follow the capability mapping system WordPress provides for not only restricting access to general views but also restricting access based on whether a user “owns” the item being viewed or not (i.e. Event Authors only being able to edit their own events, or a user being able to edit only their own custom message templates).
  • Easy to use plugin API for extending functionality. In EE4 we’ve provided a handy API for developers to quickly integrate add-ons with different core components of Event Espresso.
  • Takes care of initializing new roles and adding capabilities to existing roles. When you hook in your new capabilities using this system you are automatically integrated with all the stuff the EE Capabilities system does.
  • Areas of EE4 admin can also be restricted to certain capabilities. This Google Spreadsheet gives you a high level overview and description of all roles and capabilities as of Event Espresso 4.6. We’ve listed all of the EE4 admin routes in the left column and the capabilities across the top. Along the bottom, each sheet represents a different area of Event Espresso.
  • Use any third-party roles and capabilities plugin to manage access to Event Espresso 4 features. Capabilities can now managed using any number of third party role and capability management systems, such as Members by Justin Tadlock, to grant users (by role) access to attendee data, events, registrations, and WordPress pages and post content.
ee4-general-capabilities ee4-event-capabilities
ee4-registration-capabilities ee4-add-new-role

If you have technical questions, please feel free to post in our support forums. Developers with access to Event Espresso on Github can post questions there.

Event Espresso