Display events on a calendar page

People often schedule themselves on a calendar, so make it easy for attendees to find your events and add them to their own schedule.

The WordPress event calendar allows you to display your events in a format that attendees are familiar with using. As soon as an event is published, the event will automatically show on the calendar.

Categorize Event Colors on the Calendar

Categorize Event Colors on the Calendar

The calendar can also be modified to display separate categories of events in different colors to make it even easier for attendees to find what they’re looking for.

The Events Calendar is available in any support license for Event Espresso 3 and as a add-on purchase for Event Espresso 4.

The WordPress event calendar allows you to display your events in a format that attendees are familiar with using. As soon as an event is published, the event will automatically show on the calendar.

Categorize Event Colors on the Calendar

Categorize Event Colors on the Calendar

The calendar can also be modified to display separate categories of events in different colors to make it even easier for attendees to find what they’re looking for.

The Events Calendar for Event Espresso 4 is available for purchase as a separate add-on.

Event Espresso