Collect, control and own all the information you acquire from event attendees–for free. It’s your data and we believe you should have control of it.
We even make it easy for you to export the all the data into Excel or CSV format to be sure you can use your data however you see best: advanced reports, marketing strategies, attendee statistics.
All the attendee’s information is collected and exported including (but not limited to):
- Event name and ID
- Transaction ID
- Attendee ID
- Time of Registration
- Unique Registration Code
- Count of Registrations in Transaction
- Registration Final Price
- CurrencyRegistration Status
- Transaction Status
- Transaction Amount
- Amount Paid
- Payment Date
- Payment Method
- Gateway Transaction ID
- Check-ins
- Ticket Name
- Datetime Name
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Mailing Address
- Address 2
- City
- State/Province
- Country
- Zip/Postal Code
- Phone
- Answers to any Custom Question asked
You can export all the registration data at once, or you can export data for just one event or even datetime.