How to Get Corporate Sponsorship or Funding For Your Event

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Do you ever find yourself thinking, “This brand would be a perfect fit for our corporate event,” or “We could attract more registrations if we offered products from this company”? If so, it might be time to consider reaching out for a corporate sponsorship or partnership. We will provide you with a guide on how to attract a corporate sponsor that can have a win-win impact on your events and your partner. 

First, let us define what are corporate sponsorships and is it the right move for your event. 

What are Corporate and Company Sponsorships?

Corporate and company sponsorships are strategic corporate partnerships where a business provides financial or in-kind support to an event, organization, or initiative in exchange for brand exposure and other benefits. Usually, a company will sponsor events or organizations that align with its values and branding.

Company sponsorship can include monetary contributions, product donations, or services provided to enhance the sponsored activity. An important aspect to understand is the mutual benefits the sponsorship provides. 

For example, a company can provide sponsorship if the event has been proven to attract hundreds of attendees and an online presence better yet if the attendees fit their target audience for their business. 

In a way, company sponsorships also serve as a marketing tool for their business, allowing them to reach new audiences, build brand loyalty, and enhance their corporate image. Aside from this, sponsorships also provide companies with opportunities to demonstrate their commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) by supporting causes that align with their values. 

Types of Corporate Sponsorships

A folder with the word sponsorship

Your team can discuss what type of corporate sponsorship you are looking for for your event. Here are some of the common types of corporate sponsorship. 

Monetary Sponsorship

Organizations can approach companies who are able to contribute cash for their event or cause. This type of sponsorship is one of the most straightforward and impactful ways for businesses to gain visibility and demonstrate their support for causes or events that align with their values. 

By investing funds, corporate sponsors can secure branding opportunities such as logo placements, mentions in marketing materials, and the chance to have a visible presence at the sponsored event. Experts say that customers trust a brand more when they see the brand supporting a good cause. 

Media Sponsorship

Media sponsorship involves a partnership where a company provides financial support to media outlets in exchange for advertising and publicity. This can include sponsorship of TV shows, radio programs, online content, or print publications. In return for their investment, sponsors receive prominent mentions, advertisements, and branding opportunities within the sponsored media. 

Alternatively, a media outlet can provide media coverage in exchange for monetary or event product sponsorship.

In-kind sponsorship

A company can choose to sponsor their products or services in an event in exchange for event mileage. For example, the event can include a game in the program where the company sponsor is highlighted. 

The products can also be used as a prize or giveaway for attendees, enhancing the company sponsor’s reach. This strategic sponsorship not only highlights the company’s offerings but also fosters a positive brand image, creating lasting impressions and potential customer loyalty. 

Process of Getting a Company Sponsorship

Start your Preparation and Research

To successfully secure a company sponsorship, you must do your preparation and research on the type of companies you are eyeing. 

Here is a checklist of things to have ready:

  • Have a list of the prospective sponsors you are eyeing
  • Check their sponsor history
  • Analyze their marketing strategy
  • Gather your event details like date, location, expected attendance, and agenda
  • Provide demographics of your audience
  • Show credibility by presenting data from previous events, if possible
  • Prepare a budget breakdown with ROI metrics

Create a sponsorship proposal

Writing a sponsorship proposal is an important step that will determine if the company will grant your request. The elements to include in your company sponsorship proposal are:

  • Brief overview of your objectives
  • Event Description
  • Event Target Audience
  • Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
  • Marketing Plan
  • Return on Investment and Financial Metrics
  • Testimonials
  • Team Overview
  • Detailed budget breakdown
  • Call to action
  • Terms and conditions

If your target company has expressed interest after your proposal, it is time to draft the initial contract that you will bring for your meeting. During the meeting, however, expect to have negotiations before reaching the final agreement. Discussions are normal and part of the process. Just keep in mind that you want to get a win-win solution for both parties. 

Company Sponsorship Proposal Template

1. Introduction

Dear [Sponsor’s Name],

We are excited to present you with an exclusive opportunity to partner with [Your Organization’s Name] as a sponsor for our upcoming event, [Event Name], scheduled to take place on [Event Date] at [Event Location]. This proposal outlines how your company can benefit from sponsoring this high-impact event and aligns with your corporate goals.

2. Event Overview

Event Name: [Event Name]
Event Date: [Event Date]
Event Location: [Event Location]
Event Description: [Brief description of the event, including its purpose, target audience, and any notable features or activities.]

3. Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer a range of sponsorship packages designed to provide maximum visibility and engagement for your brand. Below are the details of our sponsorship levels:

Platinum Sponsor – $[Amount]

  • Title sponsorship of the event
  • Logo placement on all promotional materials, including banners and brochures
  • Featured in all press releases and media coverage
  • Opportunity for a keynote address or presentation
  • [Number] complimentary tickets

Gold Sponsor – $[Amount]

  • Logo placement on event materials and website
  • Mention in press releases and media coverage
  • Opportunity to distribute promotional materials at the event
  • [Number] complimentary tickets

Silver Sponsor – $[Amount]

  • Logo placement on event signage
  • Mention in event program
  • [Number] complimentary tickets

Bronze Sponsor – $[Amount]

  • Logo on event signage
  • [Number] complimentary tickets

4. Benefits of Sponsorship

As a sponsor, your company will benefit from:

  • Increased Brand Exposure: Reach an audience of [Expected Number] attendees through our comprehensive marketing campaign.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: Align your brand with a reputable event that supports [cause/industry].
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry leaders, potential clients, and key stakeholders.
  • Engagement: Access to exclusive event areas and opportunities to interact directly with attendees.

5. Target Audience

Our event attracts a diverse audience, including [describe key audience segments, such as industry professionals, community leaders, etc.]. This presents a unique opportunity for your company to engage with [specific demographic or interest group relevant to the sponsor].

6. Sponsorship Impact

Partnering with us will not only enhance your company’s visibility but also demonstrate your commitment to [cause/industry]. We believe this sponsorship will provide valuable returns in terms of brand recognition and community engagement.

7. Next Steps

We would be delighted to discuss this proposal further and explore how we can tailor the sponsorship to meet your specific needs. Please contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] to arrange a meeting or call.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to the possibility of partnering with [Sponsor’s Company] and making [Event Name] a resounding success.


[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Organization’s Name]


  1. Event Brochure
  2. Sponsorship Benefits Overview
  3. Past Event Highlights (if applicable)

Formalizing the Agreement

The contract and agreement is an important document because it is the written and binding agreement for everything you’ve agreed upon. To help you create the agreement, here’s a template you can use. 

Company Sponsorship Agreement Template


This Sponsorship Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into on [Date], by and between:

[Your Organization’s Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”)


[Sponsor’s Name]
[Sponsor’s Company]
[Sponsor’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Sponsor”)


WHEREAS, the Organizer is hosting an event known as [Event Name] (“Event”) on [Event Date] at [Event Location]; and

WHEREAS, the Sponsor desires to support the Event and gain promotional benefits in exchange for financial support; and

WHEREAS, the Organizer and Sponsor agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:


1.1 Event: [Event Name]
1.2 Event Date: [Event Date]
1.3 Event Location: [Event Location]
1.4 Sponsorship Package: [Platinum/Gold/Silver/Bronze]
1.5 Sponsorship Amount: $[Amount]


The Organizer agrees to provide the Sponsor with the following benefits based on the selected sponsorship package:

2.1 Platinum Sponsor Benefits:

  • Title sponsorship of the Event
  • Prominent logo placement on all Event materials
  • Featured in all press releases and media coverage
  • Speaking opportunity at the Event
  • 20 complimentary Event tickets

2.2 Gold Sponsor Benefits:

  • Logo placement on Event materials
  • Mention in press releases and media coverage
  • 10 complimentary Event tickets

2.3 Silver Sponsor Benefits:

  • Logo on Event website and signage
  • 5 complimentary Event tickets

2.4 Bronze Sponsor Benefits:

  • Logo on Event signage
  • 2 complimentary Event tickets


3.1 The Sponsor agrees to pay the Organizer the total sponsorship amount of $[Amount] as per the following schedule:

  • [Percentage]% upon signing this Agreement
  • [Percentage]% [Number] days before the Event

3.2 Payments shall be made via [Payment Method] to [Bank Details or Payment Information].


4.1 Organizer’s Responsibilities:

  • Deliver all agreed sponsorship benefits.
  • Provide the Sponsor with necessary materials for branding and promotion.
  • Ensure proper execution of the Event.

4.2 Sponsor’s Responsibilities:

  • Provide the Organizer with all required materials (e.g., logos, promotional content) by [Deadline Date].
  • Make payments as outlined in Section 3.


Both parties agree to keep all information regarding this Agreement and the Event confidential and not disclose it to any third party without prior written consent, except as required by law.


6.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing [Number] days written notice to the other party. In the event of termination by the Sponsor, any payments made prior to termination are non-refundable.

6.2 The Organizer reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately if the Sponsor fails to meet its responsibilities as outlined in Section 4.2.


7.1 The Sponsor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizer, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from any claims, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of the Sponsor’s participation in the Event.

7.2 The Organizer shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the Event.


Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement due to events beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to natural disasters, pandemics, war, or any other force majeure events.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State], without regard to its conflict of law principles.


This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties regarding the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements, or understandings of any kind.


Any amendments or modifications to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.


[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Organization’s Name]


[Sponsor’s Name]
[Sponsor’s Title]
[Sponsor’s Company]

You can make a copy of this Sample Company Sponsorship Agreement Template here


Expect to have negotiations with the company before reaching a win-win agreement with each other. Before entering into the negotiations, come prepared by researching the potential sponsor’s business goals, market interests, and sponsorship history. 

Chris Voss, in his book Never Split the Difference, shares this quote about negotiating. “Negotiation is not an act of battle; it’s a process of discovery. The goal is to uncover as much information as possible.” 

Be prepared to handle objections. Listen carefully to any concerns the sponsor may have and address them thoughtfully. If they are worried about ROI, provide case studies or examples from past events that demonstrate the value of your offerings. 

When negotiating, be flexible in how a win-win scenario can be met. Sponsors may suggest alternatives that could be beneficial. Being open to creative solutions can lead to better sponsorship packages and stronger relationships.


The implementation step for your company sponsorship means delivering what is agreed upon on the corporate sponsorship contract. Implementation includes the timely placement of the sponsor’s branding on all promotional materials, ensuring their logos and messages are prominently featured at the event venue, and integrating their involvement into the event program. 

Set up clear communication between the event organizer and the company sponsor to address any logistical issues promptly and to ensure that all sponsorship benefits are delivered as promised. Regular updates and progress reports can help keep the sponsor informed and engaged throughout the implementation phase.

Post-event reporting and evaluation

After the event, providing detailed post-event reporting and evaluation is crucial in demonstrating the success and impact of the sponsorship. This step involves compiling data and metrics related to the event’s performance, such as attendance numbers, audience demographics, engagement levels, and media impressions. 

A comprehensive post-event report should highlight how the sponsorship contributed to these outcomes, showcasing the sponsor’s visibility and reach.

Maintaining relationship

Don’t waste all your effort to gain the company sponsorship. Include a plan and strategy to maintain relationships with your sponsor. Send thank you notes, and appreciation gifts, or share event highlights as a way to keep in touch. 

Offering exclusive previews of upcoming events or initiatives can also help keep the sponsor invested in your activities. Additionally, seeking and incorporating their feedback can show that their input is valued and considered. 

Best Strategies for Getting Company Sponsorships

A group of women huddled together in a corporate event

Understand what the company’s needs are 

When reaching out to a company for sponsorship, communicate from a perspective that shows you understand their needs and objectives. This approach demonstrates that you have done your research and are offering a partnership that aligns with their goals.

Consumers today appreciate companies that engage in socially responsible activities. This phenomenon, known as the halo effect, means that when a company actively fulfills its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), consumers perceive it more positively. Highlighting this can be a persuasive element in your pitch. 

Explain how partnering with your organization can enhance their brand image by showcasing their commitment to social good. This not only benefits their public perception but can also drive customer loyalty and engagement. By framing the partnership in terms of mutual benefit, you make a compelling case for why the company should support your event.

Study events similar to yours that have been successful in the past. Look at their sponsors and the kind of support they provided. This can give you a direct insight into which companies are likely to be interested in your event based on their past sponsorship history.

Know the key decision-makers

Be strategic in your research to get an idea of who you are pitching to. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to know who is involved in granting sponsorships. Look for titles such as Marketing Director, Sponsorship Manager, or Corporate Communications Head. Additionally, review the company’s recent press releases, social media posts, and annual reports to gather information on their strategic priorities and any recent sponsorships they have supported. 

Be specific with the connection of your cause to the company 

Once potential sponsors are identified, tailor your sponsorship proposals to meet their specific marketing objectives and show clear alignment with their brand values. Personalized approaches are more likely to succeed than generic proposals.

Expert Lori Zoss Kraska at Growth Owl shared in a podcast interview how the more you are specific with your event’s connection with the company, the better chance you can get a meeting. Use their language to communicate in a way that can get their attention.  Look at their annual reports to have data to back up your pitch. 

Be concise and clear in your first pitch

Don’t underestimate the power of brevity of your email to get the attention and interest of your potential sponsor.  A concise, well-crafted email is more likely to capture the attention and interest of busy decision-makers. 

Start with a compelling subject line that immediately communicates the value of your proposal. In the body of the email, quickly get to the point: introduce yourself and your organization, outline the sponsorship opportunity, and highlight the key benefits to the sponsor. Use bullet points to make your main points easily scannable. 

Remember, your goal is to spark interest and encourage further discussion, not to provide exhaustive details.

Think long-term for your sponsorship

Sponsorship is not just about event funding but building long-term relationships. Engage with potential sponsors well before you need them, and keep them informed about your activities and successes to build rapport and familiarity.

Also, it is best to learn from each interaction. If a potential sponsor declines, seek feedback to understand why. This information can be invaluable in refining your approach and targeting the right sponsors in future pitches. Having the right attitude can also help you attract more sponsors for your different events.

End with a Statement of Gratitude

The concept of “Statement of Gratitude” is also a concept shared by Lori Zoss Kraska in a podcast. At the end of her proposal, she writes a section of appreciation on how the company is considering her proposal knowing that they could give their sponsorship to any nonprofit organization. 

An attitude of humility and authenticity can make an impact on your reader. Corporate sponsors appreciate being recognized for their potential contribution and value transparency and sincerity. By showing that you genuinely appreciate their time and consideration, you create a more personal and respectful connection. 

Where to Look For Company Sponsorships

Local Businesses

Small or local businesses can be a good place to start for a company sponsorship. To identify potential local sponsors, start by reaching out to businesses within your area that align with the mission and values of your event. Consider local chambers of commerce, business networking groups, and community events as venues to build relationships with local business owners.

Additionally, consider using sponsorship brokers or agencies that specialize in matching events with sponsors. These professionals have extensive networks and can significantly streamline the process of finding the right sponsors for your event.

Online Directories 

Online directories such as Apollo and LinkedIn Sales Navigator are powerful tools for identifying potential sponsors by providing comprehensive databases of companies and their decision-makers. Apollo allows you to filter companies by industry, size, and other criteria to find those most likely to be interested in your sponsorship opportunity. LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers advanced search capabilities to pinpoint key decision-makers and their roles within organizations.

Crunchbase and ZoomInfo are also additional tools that offer a comprehensive directory of companies, startups, and investors. It provides detailed information on company profiles, funding rounds, and key personnel. 

Company Foundations of Fortune 1000

The company foundations of Fortune 1000 firms represent a significant source of sponsorship funding, given their substantial financial resources and commitment to corporate social responsibility. These foundations often allocate substantial budgets to sponsorships and grants that align with their philanthropic goals and community impact strategies. 

To tap into these opportunities, research the specific focus areas and funding priorities of these foundations, which can typically be found on their websites or in their annual reports.

The Registration Tool For Your Corporate Events

Start planning for successful events with the support of your dream companies. The recommended event registration platform for all your events is Event Espresso or Event Smart. Aside from enjoying all the features you need to sell tickets or accept registrations for your event, they do not charge any commission fees on an unlimited number of tickets sold. 

More event revenue means higher profit and flexibility in your event planning. Customize event registration forms, accept payments safely, and optimize your event website for search engines with either of the two registration systems. The only difference is Event Espresso is for WordPress users because it is a plug-in while Event Smart is for event planners who don’t use WordPress.

Nonprofit organizations have been choosing Event Espresso and Event Smart because of its value-for-money features. Start your free live demo now or check out our 14-day free trial. 

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