Website Weekend Los Angeles 2016

During Connect Week 2016, Website Weekend LA will bring in non-profits and organizations doing great work in the local Los Angeles, California community and pair them up with teams of digital professionals. Then over the course of a weekend, these teams will collaborate and build something amazing for their organization that will help them grow their outreach and positively impact how they contribute to the community.

website weekend 2016

What is Website Weekend LA?

For nonprofit organizations, Website Weekend is an amazing opportunity to consult with digital professionals to build websites that shares their stories and connects with audiences.

Digital professionals get a chance to use their skills to make the world a better place. They also get a chance to collaborate with new people and to build a new project for their portfolio. The nonprofit projects are different from everyday work, so for many it’s a refreshing change from their daily work. Lots of new relationships and friendships were formed at the first Website Weekend.

When is Website Weekend LA?

Nonprofit organizations and digital professionals will gather together on October 22-23 for Website Weekend LA in Pasadena, California. Organized by Alex Vasquez and Natalie MacLees, the event will bring together developers, designers, content strategists, UX professionals, and project managers to build websites for nonprofits.

We’re Sponsoring!

“If you could help an awesome organization using your professional skills would you do it? You have the opportunity to affect positive change and Website Weekend LA can help.”

When I saw that we could happily answer “YES” to this question, on the Website Weekend LA home page. I knew right away that we needed to get involved. So we decided to sponsor the Sunday Breakfast expenses and help out with free Event Espresso support licenses.

Are You Ready to Make a Difference?

Interested in helping us do awesome work in the community? You can make a huge difference!

In October 2013, 53 volunteers came together to create websites for seven different nonprofits. For 2016, the team is aiming to double the 2013 event. About 100 volunteers working on about 15 different projects for nonprofit organizations.

If you live in, or around the the Los Angeles, California area and are skilled in copywriting, programming, WordPress development, user experience design, or anything in between, this is an event that could use your help.

If you’re interested in getting involved, the team would love to have you, whether you’re a nonprofit organization, a digital professional, volunteer, or a sponsor.

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