Announcing the Promotions add-on beta for Event Espresso 4

Attention discount loving event promoters! Behold the Promotions add-on beta! Finally, the Promotions add-on is ready for you to test its new, more flexible, publicity boosting, discount-ticket-price-obsessed event promoting features!


The Promotions add-on is compatible with Event Espresso 4.8 (also in beta) and available to download from the pre-release channel.


The new promotions add-on for Event Espresso 4 includes discounting with or without discount codes, cart discounts, and a new UI.

New Automatic (no-code discount) and discount limits features

The Promotions add-on can be used to set up promo-code based discounts and non-promo-code or automatic discounts to help encourage more event ticket buying.


It allows you to set quantity limits on usage, as well as set a range of dates when promotions are applied to the price of an event ticket transaction.

That’s right, the cart total is discounted

When you set up a fixed discount type promotion, the amount will be taken off the price of the entire cart. This is a departure from how EE3 discounted a set amount for each ticket in the cart.


Side note: You can still make it so the discount is increased with each ticket purchased by using the percent discount type promotion.

New UI for inputting and managing promotions

All of the promotions management happens within the promotions management screen, which keeps you out of the event editor. This helps speed up the input and management of promotions. Now you’ll have more time to spend on your other event managery tasks!

You’re welcome.

We look forward to your feedback from testing the Promotions add-on beta. Please feel free to start a new topic in the Pre-release channel forum if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

11 thoughts on “Announcing the Promotions add-on beta for Event Espresso 4

    • The cart in EE4.7 is the same as previous versions of EE4 where you select any number of multiple tickets from one event with the ticket selector. We’re also working on a Multi Event Registration add-on for EE4, which will allow adding multiple tickets from multiple events to the cart. This is currently a work in progress.

    • The instructions above are explicit:

      The Promotions add-on is compatible with Event Espresso 4.8 (also in beta) and available to download from the pre-release channel

  1. I am running 4.7.2p core and have registered for pre-release.
    Installed Promotions (EE 4.7+) Version 1.0.0.beta.065

    It will not activate.

    An error has occurred:
    The Event Espresso “Promotions” addon could not be activated because it is incompatible with your version of Event Espresso Core.
    This can happen when attempting to run beta versions or release candidates with older versions of core.
    Please upgrade Event Espresso Core first and then re-attempt activating “Promotions”.
    EE_Register_Addon – register – 236

    I have had Promotions working before!

    This is a dev site for no support key present.

    What have I got wrong?

  2. Hello EE Team,

    great Add-on. i can’t wait to use it.

    one question: will be there a way to use a promotion code just for one events or tickets? i manage events from different organizer with more than one tickets and i will give out unique promo codes to them with different discounts for there events and tickets and maybe some organizer didn’t want discounts for there events.

    is there a release date in the near future? Maybe this year?

    thanks in advance

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