Updating Event Espresso to Maintain Compatibility with WordPress

As part of our commitment to our active support license holders, we look into the future and try to foresee any problems you may have with updating Event Espresso and WordPress. Our foresight has been clear and fruitful, and with recent updates to Event Espresso, we’re ready for WordPress 4.2 (coming soon).

To avoid interruption, update Event Espresso BEFORE you update WordPress to version 4.2 (coming soon). Compatibility updates are available from your account (and have been for a while).

Changes to WordPress core

I wonder if Heraclitus was talking about open-source software when he said:

The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change – Heraclitus

WordPress is constantly changing; new features are added, new methods are introduced, and programmers make mistakes. But, we are constantly monitoring the WordPress codebase to ensure that Event Espresso is as compatible as possible.

Here are a few examples:

Five months ago we noticed that our automated tests were failing because of changes to WordPress 4.1 (which was not yet released). We reported these findings and helped to delay (revert) these changes until they could be improved upon for a future release (now coming in WordPress 4.2).

Two-and-a-half months ago, changes to WordPress 4.2 (not yet released) cause the WYSIWYG to be removed from the: event editor, venue editor, and the attendee (contact) editor. Fortunately the fix is fairly easy. We released this fix in 4.6.16.p (almost a month ago).

About a week ago, we noticed css changes in WordPress caused the Event Espresso admin sidebar to disappear. Since then we have made the necessary changes, tested and released an update in 4.6.20.p (today).

Problems solved.

We are always looking ahead, anticipating and adapting to change. We hope our proactive approach helps you be able to focus more on your events than on your website.

It is important to keep your support license active so you can receive critical updates and maintain compatibility with the ever-changing WordPress.
To avoid interruption, update Event Espresso BEFORE you update WordPress to version 4.2 (coming soon). Compatibility updates are available from your account (and have been for a while).


If you have any questions about this announcement, or buying a support license to access the updated files, please contact us.

7 thoughts on “Updating Event Espresso to Maintain Compatibility with WordPress

    • We have a test site running Event Espresso 3.1.37.p that had the WordPress 4.2 betas and is now on the 4.2 release candidate and everything we’ve tested has passed. Older versions prior to 3.1.37.p haven’t been tested.

  1. We have discovered more issues caused by WordPress’ database changes. If you are experiencing any of these problems, please try updating Event Espresso first:

    • No event in your queue
    • Price not sticking when saving ticket in the editor
    • Other weird things where a ticket appears to have the same price or price modifier as another ticket.
    • There are no known issues for messaging.

      Sometimes, when using an off-site gateway like paypal standard the IPN notification is delayed because their system is slow. But we have put extensive work into triggering the notifications and trying to account for slow services like PayPal.

      There was an issue reported of a fringe case where some registration information was not included in the email, but that issue was resolved in 4.6.25.

      If you experience issues with the messages system and WordPress 4.2, please create a forum thread so we can address it directly.

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