Stripe Payment Gateway for Event Espresso 4

ee4-stripe-logoWe are pleased to announce that Event Espresso 4 is now fully integrated with the Stripe payment gateway. Stripe is a quick and secure way to accept credit card and debit card payments online.

With the Event Espresso Stripe integration, you can create exactly the payment experience you want in your Event Espresso powered website, and Stripe handles everything from security to transfers to your bank account. You can get started immediately.

Thousands of businesses and organizations are using Stripe today: Fortune 500 companies, rapidly-growing startups, side projects, nonprofits, and everything in between. Check out the gallery for a broad sampling.

Get Started!
Purchase the Stripe Payment Gateway for Event Espresso 4.

What will my customers see? Will they need to go to a Stripe webpage?


Payment form popup

Your customers will see exactly what you want them to see—and they’ll never need to leave your Event Espresso powered website.

PCI Compliance

By using any of Stripe’s client libraries, such as Stripe.js for the web or the mobile APIs, you’re automatically compliant with the strictest PCI requirements.

No sensitive data hits your servers, saving you hours of security headaches.

About Stripe and Event Espresso 4

Stripe processes all transactions for you. Once your Stripe account is integrated into your site, you can accept payments immediately.

Funds are added to your bank account on a seven-day rolling basis. A two-day transfer may be possible after your first transfer. Visit Stripe’s documentation for more information.

Get Started!
Purchase the Stripe Payment Gateway for Event Espresso 4.

8 thoughts on “Stripe Payment Gateway for Event Espresso 4

    • We don’t control the card options in Event Espresso, can you disable them in Stripe?

  1. Fantastic news! I have installed the EE4 Stripe Payment plugin on our site, however I’m getting this message regarding our currency (EUR)
    This payment method does not support the currency set on your site (EUR) and so will not appear as a payment option to registrants. Please activate a different payment method or change your site’s country and associated currency.
    What’s the story?

    • Can you post to the forums so we can investigate that further for you?

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