iDEAL Mollie Payment Gateawy
We are pleased to announce that Event Espresso 4 is now fully integrated with the iDEAL Mollie payment gateway. iDEAL Mollie is a Dutch payment method specifically for Netherland bank users. With iDEAL Mollie you get a quick and secure way to accept credit card, debit card, PayPal, Bitcoin, paysafecard, AcceptEmail, SoFort Banking, Bancontact/Mister Cash, and iDEAL bank transfer payments online.
With the Event Espresso iDEAL Mollie integration, you can create exactly the payment experience you want in your Event Espresso powered website, and iDEAL Mollie handles everything from security to transfers to your bank account. You can get started immediately.
Purchase the iDEAL Mollie Payment Gateway for Event Espresso 4.
What will my customers see?
Your customers get transferred to the bank process they are familiar with.

Mollie Payment Event Espresso

Mollie Payment with Event Espresso
PCI Compliance
No sensitive data hits your servers, saving you hours of security headaches.
Purchase the iDEAL Mollie Payment Gateway for Event Espresso 4.
Great news. This was actually the reason we decided to go for EE3 two weeks ago, since it was not available in EE4. Is there any way to upgrade to EE4 ?
Sure, just contact the sales team. https://eventespresso.com/contact/
Does SofortBanking and Credit Card payment in this plugin also work from outside Netherlands?
Right now, iDeal payment methods (via bank transfers) are only available. We are adding more payment methods to the development schedule.
I doubt the bank will care where you are processing the transactions, as long as it is with the Netherlands bank. But you will have to confirm that based on the restrictions of the bank.
Does SofortBanking and Credit Card payment in this plugin also work from outside Netherlands?
In the documentation it is written:
“Your Mollie.com account allows you to select multiple Payment methods, however the iDEAL Mollie Payment Gateway integrates with the iDeal payment method. This account has the ‘iDeal’ and ‘Bank transfer’ payment methods active, however only iDeal will be available to your users for payments.”
See above.