Developers Corner: Using Advanced Custom Fields to Quickly Extend EE4

acf-home-panel-fieldsEver wanted to add details about an event sponsor to each event? How about adding a custom downloads or course curriculum section on the thank you page? Or better yet, access to training videos?

Look no further! Using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress the event presentation and content delivery  possibilities are endless.


Over 20 Custom Field Types!

Fully customize WordPress edit screens with powerful custom fields. Boasting a professional interface and a powerful API, it’s a must have for any web developer. The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin allows you to take full control of your edit screens & custom field data. With over 20 field types (free, premium and user submitted) to choose from, custom data management couldn’t be easier, or look any better!


Easy Integration with Event Espresso 4

Once ACF is installed, simply create a field group, add your fields and define the location rules. The custom fields you create will appear in the EE4 event editor and are ready to accept custom data. Fields that are populated with data can be displayed throughout your event and registration pages. ACF will allow you to add just about any type of custom content to your Event Espresso 4 registration pages. Such as event sponsors, course curriculum, downloads, video tutorials, and much more. The possibilities are endless!


How Do I Get Started?

Itching to get started, but don’t know how? Don’t worry, we have you covered! I have created a couple of examples to get you going, and will add a few more as time goes on.

Simply follow along with the tutorials below, and I will show you how to add a course curriculum and/or event sponsor section to your registration pages.



Requires Event Espresso 4.3

Creating a Course Curriculum/Downloads Section After Payment

This tutorial covers using the ACF plugin and the EE4 “Thank You” Page Actions & Filters to create a course curriculum/downloads section that will be displayed on the EE4 “Thank You” page. So once someone registers for a class/event, the curriculum/downloads section will be displayed and allow registrants to start downloading files immediately.


Creating an Event Sponsor Section Throughout the Event Registration Pages

This tutorial covers using the ACF plugin and the EE4 Single Page Checkout (SPCO) Actions & Filters to create a sponsor details section that appears throughout the registration process.



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