Drag-and-Drop Questions Into Order or Sequence

We’ve made it even easier for you to create custom registration forms with drag-and-drop technology. Simply drag-and-drop the questions into place, or in the order, you want them displayed on the registration form.

We also incorporated this technology into the question groups. Question Groups can be organized or re-ordered by dragging and dropping individual table rows into the desired positions.

This improvement was just released today and is available in versions 3.0.19.P31 and later.

Drag-and-Drop Question Manager

Drag-and-Drop Question Manager

3 thoughts on “Drag-and-Drop Questions Into Order or Sequence

  1. very sweet. Last event I spent a lot of time on this. Now it is a breeze!

  2. Is it possible to ensure the order of the spreadsheet when exporting event attendees matches the order the questions appear when drag and dropping? This is necessary for us to do so that the excel can be imported into a different system.



    • Hi Alex,

      It currently isn’t possible to customize the spreadsheet prior to exporting. All of the system information will be first, then the custom questions will be last on the spreadsheet. Once you have exported the spreadsheet, you can customize it to your liking.

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