Event Espresso Jobs

Event Espresso Jobs

Event Espresso Jobs

Our mission is to empower business and organization leaders with the event registration, ticketing and management tools that maximize the success of events. Although we are uniquely qualified to offer customization services to all our clients, with limited resources, we can’t do everything for everyone. This is where Event Espresso Jobs comes in.

Event Espresso Jobs is about bringing a community of developers, designers and clients together for these types of jobs & projects, when we aren’t available to help directly:

  • Event Espresso Modifications – Modifying the Event Espresso software to meet a very particular event registration need.
  • WordPress Projects – Modifications of existing, or creation of new,  WordPress themes or plugins on a freelance basis.
  • WordPress Jobs – Post your jobs – full-time or part-time, working remotely or working in your offices – for designers and developers to join your growing business.

Our goal is to help you be as successful as you can be, so we hope you find this resource helpful.

PS ~ Sometimes we need your help; we’re looking to work with the most talented WordPress programmers and designers, so if you’re one of them, please apply.

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