Version 3.0.17 Released

We’d like to announce the most advanced version of Event Espresso. Version 3.0.17 makes improvements upon the existing features and paves the way for new ones. See the release notes for complete details and upgrading.

Some of the Important Improvements in 3.0.17

Event Espresso Calendar

Event Espresso Calendar

  • A rewritten registration system to allow for easier customization.
  • A rewritten payment gateway system to allow for additional payment gateways.
  • Added a custom email manager to create customized emails for use in multiple events.
  • Added support for custom post types and shortcodes for posts.
  • Enabled multiple post categories in edit_event.php
  • Added support for the Recurring Events Manager addon.
  • Added address2 field for event the address.
  • Updated the event_espresso_get_price function to include early pricing in the display.
  • Fixed coupon system on the attendee list page.
  • Fixed the /templates/return_payment.php file.
  • Added the espresso_event_category_data($event_id) function to get the category details of an event.
  • Added a “Secondary” status to to events. This will allow events to be set up as a secondary status for use as overflow or waiting list events.
  • Fixed some style issues in admin styles.css
  • Added an export all attendees (for all events) button.
  • External Registration URLs. Can be used to link to external websites or registration pages.

See the release notes for complete details and upgrading.


Create a Custom Post

Create a Custom Post

Custom Post Type Editor

Custom Post Type Editor

Calendar Week View

Calendar Week View

List of Attendees

List of Attendees

Movie Listings

Movie Listings (in Custom Files Addon)

See the release notes for complete details and upgrading.

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Event Espresso