How to Set Up PayPal IPN

IPN stands for Instant Payment Notification and in short it is needed for Event Espresso to be notified about the transaction in order to complete the registration on the website.

When setting up PayPal to work with Event Espresso you need to change the settings in the Plugin and in your PayPal account.

Already Set Up but Still Problems?

If your IPN is set up and you require some troubleshooting tips, please click here.

Plugin Settings

There are two types of settings, testing (also known as Sandbox or Debugging) and live.

With the testing settings you will first need to have a PayPal Sandbox account and enter your merchant email address in the PayPal ID option and make sure that the Use the Debugging Feature and the PayPal Sandbox option is ticked.

Any registrations taking place will now head to the Sandbox where no actual money changes hands. You will need to use a Sandbox buyer account details to make a purchase.

For live settings, add your own PayPal email address to the PayPal ID option and make sure that the Debugging Feature and the PayPal Sandbox option is turned off.

An important note about the “Force HTTPS on Return URL” setting:

Please only enable the “Force HTTPS on Return URL” feature if you have an SSL certificate installed for your domain. In most cases, you can order an SSL certificate from your hosting provider.

PayPal Settings

1) Login to your account on

2) Look for the person icon in the top right corner and click on it

3) Then click on Profile and Settings

4) On the next page, look for the My Selling Tools in the left menu and click on it

5) Then click the Update link for Instant Payment Notifications

6) On the next page add the URL for your Event Espresso transactions page. Here is an example:

7) Make sure Receive IPN messages (Enabled) is enabled and click Save.

8) Set the PayPal button language encoding, see the next section.

Do the steps above look unfamiliar? Your PayPal account may still be using the old layout. Here is an alternative setup guide for the PayPal IPN.

PayPal button language encoding

1) Look for the person icon in the top right corner and click on it

2) Then click on Profile and Settings

3) On the next page, look for the My Selling Tools in the left menu and click on it

4) Scroll to the end of the page and look for the More Selling Tools section. Then click on PayPal button language encoding

5) Click More Options

6) Set the language encoding that matches your website’s database encoding. Many WordPress databases are UTF-8, but you can verify the encoding if you’re not sure by checking with your web host.


Server Firewall Settings

If necessary, add PayPal’s IP addresses to any list of trusted IP addresses needed by your firewall or other network devices. Here is the current list of PayPal IP addresses.

Troubleshooting PayPal IPN

  • Make sure your PayPal account is verified. If you have a PayPal Premier or Business account, then this process has already been completed.
  • Make sure that the 4 required pages in WordPress admin –> Event Espresso –> General Settings are correct and have the correct short codes in them.
  • Make sure that the 4 required pages in the WordPress admin –> Event Espresso –> General Settings are publicly viewable and not set to private, draft, or password protected.
  • Make sure there are no maintenance mode type plugins active.
  • EE3 only: Please only enable the “Force HTTPS on Return URL” feature if you have an SSL certificate installed for your domain. In most cases, you can order an SSL certificate from your hosting provider for a fee.
  • Deactivate the WP Spam Shield plugin. There are a number of alternatives that do not block PayPal.
  • If you are running the Bad Behavior plugin, you will need to whitelist the IP addresses of PayPal servers, and keep an eye on the Bad Behavior logs to stay up to date in case PayPal gateway adds or changes the IP addresses they use to notify your site.
  • EE3 only: If you are experiencing problems with incomplete payments, try the Simplified Transaction template. This can be added to your theme and activated on the Transactions page via the Page Attributes option. There is more information and a download link under “Incomplete Payment Issues”.
  • EE3 only:Check to see if you have outdated or incorrectly modified gateway files in wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways directory. If so, temporarily rename that directory to force Event Espresso to use the default gateway files.
  • EE3 only: You can check the IPN log file for errors. The IPN log file is located on your server in the /wp-content/uploads/espresso/logs directory. You can FTP in or view the file using your host’s c-panel file manager.
  • You contact your host and ask them to verify that your server meets PayPal’s new security requirements.
  • Give it Some Time
    It sometimes takes a bit of time, sometimes several hours for PayPal to post a response to the server. Another possibility is that PayPal sent a response back to your server, but the response bounced or the server was unresponsive for a short period of time, therefore not capturing the data from PayPal.

    IPN History / Resend IPN
    You can also view your PayPal Instant Payment Notification history and/or try resending the IPN notifications by logging into your PayPal account, then visit this URL:

    You should see something like this:

    Incomplete Payment Issues

    If you are experiencing problems with incomplete payments, most often it has to do with problems reaching your Transactions page ([ESPRESSO_TXN_PAGE]) from the payment gateway.

    You can download our special stripped down Transactions page template in the link below. Included in the zip file is a quick readme with installation instructions.

    It is recommended that you try this template after verifying that IPN is turned on, your account is verified, you have a standard or business account (if using PayPal) and — most importantly — that your Transactions page is visible to the internet.

    If you have confirmed these four things and you are still having issues with incomplete payments, you can try the download below.

    Download Transaction Template

    Page Caching

    When using caching plugins (or server caching) you will need exclude all Event Espresso critical pages from caching. If your transactions page is set to cache the PayPal IPN’s will load a cached version of this page and no updates will be made to the transaction.

    Click here to setup nocache exclusion rules for Event Espresso

    Internal Server Error

    If you see Internal Server Error message like this one after hitting the PayPal button on the Event Espresso Payment page, it’s likely because the email address entered in PayPal settings does not match the PayPal ID for your PayPal account. You can verify the email address that’s entered in Event Espresso > Payment settings is the same email address that was used to sign up for the PayPal account.


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How to Require Attendees to Agree to a Policy Before Being Allowed to Register

At times you may want potential attendees to agree to a certain policy, certain terms and conditions, or even a refund policy, before allowing them to register for an event. This tutorial will show you how to use the custom registration form questions to create a checkbox for attendees/registrants to select before they can register.

The video is best viewed in high-resolution.

To Get Started:

1) Create a WordPress page and add your policy to it.

You don’t want to add all the policy text to the registration page (although you could if you added it to a Group Description). Instead we’re just going to link to that page from the question on the registration page. That way you can maintain your policy without worrying about the effect on the registration process.

2) Create a custom question which asks the attendees/registrants to agree to the policy
Terms and Conditions Policy Question

Question fields:

  • Question: Title the question something similar to: “I agree to the Policy”
      • Add a hyperlink from the question to the policy page by adding a HTML hyperlink. See first example below.
      • (optional) If you want to have the link to the policy page stand out a little, you can add a <strong> tag to the text

  • Type: Select the type of question you want to display. We recommend a Checkbox so that it requires the attendee to activate and agree to the question.
  • Values: You want the value/answer displayed to the user to be something similar to “Yes” or “Yes, I agree to the Policy” so they know they are specifically agreeing to the question.
    • (Optional) You can let someone answer “no” if you’d prefer.
  • Required: You can decide to force attendees to answer this question before they are allowed to finish the registration form.
  • Admin View Only: No
  • Required Text: The text you want displayed if they do not answer the question

3) Create or add the question to a question group

Question Group Editor

In order for a question to be added to an event, it must be included in a question group. The question can be added to an existing question group or you can create a new question group.
Add group to event

4) Add the question group to an event

Once you’ve added the question to a question group, you’ll need to activate that question group for an event. Update the event to apply the question group.

After updating your event you’ll then see that the question group is now added to the registration page and the text of the  Terms and Conditions Policy is now a hyperlink to the policy page.

Agree to Terms

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How To Select a Website Developer

Selecting a website developer can be difficult, especially if you are not sure how to effectively grade a developers skills and abilities. This guide will help.


This article will redirect to

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Pre-Release Channel Guide


Throughout this document we refer to “stable” release vs. “pre-release”. There are some add-ons that we currently have on the “stable” release channel that are available to customers that are labelled beta or alpha. Although they are in the “stable” release channel we still consider them to be experimental products. These products include:

Event Espresso 4:

  • EE4 UTF8 Template Variation
  • EE4 4.3.2 for PHP 5.2 Customers


Event Espresso 3:

  • Volume Discounting add-on
  • Attendee Batch Import Tool add-on
  • Price Modifier add-on
  • Attendee Reassignment add-on
  • Front-end Event Manager add-on
  • Social Coupons/Voucher (Groupon) Import Tool add-on

What is the pre-release channel?

The pre-release channel is a way for customers to gain access to products that are at an “alpha” or “beta” stage of release.

We’ve created this channel so that we can get feedback from customers on these products/releases and make sure any bugs we’ve missed are caught before we upgrade the code to our stable channel.

The pre-release channel is also a GREAT way for our customers to discover new features that are coming in future releases and to provide feedback on their implementation and understand how they will affect their current usage of the Event Espresso family of products.

What the pre-release channel is not!

The pre-release channel contains products that are close to a stable version but are not recommended for use on a production server.

More than likely, there will be bugs still existing in versions of plugins/add-ons pushed out via this channel and we are grateful for the bug reports that come in for users who do test these version as it helps ensure a far better product once we upgrade the product and release it as a stable version.

Use pre-release add ons on a live production server at your own risk.

How to opt-in and join the pre-release channel

On your user profile, you will see a checkbox under the list of plugins in your downloads area – “Join the Pre Release Channel?”

Pre-Release Toggle

Pre-Release Toggle

When you check this box there will be a popup appear that gives you some instructions that you are agreeing to when you click the “I Agree – Sign Me Up!” button.

pre release channel confirm

Press “I Agree – Sign Me Up!”

After clicking the “I Agree – Sign Me Up” button, the page will reload and you will see a new box below your Download’s box that shows all the pre-release products you have access to.

Congratulations, you are now a part of the pre-release channel!

pre release channel downloads

Pre-release channel downloads

Using pre-release products

Pre-release products work the same as regular stable products when it comes to installing/using them on your server. However, there are a few important things to note:

  • Remember, we HIGHLY advise you only use pre-release channel products on a development or staging server. Do NOT use them on a production server.
  • A good thing to do in testing is to migrate your database from a production server to your staging/development server so you can test with the same data on live. This will more accurately reproduce real world use and you can spot bugs that would appear if the product was on your live server.
  • The document link in the pre-release channel box points to the dedicated forum for that pre-release product and we ask that all bug reports be posted in the appropriate forum. That way we can be sure that our developers get the info they need. Please search through any existing topics in that forum to see if your bug is already posted and then post there if you have new information to report. Post new topics if there isn’t already a report for your issue.
  • We ONLY fix bugs on pre-release versions. Please do not request any new features for pre-release products. When we push out a pre-release product we have put a feature-freeze on that product so we can focus on fixing bugs and getting it to our customers as a stable product.
  • Automatic updates WILL work with pre-release products and there may be times where we release updates to those products before they reach a stable version  Make sure you are using the latest pre-release version of the product when you are testing (you can see notifications on your WordPress plugins page). To enable automatic updates, you need to use your license key found on your user profile. Note: We’ve removed the domain restrictions for pre-release products using your license key. So it is possible to have multiple copies of the pre-release product on multiple domains without experiencing any license key issues. However, if you try to install a stable version of the product on multiple domains you will still experience the normal multiple domains restriction message.

How come I’m not seeing a product I know someone else has access to in the pre-release channel?

The pre-release channel products you have access to are tied to a stable product you have access to. So, for instance, if we have a pre-release version of the Seating Chart Add-on available but you don’t have access to the current stable release of Seating Chart Add-on then you won’t have access to the pre-release version.

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How to Change Languages

This how to will guide you through changing WordPress (single installation) and Event Espresso to use a language other than US English in the WordPress dashboard and front end of site (for visitors).


Both WordPress and Event Espresso are translated by volunteers. As such translations may not be 100% accurate nor 100% complete. If you would like to help translate or validate a translation for Event Espresso, please contact us via this form. You can find out the current translation level of Event Espresso by checking this page.

Setting up WordPress

WordPress’ Own Guide

WordPress has a detailed guide on translating itself, which can be found here, click on your locale for more instructions.

As of WordPress v4.2 you can now select your site language within Settings -> General, scroll to the bottom and change the Site Language option, this will automatically change the language in use for the site.

Translating Event Espresso

Multi-lingual Sites

At this time Event Espresso does not natively support multi languages (more than one language at the same time) though has been shown to work alongside WPML and qTranslate.

Version and newer

This version and up needs no further action once WordPress has had the language files installed. The plugin will automatically detect the language WordPress is using and serve the language file for Event Espresso if it exists.

If you are running an older version of Event Espresso, then we recommend updating to the current software. We only support the current versions of Event Espresso.

If you cannot upgrade due to customizations to the core then you will need to visit our translations project on GlotPress and download the correct MO and PO files.

The plugin will automatically create a new directory located at wp-content/uploads/espresso and you will need to create a folder there called “languages’ and upload the languages files you got from Github to that folder.

Once the files are uploaded, as long as WordPress has been updated to accept a new language, Event Espresso will follow suit.

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Troubleshooting Checklist for Event Espresso

WordPress is an amazing open source platform. With that strength comes the possibility of many plugins and themes. These can achieve different goals and are written by different people to wildly different standards.

So when problems strike, the first thing that needs to be done is some basic troubleshooting. This is useful not only for issues with Event Espresso, but any other plugins and themes that work with WordPress.

Check the Version Number of Event Espresso

This step is important because the issue you are seeing may be something that was fixed in a recent update of the software. You can check to see which version of Event Espresso is on your website by viewing the WordPress plugins page. The top of this page displays the current version number of Event Espresso 4. If you need help with updating please see this guide.

Check for a Theme Conflict

You can check if the issue is caused by a conflict or a bug within your theme by previewing the default WordPress theme in the Customizer (Twenty Seventeen at the time of writing).

If you cannot preview the default theme using the Customizer, you can use the Theme Test Drive plugin to test the theme without your visitors being aware.

Check for a Plugin Conflict

Deactivate all the plugins you have with the exception Event Espresso and see if the issue is resolved. If not try the theme option as well.

If the issue is resolved, start activating your plugins, one by one, testing for the problem each time. This systematic approach will help you find the plugin that is causing the issue/conflict. Once the plugin is identified we will be able to examine it in more detail or you can simply keep the plugin deactivated.

We maintain a list of known plugin and theme conflicts that you can check here:

Activate WP_DEBUG mode

You can make the following edit to your site’s wp-config.php file. This will log all errors, notices, and warnings to a file called debug.log in the wp-content directory. It will also hide the errors from displaying on screen so they do not interrupt page generation.

// Enable WP_DEBUG mode
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
        @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );
        define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
        define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );

Check for a JavaScript Conflict

Some conflicts with Event Espresso can be related to Javascript where there’s a library that is either being loaded incorrectly, or an old version of a library is being forced to load, or something has stopped JavaScript from running. If you use Chrome or Firefox you can use the developer tools Console to pinpoint any JavaScript errors.

Also read here, for more JavaScript troubleshooting.

Specific error messages and their solutions

Nothing in your event queue is an error message that will display on the registration checkout page if there’s a problem with caching or if the session data gets deleted by a plugin like NextGen Gallery.

You can follow this guide to ensure that Event Espresso’s checkout pages are not served from a cache.

If you use the NextGen Gallery plugin there’s a workaround solution posted here.

The maximum number of inputs on this page has been exceeded is an error message that will display on the event editor page when the server’s max_input_vars limit is exceeded. You can contact your host to ask for instructions for how to raise this limit.

Page not found when viewing an events page. This will happen if the site’s rewrite rules were reset too early or too late in a request. This can be fixed by visiting the site’s Settings → Permalinks page, which will flush the rewrite rules at just the right time.

No configuration section has been provided while attempting to save “_Config” is an error message that will display if the “Event Slug” option in Event Espresso > Events > Templates setting is changed to event. The Event Slug setting must not be changed to event. See also: How to change the event slug for Event Espresso events.

Help Us Help You Troubleshoot your Issue

If you have gone through the steps above and your issue is still occurring, then please open a support ticket in our support forums:

Please include the following information in your support post:

  • Your version of Event Espresso (e.g. Event Espresso 3 or Event Espresso 4)
  • A brief explanation of the issue
  • Also let us know any steps that you have tried to fix the issue

It will also help to include the site URL (website) and/or some screenshots.

How to take Screenshots

Screenshots are helpful in describing an issue when the site URL can’t be shared or a link to the site is not available (e.g. you are working on the site locally on your computer). Here are tips on how to take screenshots on various platforms:


To take a screenshot of the entire screen, press the following keys: command + shift + 3
To take a screenshot of the a specific area of the screen, press the following keys: command + shift + 4. Then select the area that you would like to capture.

You can then upload your screenshot to WP Media on your site and then share a link in your support post. Another option is to use a screenshot service such as TinyGrab, Cloudup, MonosnapCloudapp, Snipboard, or an equivalent screenshot sharing service. Then you can share a link in your support post.


To take a screen of the entire screen, press the following key: prtscn
To take a screen of the current window only, press the following key: alt + prtscn

You can then upload your screenshot to WP Media on your site and then share a link in your support post. Another option is to use a screenshot service such as TinyGrab, MonosnapCloudapp, Snipboard, or an equivalent screenshot sharing service. Then you can share a link in your support post.

iOS (iPad, iPhone) 

To take a screen of the entire screen, press the following on your device: power button + home button

You can then email your screenshot to your email address and / or upload it to a service like Dropbox from your device. Then you can share the screenshot to one of the screenshot sharing services mentioned above for Mac or Windows.

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How to Backup your WordPress Site

Whenever changes are made to your site, whether it be updating your theme, a plugin or WordPress core, it is highly recommended to backup your website.

There are two parts to backing up your site: 1) the Database and 2) the Files.

For the most part you will only need to back your database up when updating plugins, but it is recommended to do a full backup (database and files) on a regular basis.

How to Manually Backup Your Database

The best way to backup your database is by using phpMyAdmin from your hosts control panel (cPanel, Plesk, etc). This will enable you to get the entire database.

Using the built in WordPress exporter plugin will only back up the core database. If a plugin – like Event Espresso – uses its own database tables they will not be saved using the export function.

To manually backup your database using phpMyAdmin:

1. Log into your webhost’s control panel and log into phpMyAdmin

2. On the the main menu, either select your database from the list on the left or click the Databases link and select your database from the list that appears.

If you have several databases there and you are not sure which one you need to choose, you can find your WordPress database by looking at the wp-config.php file in your WordPress folder or your server root folder.

select your database

Select your database

3. You will now see a long list to the different tables available. This should contain your Event Espresso tables (prefixed by wp_events) and your general WordPress tables.

The prefix wp_ is a standard one but some hosts may use something else.

4. On the menu at the top click Export. This will show a couple of options and all your tables should be listed on the left.

The options are Quick and Custom. If you know something about databases you can click the Custom and tweak as needed, otherwise leave it as Quick. Below that is a dropdown for your export type, make sure it is on SQL (the default).

Then press the “Go” button. A pop-up will appear asking you to save the SQL file to your computer.

export the sql

Export the SQL file

That’s it, the database is now backed up.

Only the posts and comments and settings are backed up, your images and files (themes, plugins) are not backed up by this method.

Restoring Your Database

OK, so the reason you backup the database is so if something goes wrong you can revert back to a recently saved version. Here’s how to do that.

1. Log back into phpMyAdmin through your webhost’s control panel.

2. Select all the tables in your database, and in the drop down menu (With Selected) at the bottom, select “Drop”, then press “Go” in the bottom right of the screen.

This will delete your database! It is necessary in order to restore the previous backup, but if you are concerned, make sure your backup is valid and uncorrupted before doing this. You can also rename the database to something else and create a new blank database with the same name as the original.

3. On the top menu click “Import”. Under the “File” to Import section click the “Choose File” and select the “SQL” file you previously exported and click “OK”.

import sql file

Import the SQL file

4. Click the “Go” button.

5. Grab a coffee/tea/beverage of your choice.

Reference Material:


If you don’t wish to do this manually there are several free and paid for plugins available that can back up your database for you.

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How to Change Wording and Text with POedit

It is often useful to be able to change the text or wording of something in Event Espresso in order for it to fit in with your site and audience better. You can hunt through the code to find the strings (text) to replace but there is a much easier and recommended way: use Poedit to change the language files.

What happens is you take the language file (in this example we will work with US English) and translate it, in order to change the text.

1) We recommend downloading and installing Poedit for working on translation files.

2) After you install Poedit, you can download a copy of the event_espresso-en_US.po file from our GlotPress project. Then you can open it in Poedit.

3) Use the Find tool to pull up the text string you need to modify.

4) Change the string as shown:


5) Save, then upload the newly generated .mo file to the wp-content/uploads/espresso/languages directory on your server.

6) Keep a copy of the modified language files saved somewhere in case you need to re-edit it or re-upload it.

Changing text strings by using a plugin or a custom function

If you know the exact text string you need to re-word, you can alternatively use the Quick Localisation plugin that can be downloaded here for free:

Quick Localisation

Or you can add a custom function to your theme’s functions.php file, the custom_functions.php file that is included with Event Espresso’s Custom Files add-on (EE3 only), or your own custom site specific plugin. Example code follows:

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Known Third Party Plugin & Theme Conflicts

The Event Espresso team develops using best practices and follows WordPress coding standards, in order to limit any conflicts caused by our plugin. Other third party plugins have been known to cause issues with Event Espresso, due to varying reasons, so we have listed all known conflicts here.

Most of these plugins, themes, etc issues have been brought to our attention via the community or in limited cases by our own testing.

Whilst we try to keep this list up to date we cannot guarantee how up to date it is.

Have You Found a Conflicting Plugin/Theme?

If you would like to add something to this list, please post to our support forums. Be sure to describe your issue clearly and provide helpful links.

If you are the developer of one of these plugins/themes and feel it should not be listed here, please contact us, as per above, and advise.


404 Redirected

Turn off the automatic redirect/force current permalinks setting

Accordion Shortcodes

Breaks TinyMCE editor in Event Espresso 4 events and venues editor screens

All In One WP Security & Firewall

Uncheck both settings that break the CSV report feature.

  • WP Security > Firewall > Additional Firewall Rules > Bad Query Strings > Deny Bad Query Strings (uncheck to deactivate)
  • WP Security > Firewall > 6G Blacklist Firewall Rules > Enable legacy 5G Firewall Protection (uncheck to deactivate)

Advanced Custom Fields Pro

Conflicts with the datetime and ticket editor’s date & time fields. The following code snippet can be added to remove the conflicting script:

add_filter('acf/settings/enqueue_datepicker', '__return_false');

You can add the above to a functions plugin or, if available, into your WordPress child theme’s functions.php file.

Bad Behavior

The Bad Behavior is a plugin that is used on a lot of WordPress sites, and it does a great job of blocking communication from other sites. In practice, that’s a good thing, except when you’re expecting to receive communication from other sites like PayPal so you can receive an instant payment notification.

If you’d like to continue using Bad Behavior and receive IPN notifications from the payment gateway, you can whitelist the IP addresses of the payment gateway’s servers, and keep an eye on the Bad Behavior logs to stay up to date in case the payment gateway adds or changes the IP addresses they use to notify your site.

If you activate the Bad Behavior plugin, you can look at the log of blocked IP addresses under Tools>Bad Behavior log. Look for all blocked records that are associated with the payment gateway, and copy the IP addresses from the payment gateway’s servers and paste them into the Bad Behavior whitelist.

Divi Booster

Breaks the Event Espresso admin pages. You can fix the conflict by going to the Divi Booster plugin’s settings page, then look under “Page Builder”. Then you uncheck the box for “Enable Page Builder for posts and custom post types” and save.

Events Made Easy

Breaks the Event Espresso registration process

EventON (CodeCanyon)

Conflicts with Event Espresso 4 as it uses the same events page slug ‘events’ by default. This can be changed via myEventON -> Settings -> Events Paging

Juiz Social Post Sharer

Workaround: Disable Display counter of sharing? setting to avoid JavaScript errors when using the Safari browser

Log Emails

Breaks the venue editor and contact editor routes in the EE4 admin. Symptom “Cannot Load espresso_venues”. We recommend to use this plugin instead: WP Mail Logging.

Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table

Breaks the EE4 ticket selector when selecting tickets on mobile browsers

Memphis Documents Library

EE4: Highjacks the session resulting in “Nothing in Your Event Queue” and “Your form data could not be applied to any valid registrations” errors. You can set its “Disable Sessions” option (check the box) on the Memphis Docs > Options > Settings page like so:

Participants Database
Changes the timezone for times displayed on events. There’s a solution outlined here:

Shortcodes Ultimate

Shortcodes Ultimate will remove the standard WordPress auto formatting and replace it with its own custom formatting. This will alter the appearance of the registration pages because it adds paragraph and break tags into the markup. Workaround: You go to the Shortcodes Ultimate settings page and set the option where you can disable its custom formatting. When you disable the custom formatting it will no longer add the extra paragraph and break tags everywhere.

Shortcodes Ultimate setting

Themify Portfolio Posts plugin

Breaks the venue editor route. Error message is “Cannot load espresso_venues” when saving a venue post.

Web 2.0 Directory

Breaks the Registrations CSV report feature

WEN’s Responsive Column Layout Shortcodes

Causes a problem with EE4’s checkout notification pop ups. Poorly targeted JavaScript strips out the P tags from our messages making them blank.

WordPress SEO by Yoast

Strips away Venue information from venue pages in Event Espresso 4. You can work around this if the Facebook and Twitter meta tags features are disabled. Alternatively you can set a custom excerpt on each Venue.

WP E-Commerce

The main WP query object gets destroyed by WP E-commerce during the pre_get_posts hookpoint. This is a known issue and reported elsewhere in the forums. We found a workaround that involves adding a little function to your custom functions.php file or into a site specific plugin:

function callback_that_does_nothing( $WP_Query ) {
    return $WP_Query;
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'callback_that_does_nothing', 8 );

Under normal circumstances the above code does nothing, however, when WP Ecommerce destroys the WP Query object, the above code will restore said object.

WP SpamShield

Workaround: Use the “Disable anti-spam for miscellaneous forms” setting to allow registrations to process.


Divi (Elegant themes)
You can set the Blog Style Mode to “Enable” to allow content from the events to display on the event list page.

The Footer Scripts setting needs to be enabled so registration checkout works in Event Espresso 4.
From your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin), go to PageLines Settings and then click on Advanced in the menu and then place a checkmark in the Footer Scripts setting and save changes by clicking on the Save Changes button.

Note about ThemeForest:

Whilst we do not like to generalize, we must mention that we receive a lot of theme related issues due to themes purchased via Themeforest. This is not to say that all themes there are bad, but it is merely an observation that we feel you should be aware of.

Support Forum threads tagged with “themeforest”

3 Clicks (Themeforest)
Removes Event Espresso content from the single event posts. The solution is add this to your functions file

Central (Themeforest)
Breaks the javascript loading, making things only work intermittently. source. One possible fix is to turn off Page Transitions in the theme settings.

Driveme (Themeforest/jthemes)
Recommended to avoid because this theme:
Disables all plugin updates
Flushes rewrite rules on init

Purity theme (Themeforest)
Breaks registration process

Accent (Themeforest)
Breaks the calendar
Update: No longer available from Themeforest

Denoizzed (Themeforest)
Breaks the confirmation page due to using position:fixed on its grid system.

YellowProject Multipurpose Retina WP Theme (Themeforest)
Breaks toggle, datepicker and basically anything else that uses jQuery in the wp-admin

Fudge (
JavaScript conflicts
Januas (
Januas theme issue 1: JavaScript conflicts caused by the removal of the bundled version of the jQuery library. Recommended fix: Always use WordPress bundled version of the jQuery library. You can remove this code found in the /lib/januas.php file from the januas_enqueue_scripts() function:

wp_register_script('jquery', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/lib/scripts/jquery-1.8.3.js');

Januas theme issue 2: Januas breaks the Event Slug option for Event Espresso. You can fix this by adding the following to a custom functions plugin, or a child theme’s functions.php file:

add_action('after_setup_theme', 'my_fix_januas_theme_breaking_ee_event_slug' );
function my_fix_januas_theme_breaking_ee_event_slug(){
    remove_filter( 'FHEE__EE_Register_CPTs__register_CPT__rewrite', 

Then if you haven’t already done so, go to Event Espresso > Events > Templates and you can now change what’s set for the Event Slug option.


Yes even your hosting environment can cause issues! If the servers are not set up correctly, or are overly restrictive, issues with Event Espresso and other themes and plugins can occur.

Not recommended:

  • GoDaddy Hosting
  • Yahoo
  • Crazy Domains (Australia)
  • HostPapa – forced server level caching with no option to disable or white list pages
  • most Windows/IIS based servers

Please see our list of recommended hosts here:

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Event Espresso