How to Get a List of Attendees for my Event

In this post we’ll learn how to retrieve a list of people (attendees) who are attending a specific event. Let’s get started!

Begin by logging into your WordPress Admin. Next locate Event Espresso in the WordPress admin menus and then click on Registrations. The registrations screen shows all registrations that have been created with Event Espresso. Locate one registration that is for your specific event. Next hover over the name of the event and a link for View Registrations will appear. Click on that link and you’ll be taken to a page that shows active registrations for your event.

There is also another way to get a list of attendees (registrants). You’ll need to be logged into your WordPress admin. Then locate Event Espresso in the WordPress admin menus and click on Events. Locate your event on this screen and hover over the name of your event. Several links will appear: View, Edit, Registrations, Export, and Trash. Click on the Registrations link and this will take you to a page which shows all active registrations.

You may notice that your registrations are currently split amongst multiple pages. This is due to the pagination option and it can easily be adjusted. While viewing this page, locate and click on the Screen Options tab which appears in the top right corner of the screen. Then you can adjust the number of registrations that should be shown per page. Once you have updated the value, click on the Apply button. Another method of seeing all of the registrations for this event in one place is to use the Registrations CSV Report button. This button can be found by scrolling down to the bottom of the page. Clicking on it will create and download a report of all active registrations as a CSV file.



Be sure to toggle full screen in the bottom corner of the video.


Notes: in the video above we cover how to generate a CSV report of attendees/registrants for an event.


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Arabica Theme Install/Setup

In this guide we will cover how to install and setup the Event Espresso Arabica theme from Event Espresso. The Arabica theme is a derivative of the default Twenty Fourteen theme.


For this guide, you’ll need to have an SFTP or FTP client as well as login credentials to access your WordPress root directory. Cyberduck and FileZilla are both free FTP / SFTP clients and are available for multiple platforms. Your server login information is available from your web host.

Begin by logging into your WordPress site using your FTP / SFTP client. This will usually drop you in a public_html directory (folder) or the WordPress root. Browse to the following file directory location:
(EE 4.4 and above):


(EE 4.3 and below):


You should now see the Espresso_Arabica_2014 theme for Event Espresso. Download (or copy) the Espresso_Arabica_2014 theme to your local computer.

Now browse to our WordPress themes folder:


Now upload the Espresso_Arabica_2014 folder (that you previously downloaded) to your WordPress themes directory (folder) above. After the upload has completed, login to your WordPress Admin. Locate Appearance in the WordPress admin menus and then click on Themes. This will take you to the themes page to manage the themes that you have installed. Locate the Event Espresso Arabica 2014 theme and click on the blue Activate button.

View the front-end of your website and head to your events list page to see your new theme in action.

Pro Tip: A lot of the Event Espresso templates will work fine within other themes, but single-* , archive-* may not match directly if you use those in their theme

For more help, see the Using Themes guide from

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How to Setup Event Espresso and Publish Your First Event

In this guide, we will learn how to setup Event Espresso and publish your very first event. It is recommended that you work through the guide completely but if you have already completed certain steps, then feel free to skip ahead as needed.

Install and Activate Event Espresso

Let’s get started by installing and activating Event Espresso. The latest version of Event Espresso can be downloaded from your Event Espresso account. Open a new tab in your web browser and go to Then click on the Account link and login to your account. You will now be viewing your account page. Locate Event Espresso in your My Plugins list and click on it. This will download the current version of Event Espresso to your computer.

Now open another tab in your web browser and login to the WordPress admin for your site. Here is an example of what the URL for the WordPress admin looks like (replace with your actual site URL):

After logging in you’ll be viewing the dashboard for your WordPress admin. Locate Plugins in the WordPress admin menus and then click on Add New. From the Install Plugins page, click on Upload. Then click on Choose File and locate the Event Espresso plugin on your computer (it is a .zip file). Finally click on Install Now. Your WordPress site will begin uploading the file and will automatically install Event Espresso. After it is done, it will prompt you to Activate the plugin or return to the WordPress Plugins page. Click on Activate. In the next section, we’ll cover how to add information about our organization to Event Espresso.

Update the Your Organization Page

The Your Organization page allows you to customize information for Event Espresso. This page can be found by locating Event Espresso in the WordPress admin menus and then locating Settings and clicking on General Settings. This page has the following areas: Your Event Espresso License Key, Contact Information, Company Logo, Social Links, and User eXperience Improvement Program (UXIP).

Your Event Espresso license key can be found on your Account page for Event Espresso. In your web browser switch to the original browser tab for your Account page. Then locate the Account Settings widget and copy your site license key. Next, switch to the browser tab for your WordPress admin. Then paste your license key in the field for Support License Key. This will enable one-click updates for your Event Espresso plugin and its add-ons.

Now we need to update the information about our business / organization. This can be done in the next section of the page for Contact Information. Go ahead and update all fields and remove any information that is not needed. Note: the country that is selected will affect the currency options that are used through out Event Espresso.

Next you can upload a logo for your organization (if available) using the option in the Company Logo area. A size of 400 pixels wide or smaller is recommended. Additionally, you can add links to your social networks using the fields in the Social Links area. The last area is for the User eXperience Improvement Program (UXIP). It is a way for you to contribute to Event Espresso. You can turn this option off or leave it on (recommended). Now you are done updating the Your Organization page and you can click on the blue Save button to save your changes. We are now ready to setup a payment method so that we can accept payments for our event registrations.

Setup a Payment Method

The Payment Methods page can be found by locating Event Espresso in the WordPress admin menus and then locating Settings and clicking on Payment Methods. For this guide, we’ll setup PayPal Standard which is a popular payment gateway that is used with Event Espresso. More information about payments for Event Espresso can be found in the article for: How to Accept Payments with Event Espresso.

Locate PayPal Standard in the list of payment methods and click on it. Then click on the Activate PayPal Standard Payments button. This will activate PayPal Standard payments on your site and you’ll be shown the following options:

  • PayPal Email
  • Country Currency
  • Image URL
  • Use the Debugging Feature and the PayPal Sandbox
  • Shipping Address Options
  • Button Image URL

Enter your Email for your PayPal account. It is recommended that you use a PayPal Premier or Business account (preferred). Next, select your Country Currency. This is the currency that you want to accept payments in. The Image URL option allows you to add a logo for your organization / business to the PayPal payment page. Next, you can enable the Debugging Feature (keep disabled when not needed). The Shipping Address Options setting allows you to specify if you would like a shipping address to be collected during registration checkout. The Button Image URL shows the current image that will be shown for PayPal Standard during registration. You can upload and select a new image or leave it as is. Now double-check that you have updated all fields as needed and then click on the Update PayPal Standard Settings button. We are now ready to create our first event with Event Espresso.

Create Your First Event Using the Event Editor

The Event Editor can be found by locating Event Espresso in the WordPress admin menus and then clicking on Events. Once on the Events Overview page, click on Add New Event button which appears at the top of the screen. In the example event that we’ll be using, we’ll focus on these areas of the Event Editor: Event Title, Event Description, Event Tickets & Datetimes, Event Registration Options, and Save New Event. Information about these options and others in the Event Editor can be found in the Help tab which appears in the top right corner of the screen.

Information for our example event:

  • Title: Spring Concert Celebration
  • Description: Come kickoff spring with a fun evening of music and food.
  • Event Start: March 22nd, 2014 at 7pm
  • Event End: March 22nd, 2014 at 10pm
  • Event Limit: 500
  • Free Ticket: no charge
  • Premium Ticket: $20, allows early admission at 6pm

Begin by entering a title or name for your event. This should be descriptive as it will be shown in various areas of Event Espresso including the WordPress admin and on the front end. Next, enter a description for your event. Event Espresso supports the rich text editor in WordPress so you can format your description using the toolbar that appears above the description area. Now scroll down to the option for Event Tickets & Datetimes. In this section we’ll setup a datetime and tickets for our events. Click on the Event Start field and change it to the date and time that your event begins. Next, click on the Event End field and change it to the date and time that your event ends. You can optionally set a limit on the number of tickets that you want to be available for this event.

We are now ready to setup tickets for our event. By default a Free Ticket will be created for our event. If you will be offering free tickets for your event, then you can begin editing the options for this ticket. Update the Ticket Name, Goes On Sale, Sell Until, and adjust the quantity. If you will not be offering free tickets, you can update the existing options for this ticket to convert it to a paid ticket.

Next, locate the Event Registration Options widget. The active status will show unknown since we are currently creating a new event. The next option allows you to specify the maximum number of tickets that can be bought per order. For example, if you wanted to limit a registrant (attendee) to buying 5 tickets at one time, then you would enter a 5 in the field. The field for Alternate Registration Page is useful if you want attendees to register through a separate URL. If you are new to Event Espresso, then leave this field blank. Next, you can enter a phone number (optional) for your event. Then you’ll want to select the Default Registration Status. A status of Pending Payment is recommended since it will allow your registrants (attendees) to make payments (if necessary). You can learn about the other options by viewing the help tab for the Registration Form Settings page.

Now double-check that your event information is correct: Title, Description, Event Tickets & Datetimes. Then locate the Save New Event widget and click on the Save Draft button to review your event later or click on the Publish button to make your event live.

Congratulations on publishing your first event with Event Espresso! Now browse to your event on your website to see how it will appear to your registrants.


Be sure to toggle full screen in the bottom corner of the video and switch the quality to HD.


Notes: in the video above we create a sample event for a cooking workshop.


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How to Show the Events List Page in your Website Navigation

Today you’ll learn how to add a link to the Events List page to your navigation for your website. This will allow your website visitors to quickly reach your events list page from any page or post on your site.

Begin by logging into your WordPress admin. Then locate Appearance in the WordPress admin menus and click on Menus. This will take you to the Appearance Menus Screen.


Along the left side of the screen you’ll see options for WordPress pages, posts, categories, tags, and Event Espresso content. If you do not, then you can enable these options by clicking on the Screen Options tab which appears in the top right of the page. Place a checkmark in the options that you would like to appear. The following options are recommended for Event Espresso:

  • Events
  • Venues
  • Event Categories
  • Venue Categories
  • Event Espresso Pages

Now we are ready to add the Events List page to our site’s navigation.

Click on the option for Event Espresso Pages. This will expand to show available options. Now place a checkmark next to Event List and click on the Add to Menu button. This will add a link to your Event List page to your current menu. You can further customize the navigation label and setup a title for your event list page.


Once you are done making changes, be sure to click on the Save Changes button. Then visit your website on the front end and you should see your event list page as part of your website navigation.

Pro-tip: You can use the steps above to add a specific event to your website’s navigation. Instead of clicking on Event Espresso Pages, you’ll want to click on Events. Then place a checkmark next to your event and finish adding it to your current menu.


Be sure to toggle full screen in the bottom corner of the video.


Notes: in the video above we cover how to add a link for your events listing page to your website’s navigation menu.


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How to Accept Payments with Event Espresso

Today you’ll learn how to accept payments with Event Espresso. Event Espresso supports a handful of payment gateways and these can be setup by going to WordPress admin –> Event Espresso –> Payment Methods. Your screen will appear similar to the screenshot below:


In the above image we see five core payment gateways for Event Espresso: Invoice, AIM, Bank Draft, Check, PayPal Pro, and PayPal. A green gear icon means that this payment gateway is currently activated for Event Espresso. If you see a white gear, this means that this payment gateway for Event Espresso is deactivated and you can activate it by clicking on the name of the payment gateway and then clicking on the green activate button.

When a payment gateway is activated, you’ll be presented with various options for configuring your payment gateway. You can refer to the help tab on the Payment Methods page in Event Espresso to view specific instructions for your payment gateway. After configuring your payment gateway, be sure to save changes by clicking on the blue Update Settings button. Listed below are some popular payment gateways that can be used with Event Espresso:

  • Invoice
  • AIM
  • Bank Draft
  • Check
  • PayPal Pro
  • PayPal

Offsite Payments vs. Onsite Payments

Event Espresso offers options to accept payments on your site and offsite. Lets begin by using twos examples to illustrate the primary difference between offsite payments and onsite payments.

Example A (offsite payments): Arrive at site –> Browse to events pages –> Click on event that you want to register for –> Select your ticket options –> Enter your attendee information and continue to payment options –> Select an offsite payment option and be transferred to payment processor to complete payment –> Return to website to finish registration.

Example B (onsite payments): Arrive at site –> Browse to events pages –> Click on event that you want to register for –> Select your ticket options –> Enter your attendee information and continue to payment options –> Select an onsite payment option and complete payment and finish registration.

The registration process for a website with onsite payments appears similar to Example A but take note of what happens towards the end of the steps for Example B. We see that an attendee remains onsite for the payment process which means a quicker registration.

PayPal Express is an example of an offsite payment gateway. When you select to pay with PayPal Express, you are temporarily brought to a secure page to complete payment. Afterwards you are brought back to the website to finish up registration. AIM is an example of an onsite payment gateway because the entire payment process takes place directly on your site.

Pro-tip: Offer multiple payment methods to make payments convenient for your customers.

Requirements for Onsite Payments

Accepting payments onsite has some additional requirements.

Your website will need to have a dedicated SSL certificate and be in compliance with PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Specifically, this means that your business adheres to the PCI DSS requirements for security management, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design and other critical protective measures. This standards ensure that your customers’ financial information is secured. More information about PCI DSS requirements is available here.

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Understanding Your Event Espresso Account

Congratulations on downloading Event Espresso, the most powerful online event registration and ticket sales software plugin for WordPress.

We’d like to take a moment to introduce you to your Event Espresso Account. Please refer to the image below as you reference each item in your account. You can also click the image to view it in more detail.


1. Profile

By default we use your account email address to try and associate your account with your Gravatar profile. If you do not have a Gravatar profile, a default profile image will be chosen for you.

2. Account Navigation

This area can be used to quickly navigate your account and download software:

  • Quick Links – Navigate your browser to the latest software downloads, support license key(s), mobile apps page, latest news, and support posts.
  • Help & Support – Links to resources, such as the quick start guide, documentation, forum support, and community live chat.
  • Manage My Event Espresso Account – With the Edit Account Details link you can edit your account details such as your name, email address, password, etc. You can also mange your billing information, download invoices, and update your newsletter preferences. The Logout button will end your logged-in session on You will be required to log into your account when you return to


3. Account Details

From here you can view your current support licenses, switch your support license, and retrieve your support license key(s):

  • Account Status & Settings – You will see a message that displays your account type, the expiration date and renewal notices. 30 days before your account expires, you will receive a notice on your account that your support license is expiring, and you will be given special pricing to renew your license. You can cancel auto-renewal by clicking on the Cancel button.
  • Switch Your Support License – This section allows you to quickly upgrade or downgrade your support license.
  • Support License Key – Support license keys enable you to receive automatic upgrades for all Event Espresso products in your account. Your support license key can be added to Event Espresso through your WordPress dashboard –> Event Espresso –> General Settings page.
  • Redeem Premium Support – If you have purchased priority support, you will have a notification on your account to complete a form to start the process to get priority assistance. You will be asked for a description of how we can help you and also credentials to your website.If you have not purchased priority support, you will not see this widget area. After the issue related to your support token is resolved, or the time allotted to your support token(s) is used or expires this widget area will be removed.


4. Billing Management

This section allows you to update your billing information and download invoices.


5. Downloads & Documentation

Clicking the disk icon will download that plugin zip file that you can install on your website. You can also click the name of the file to download the file.

Clicking the note icon will link you to the documentation page about that download.


6. Recent News

You will be notified of news posted to the Event Espresso blog.


7. Subscribed Support Topics

This is an archive of the support forum discussions that you have subscribed to. You will receive an email notification from when a new comment has been posted to a discussion. You can subscribe to a topic by clicking the “Follow” button on any forum discussion page.


8. Bookmarked Support Topics

This is an archive of the support forum discussions you have bookmarked for future reference. You can subscribe to a topic by clicking the “Favorite” button on any forum discussion page.


9. My Support Topics

This is an archive of quick links to the support topics that you have created on the support forums.

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Transactions (ver 4.0+)


The transactions section covers the payments each registrant has made.


The transactions list table offers views of transaction lists. You can filter by a date range, search for matching transactions with the Search field, view transactions by status, and view transactions by event.

Transaction Status – the current status of the transaction. This is show as a thin colored bar to the left of the ID (Registration ID).

  • Orange – Overpaid
  • Green – Complete
  • Blue – Incomplete
  • Yellow – Abandoned
  • Pink – Failed

ID – This is the transaction ID used by the plugin.

Transaction Date –  The date the transaction was first made. Clicking this will open up the transactions details page.

Total – The total cost of all the tickets purchased in that registration transaction.

Paid – Total of all payments made for the transaction.

Primary Registrant – The name of the primary attendee. Clicking this will open up the attendee details page.

Email Address – The primary attendees email address. Clicking this will open up your default email program.

Event – The name of the event registered for which is also a link to that event’s editor screen. A View all Transactions for this event link will also be available.
If the Multi Event Registration add-on is activated, this column’s content is changed to show the count of events in the transaction, and the link changes to go to a list of those events.


  1.  View Transaction Details – Clicking this will open up the transactions details page
  2.  View Invoice for Transaction – Clicking this will open up an HTML version of the invoice which can be printed. There is an option on that page to convert it to a PDF file, which can be printed or downloaded
  3.  View Transaction Receipt – Available if the Receipt message type is activated
  4.  View Registration Details – Clicking this will send you to the Registration Details page for the Primary attendee related to the transaction
  5.  Send Payment Reminder – Resend an email to the primary attendee, requesting payment if money is owed
  6.  View Related Messages – Clicking this will open a list of messages sent for the transaction
  7.  View Tickets for Registrations – Available if ticketing add-on is activated

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Registrations (ver 4.1+)

Event Espresso version 4 Documentation for Registrations(In Progress)

The registrations section of Event Espresso provides all the attendee information you need. It is separated into tabbed areas: Overview, Event Check-in, Contact List, and Reports.

Differences between Event Espresso 3.1.X and 4.X

Whilst in 3.1.X attendees were created individually in some cases and not at all in other cases.

4.X creates a unique attendee only once, and attaches the event and transaction details to that attendee. So whilst the overview may show an attendee multiple times, it is smart enough to recognize the attendee name and email address and attach events to that contact.

Note: If the attendee/registrant name and emails do not match exactly, a new attendee with a new attendee id will be created.


Here you will find the details of all attendees registered to events.


Above the list you will find various filters to help narrow down your attendee list. These include Today’s registrations, This Month’s registrations, a selector for a specific month, a selector for a specific event category, and a selector for a specific registration status.

Bulk Actions

The Bulk Actions selector that appears above the registrations list table allows you to perform the following actions to selected registrations:

  • Approve
  • Approve and Notify
  • Decline
  • Decline and Notify
  • Set Registrations to Pending Payment
  • Set Registrations to Pending Payment and Notify
  • Set Registrations to Not Approved
  • Set Registrations to Not Approved and Notify
  • Cancel Registrations
  • Cancel Registrations and Notify
  • Trash Registrations

How to Use Bulk Actions

Here’s a video that shows an example of how to select a registration to cancel it. When a registration is cancelled, the number of sold tickets for the event is decreased by one.

If your browser doesn’t support HTML5 video, here’s a link to a Flash video instead.


You can configure the display to include/exclude specific columns, as well as set the number of registrations per page view, by clicking on the Screen Options tab

The registrations list table’s columns include the following information:

Reg Status – the current status of the registration. This is show as a thin colored bar to the left of the ID (Registration ID).

  • Green – Approved
  • Blue – Pending Payment
  • Orange – Not Approved
  • Pink – Declined
  • Gray – Cancelled

ID – this is the registration ID, and is different to the Attendee and Event ID.

Name – the name of the attendee. If the person bought more than one ticket and the additional attendee data was either not required or the primary attendee copied all their data to the other forms, then the attendee name may be the same.

TXN Date – The date and time when the customer signed up to the event.

Event – The name of the event that the user signed up to.

Event Date – The event start date and time.

Att # – This denotes if the registration is part of a group booking or not. If it says 1 of 1, then it is a single booking, if it says 1 of X where X is a number higher than 1, it is a group booking.

Reg code – a unique ID for that registration. If it is a group booking the id will still be unique for each ticket.

Price – The ticket price.

Actions – 4 icons to provide more functionality:

  • View Registration Details
  • Edit Attendee Details
  • Resend registration details to attendee
  • View Transaction details

This star icon indicates that the Attendee is the Primary Attendee This star symbol denotes a primary attendee

If you hover your mouse over the Event, a submenu will appear with the following options:

  • View Attendee Check In List  – this will display a complete list of attendees for that event, including any cancelled or incomplete attendees.
  • View Registrations – this will display a list of all pending and complete registrations.

Event Check-in

This screen is used to check attendees into events from the WordPress admin.

Step 1: You select an event from the drop-down select, then click the Filter button. Now you are viewing a list of registrations for an event.

Step 2: To check in one attendee at a time, you click on the X under the “✓” column. To check in attendees in bulk you click on the checkboxes in the box column to the left, then select Toggle Check-in and click “Apply”.


Contact List

The contact list tab provides a simplified overview of the attendees, showing their contact details. You can edit contact details, export a Contact List to a CSV file, and Send a Batch Message (or newsletter) from the Contact List view.


This screen shows reports for registrations by day and by each event.

How to…

How to export the registrations as tabular data

You can output the registration list for a single event by using Event Espresso’s CSV Report feature. Here’s how:

1) You select the event you want exported from the event overview by hovering over the event’s row, then click the Registrations link that appears.

2) At the bottom of the event’s registration list, you will see a “Registrations CSV Report” button. You click this and a save dialog will appear to allow you to save the generated export.

3) You can open the CSV report file in applications that handle CSV files. Some examples include Excel, Numbers, CSVFileView, and Open Office.

How to add a registration in the WordPress dashboard

You can add registrations for specific events via the WP dashboard by following this step by step guide.

How to manually change a registration status

The registration status can be changed from the list table, or also within the Registration details page. There you can cancel a registration, or change its status from Wait List to Pending Payment.

How to create new contacts from a group registration

A registration made with a group can share the contact details for the primary registration. You can create a new contact for the registration, where the registration will have its own contact information, by clicking the Create Contact button.

The Create Contact button is visible on the single registration view when there are multiple registrations within one transaction, where the original registrant input the same contact info for each registration.

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Infusionsoft Integration

Link Infusionsoft with Event Espresso, so your attendees are moved to Infusionsoft as their event registrations are completed. Your campaigns in Infusionsoft will then take over and work for you around the clock so you can send event -specific information to attendees or even invite attendees to register for future events.

The basic contact information including a name and email address are sent along with their address. The information is stored in Infusionsoft –> Contacts –> General. The address for the registrant is copied to Contacts –> Address and a note is made in Contacts –> Person Notes. An invoice is also created which includes the event name and amount paid.

View quick links for this integration –> 

Need documentation for Event Espresso 3?

Need to Buy a Support License for the Event Espresso 4 Infusionsoft Integration?
Purchase a support license for the Infusionsoft integration for Event Espresso

Event Espresso 4 Infusionsoft Integration

This add-on is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin). Here are the steps on how to install the Infusionsoft add-on for Event Espresso 4.

Download the latest version of the Infusionsoft integration for Event Espresso 4 from your Event Espresso account.

Then login to your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New –> Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Locate your Credentials for Infusionsoft

Your credentials for Infusionsoft can be found in your Infusionsoft dashboard.

Infusionsoft uses a specific set of credentials (Application name, Encrypted Key) and here is how to find them.

1) Log in to your dashboard on

2) Look in the top left area of your screen and hover over the Infusionsoft logo and you’ll see a menu expand

3) In the lower right area of the expanded menu, under Admin you’ll see a Settings link. Go ahead and click on the Settings link under the Admin area

4) You’ll now see the All Application Settings screen. Look for Application in the left menu and click on it.

5) Scroll down towards the end of the page for the API section. Look for the Encrypted Key and copy it.

6) In a new browser tab, go to your WordPress dashboard and look in the left admin menus for Infusionsoft and click on it.

7) Paste in your Encrypted Key in the field for it.

8) Switch back to your browser tab that has your Infusionsoft dashboard open and look at the web address or URL in your browser. It will appear something like this: The information before the “” is your Application Name. In this example, the Application Name is abc123. Copy your Application Name.

9) Switch to your other browser tab for your WordPress dashboard and add the Application Name and then save changes by clicking on the Save button.

If you are not accepting payments through Infusionsoft directly, then you are all set. You’ll now see attendee/registrant information flow into Infusionsoft as registrations take place on your WordPress site.

Accept payments through Infusionsoft

Accepting payments through Infusionsoft requires a Merchant ID.

1) Login to your dashboard

2) Look in the top left area of your screen and hover over the Infusionsoft logo and you’ll see a menu expand

3) Look for the E-commerce menus area and then click on Settings.

4) You’ll now see the Product screen. Look for Payment Processing and then click on Merchant Account.

5) Follow Infusionsoft’s guide to set up payments with Infusionsoft:

6) Contact Infusionsoft to get your Merchant ID, or if you prefer working through a scavenger hunt to find it, follow Infusionsoft’s guide to How to locate your Merchant Account ID

7) Make a note to remember that number and then go to your WordPress dashboard.

8) Look in the menus on the left side of the screen for Event Espresso and click on Payment Methods. Now look for Infusionsoft and click on it and then click the button to activate it.

9) Scroll down and look for the Merchant ID field and then add in your Merchant ID which is the number that you obtained in step 6.

10) Click the boxes for the types of cards that you want to accept (e.g., VISA, American Express, Discover, Mastercard) and then save changes by clicking on the Update button.

You are now ready to accept payments through Infusionsoft for Event Espresso on your WordPress site.

Setup and Configuration for the EE4 Infusionsoft Integration

From your WP dashboard, go to Event Espresso —> Infusionsoft Settings.

Infusionsoft Integration - Settings

Your credentials for Infusionsoft can be found by following the steps in the previous section.


Once the Infusionsoft integration is installed, all new registrations are automatically captured, as “Contacts” within your Infusionsoft account. If you accept payments using Event Espresso, then we only send the payment information to Infusionsoft, when the payment is first approved.
Infusionsoft Quick Overview

Then you can send the contact an Invoice, or payment reminder, from your Event Espresso powered website or your Infusionsoft app. If you update the payment status on your website, for that person, it will also update the payment status of the order that was created for the client.

This image shows a high-level overview of how the Event Espresso Infusionsoft integration works:

infusionsoft Integration -- infographic

Troubleshooting the Event Espresso 4 Infusionsoft Integration

The plugin does not work as expected. Can you help?
Please double-check your credentials that are entered into the Infusionsoft settings pages within your WordPress dashboard. Ensure that no extra spacing appears before or after the credentials. The gateway field requires a numeric value and not a full website address.

I’m seeing this error: InvalidConfig infusionsoft. What does it mean?
Please contact Infusionsoft support to have them review your account. See this page for more information:

Frequently Asked Questions

Are partial or overpayments available?
If a customer makes a partial payment or overpays for their registrations, then the payment will not be recorded in Infusionsoft. This is a limitation of Infusionsoft, and more information is available here:

If an overpayment is made in Event Espresso, then manually apply the payment within your Infusionsoft dashboard and take note of the actual payment amount the Order Notes field.

When registering for an event, are Event Espresso using products set up in Infusionsoft for each registration?

Event Espresso dynamically creates a product record in Infusionsoft if the product is not already present, then each event registration record in Event Espresso will be assigned to an Infusionsoft product.

Does Event Espresso block the purchaser from entering the same email address for all of their attendees?

In our internal tests, it seems that a new Infusionsoft contact record was created for each different person:

Infusionsoft Integration - No duplicate records


How will I be able to differentiate between several contacts with the same email address?

Event Espresso only considers two attendees/contacts duplicates if they have the same first name, last name, and email address. In both Event Espresso and Infusionsoft, you can differentiate between contacts with the same email by their names and IDs.

Can one person purchase multiple tickets, and supply the names of all the attendees at the time of checkout? If so, will all those names be integrated over into Infusionsoft, and new IS contact records created for any attendees who do not currently have one?

Yes, and yes. You can set this up when creating the event to include specific registration forms. At a minimum, the first name and email address are required for each attendee.

During checkout, do we have the ability to ask two custom questions that could then trigger tags in Infusionsoft?

Yes. However, this will require some custom coding. Here’s the documentation for that:

Can I add custom questions during checkout for all attendees and trigger MULTIPLE tags in Infusionsoft for each attendee?

Yes, this code sample shows that you can apply tags to multiple questions:


Customizations for the Event Espresso 4 Infusionsoft Integration

Our support team cannot write custom coding for you. Below are some examples on customizing this integration.

Tagging Event Attendees

As of version 2.2 of the Infusionsoft add-on, you can easily tag contacts when registering for events, so that registrants that are added to Infusionsoft are tagged when signing up for an event. Since event managers might want to assign event attendees to more than one tag, we’ve added a way to select for each event from within the event editor (hold the “SHIFT” key on your keyboard to select multiple tags):

Each new attendee will be tagged with the selected tags for the event. If the contact already exists within your Infusionsoft account, then new tags will be added automatically.

Before using this feature, please make sure you have created custom tags within your Infusionsoft account. You can learn how to create tags in Infusionsoft by reviewing this guide:

Conditional Tagging of New Contacts

This is done by tagging new contacts with keywords based on selections chosen in your event registration forms. To get started, please make sure you have added at least one Custom Question, assigned it to a question group that is currently assigned to an event. Once you have added custom questions to Event Espresso, within your WordPress dashboard, visit the Event Espresso > Infusionsoft > Conditional Tagging Setup tab. From this tab, you can assign custom registration questions to Infusionsoft tags:

Once the custom questions are assigned to a tag, then someone registers and answers one of the assigned questions, the contact record within Infusionsoft will be updated with the selected tags. Here’s an example of what you would see in Infusionsoft when this feature is triggered:

Infusionsoft Integration Multiple Tags

Saving Registration Form Answers as Standard or Custom Fields

Sometimes you need to save additional information for a contact in Infusionsoft. With the Event Espresso 4 Infusionsoft integration you can save additional information captured from your event registration form. The information can be saved as a standard or custom contact data field within a contact’s record.

First, you add your custom questions to Event Espresso > Questions. Then add the questions to a question group and assign the question group to the applicable event(s). Now, within your WordPress dashboard, visit the Event Espresso > Infusionsoft > Custom Fields Setup tab. There you can assign custom registration questions to Infusionsoft tags:

Affiliate Tracking

Tracking affiliate sales using the Event Espresso Infusionsoft is relatively simple. See information at Infusionsoft about Creating Referral Partners and Referral Tracking Links.

Simple method
The easiest way to track referrals is by appending the URL to your event registration page, with the “ref” URL parameter and the referral partner code or the “affiliate” parameter and the referral partner id.


Tracking not working?
If that process doesn’t work, look into the caching of your site. Anyone using Varnish (such as WP Engine) will have to add exceptions for Event Espresso pages on your site manually. The standard pages are:



Extra Hooks

Sending Custom Parameters Upon Creation of a New Product in Infusionsoft

Since the Infusionsoft API creates a new product each time an event is booked for the first time, you may need the API set up a few defaults when it creates the new product. For example, if you live in Germany, you may need to tell Infusionsoft to charge taxes for each registration and display the tax amount on the invoice that is generated by Infusionsoft.

* Adds custom data to IS products
* @param array $original_info_to_send as documented on
* @param EE_Ticket $ticket the EE ticket which is used to create/update the IS product
* @return array
function ee_is_new_product_details($original_info_to_send, $ticket ){
    //always mark all products as country taxable (equivalent to EE3 code snippet)
    //$original_info_to_send['CountryTaxable'] = 1;

    //mark product as country taxable only if its taxable normally, probably more useful
    if( $ticket instanceof EE_Ticket && $ticket->taxable() ){
        $original_info_to_send['CountryTaxable'] = 1;
    return $original_info_to_send;

See more customizations in the code snippet library for Event Espresso.

Need to Buy a Support License for the Event Espresso 4 Infusionsoft Integration?
Purchase a support license for the Infusionsoft integration for Event Espresso

Installing the Event Espresso 3 Infusionsoft Integration

This integration requires Event Espresso 3.1.33 or newer. It cannot be used with old versions of Event Espresso 3.
Need to Buy a Support License for the EE3 Infusionsoft integration?

This add-on is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin).

Download the latest version of the Infusionsoft integration for Event Espresso 3 from your Event Espresso account.

Then login to your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New –> Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Setting up the EE3 Infusionsoft Integration

From your WP dashboard, go to Event Espresso —> Infusionsoft Settings.


Your Application Name
Check the URL of your Infusionsoft® App when you visit the login screen, the first part of the domain prior to “…” is your application name. For example “1234” is our application name.

Infusionsoft Application Name

Your Encrypted KeyYour Infusionsoft® API Key will be the most challenging code to find to connect Event Espresso with your Infusionsoft® application (It’s really not THAT hard! less than 1 minute).

Navigate over the “Infusionsoft” logo at the top left of your application and allow the menu to drop down. On the far right of the main menu, under the “Admin” section, go to “Settings”.


On the Left side of the “Settings” page, there’s a menu, click on “Application”.

Scroll down on that page to the header that says “API”. The top two options are what we need to connect Event Espresso with your Infusionsoft® application. If you or another administrator has setup your API settings before, then there should be an alphanumeric (letter and number) code to the right of the “Encrypted Key:” label. If there is no alphanumeric code next to the “ENCRYPTED KEY” LABEL we just need to generate it. This can be done by entering a random code or password (that you’ll remember) into the textbox labeled “API Passphrase” and scroll down to the bottom and click “Save”. If you scroll back down to the “API” section, there should be an alphanumeric code for your Encrypted Key.


KEEP IN MIND: This API key should only be shared internally and with contractors and should not be given to any other outside sources other than API Developers seeking to integrate your Infusionsoft® application with third-party applications and services that may require it for setup.

Infusionsoft Hosted Gateway Settings — (optional, EE3 only)

This is only needed if you are using Infusionsoft to process payments

Infusionsoft hosted gateways are only available for Event Espresso 3 at this time.

To start using the Infusionsoft payment system on your site. You will need to retrieve the “Merchant ID” from your Infusionsoft account and activate the “Infusionsoft Payment Settings” in your Event Espresso payment settings.

Activate the Infusionsoft payment option
Go to WP Admin > Event Espresso > Payment Settings > Infusionsoft Payment Settings, expand the meta box and click the green “Activate Infusionsoft Payment Gateway button”. Then go to the WP Admin > Event Espresso > Infusionsoft Settings page and enter the “Merchant ID” into the provided field (more info below).

Finding the Merchant ID within Infusionsoft
To get your Merchant ID, log into your Infusionsoft account. Navigate over the “Infusionsoft” logo at the top left of your application and allow the menu to drop down. On the far right of the main menu, under the “E-Commerce” section, go to “Settings”.


Click on the Merchant Accounts tab in the left pane. Click the edit link next to the desired merchant account name.

In the URL of the edit page, there will be an “ID” parameter. Copy the ID and enter it into the “Merchant ID” field within the Event Espresso Infusionsoft Settings (the WP Admin > Event Espresso > Infusionsoft Settings page).


Using the Event Espresso 3 Infusionsoft Integration

Once the Infusionsoft integration is installed, all new registrations are automatically captured, as “Contacts”, within your Infusionsoft account.
Infusionsoft Quick Overview

Then you can send the contact an Invoice, or payment reminder, from your Event Espresso powered website or your Infusionsoft app. If you update the payment status in your website, for that person, it will also update the payment status of the order that was created for the client.

This image shows a high-level overview of how the Event Espresso Infusionsoft integration works:


Troubleshooting the Event Espresso 3 Infusionsoft Integration

The plugin does not work as expected. Can you help?
Please double-check your credentials that are entered into the Infusionsoft settings pages within your WordPress dashboard. Ensure that no extra spacing appears before or after the credentials. The gateway field requires a numeric value and not a full website address.

I’m seeing this error: InvalidConfig infusionsoft. What does it mean?
Please contact Infusionsoft support to have them review your account. See this page for more information:

Are partial or overpayments available?
If a customer makes a partial payment or overpays for their registrations, then the payment will not be recorded in Infusionsoft. This is a limitation of Infusionsoft and more information is available here:

If an overpayment is made in Event Espresso, then manually apply the payment within your Infusionsoft dashboard and take note of the actual payment amount the Order Notes field.

Customizations for the Event Espresso 3 Infusionsoft Integration

Our support team cannot write custom coding for you. Below are some examples on customizing this integration.

Tagging New Contacts

The Infusionsoft integration does not have the capability to pass custom questions to Infusionsoft at this time. It seems that Infusionsoft forces you to have a “groupId” (their API term for tags) in order to assign the contact to a tag.

However, we did add way to tag contacts when registering for events, so that registrants that are added to Infusionsoft are tagged when signing up for an event. You can add “infusionsoft_tag_id” meta key and your Tag ID in the value field of the “Event Meta” section of the event editor.


More information about creating tags in Infusionsoft:

You can find your Tag IDs in your Infusionsoft account. The Tag IDs appear in the ID column.


Affiliate Tracking

Tracking affiliate sales using the Event Espresso Infusionsoft is fairly simple. Creating Referral Partners (affiliates) and Custom Tracking Links.

Simple method
The easiest way to track referrals is by appending the URL to your event registration page, with the “ref” URL parameter and the referral partner code or the “affiliate” parameter and the referral partner id.


Tracking not working?
If that process doesn’t work, look into the caching of your site. Anyone using Varnish (such as WP Engine) will have to manually add exceptions for Event Espresso pages on your site. The standard pages are:

Conditional Tagging of New Contacts

This is done by tagging new contacts with keywords based on selections chosen in your event registration forms. By placing a relatively small amount of code into your site specific plugin, you can start tagging new contacts!

Some programming knowledge may be required!

How do I find the question field name in Event Espresso?

You will need to output the $_POST variables or your registration to the screen or view the source of the HTML document to make sure you have the correct field names and question id to implement the following code.

For example, in the code below, we use `SINGLE_26` (comprised of the question type and the question id), which can be retrieved from our registration form, to change the value of the $gender_tag_id variable based on the answer given in the registration form for this particular question. The value of the $gender_tag_id variable is the id of a tag created in Infusionsoft. For more information about creating tags in Infusionsoft, please refer to the Infusionsoft documentation.

The question field name can be found by viewing the source code of your Event Espresso registration form, then find the question that you would like to use, and copy the name of the question from the HTML source.


How do I find the tag ID?
To find the tag id in Infusionsoft. You will need to go to Infusionsoft > CRM > Settings > Tags in the Infusionsoft menu (screenshot:


Sample code for conditional tagging
Use the following code to tag new contacts based on the questions selected in your event registration forms.

function espresso_infusionsoft_save_additional_tags($cust_id) {
	global $ee_infusionsoft;

	//Question types

	//Substitute `SINGLE_26` for the question type and the question id

	//Example "Gender" question
	if ( isset($_REQUEST['SINGLE_26']) && !empty($_REQUEST['SINGLE_26']) ){
		switch (stripslashes_deep($_REQUEST['SINGLE_26'])){
			case "Male":
				$gender_tag_id = 105;
			case "Female":
				$gender_tag_id = 107;
		$ee_infusionsoft->grpAssign($cust_id, $gender_tag_id);

		//Debugging tools
		//echo '<h4>$cust_id : ' . $cust_id . '  <br />' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</h4>';
		//echo '<h4>$gender_tag_id : ' . $gender_tag_id . '  <br />' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</h4>';
		//echo '<h4>$_REQUEST : <pre>' . print_r($_REQUEST,true) . '</pre> <span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span></h4>';

add_action('action_hook_espresso_infusionsoft_save_attendee_after', 'espresso_infusionsoft_save_additional_tags', 100, 1);

Saving Registration Questions as Standard or Custom Fields

Sometimes you need to save additional information for a contact in Infusionsoft. Using the following code, added using your site specific plugin, you can save any additional information, from your event registration form, as a standard or custom (video tutorial) contact data field, within a contact’s record.

Some programming knowledge may be required!

How do I find the question field name in Event Espresso?
Please see this example above for more information about finding the registration form field names.

How do I find the standard field names in Infusionsoft?
This table on the Infusionsoft website holds contact record data as well as custom contact fields. However, you will not see the custom fields listed in the fields, as these are custom to each different Infusionsoft application.

In the example below I’ve used “Website” as the standard Infusionsoft field to be updated. You would replace this field with the name for the appropriate Infusionsoft field you wish to update using the table link provided.

How do I assign Event Espresso fields to the Custom Field names in Infusionsoft?
To assign Infusionsoft custom fields, to the custom questions you created in Event Espresso, you just need to add the Infusionsoft custom field name, without spaces and prepend with an underscore, to the code below. For example, if your Infusionsoft custom field name is “Custom Question”, then the filed name will be “CustomQuestion” in the Infusionsoft database. Since we are accessing this custom field name using the Infusionsoft API, you will need to prepend the custom field name with an underscore, like so: “_CustomQuestion”

The “SINGLE_48” field name, used in the example below, refers to the custom question created within Event Espresso.

function espresso_infusionsoft_save_extra_fields($attendee_data) {
	$clean_attendee_data = array(
					//Example of standard (pre-existing) contact data field field in Infusionsoft
					//List of standard fields:
					'Website'			=> isset($_REQUEST['SINGLE_48']) ? $_REQUEST['SINGLE_48'] : '' , 

					//Example of a custom contact data field
					//NOTE: You must prepend custom field database names with an underscore when accessing them through the API
					'_CustomQuestion'	=> isset($_REQUEST['TEXT_52']) ? $_REQUEST['TEXT_52'] : '' , 

	return array_merge($attendee_data, $clean_attendee_data);

add_filter( 'filter_hook_espresso_infusionsoft_extra_attendee_data', 'espresso_infusionsoft_save_extra_fields', 10, 1 );

Extra Hooks

Sending Custom Parameters Upon Creation of a New Product in Infusionsoft

Since the Infusionsoft API creates a new product each time an event is booked for the first time, you may need the API set up a few defaults when it creates the new product. For example, if you live in Germany, you may need to tell Infusionsoft to charge taxes for each registration and display the tax amount on the invoice that is generated by Infusionsoft.

* Adds custom data to IS products
* @param array $original_info_to_send as documented on
* @param array $payment_details like columns on the event_details table
* @return array
function ee_is_new_product_details($original_info_to_send,$payment_details){
$original_info_to_send['Taxable'] = 1;
$original_info_to_send['CountryTaxable'] = 1;
return $original_info_to_send;

Changing the Country Field to a Drop Down (EE3 only)
Since the country field is a textfield, sometimes people might type in any version of their country, which may cause problems with some payment gateway providers. This problem can be easily overcome by changing the textfield to a dropdown, so you can specify a list accepted countries.

* Changes the original, regular country input used in infusionsoft to a dropdown
* @param string $original_html
* @param string $country
* @return string
function ee_is_swap_country($original_html,$country){
$values = array(
array('id'=>'germany','text'=> __("Germany", 'event_espresso')),
array('id'=>'france','text'=> __("France", 'event_espresso')),
//add any other cuontries you want to accept
return select_input('country', $values, $country);
Need to Buy a Support License for the EE3 Infusionsoft integration?

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How to Setup A Transactional Email Service with Event Espresso

Are you having email deliverability issues such as emails getting lost or some being marked as SPAM or junk mail? If so, a transactional email service can help.

Event Espresso does not send out emails itself. It uses a WordPress function called wp_mail which then uses the local email server to send out emails. Unexpected changes to the local email server can cause your emails to stop working. A transactional email service can help in these situations since they’ll take over sending emails on your WordPress site.

This means that all emails from WordPress (e.g. password resets, comment notifications) will be handled by the transactional email service for you. An additional benefit is that emails will be received much quicker than before.

Select a transactional email service

SendGrid, Postmark app, SendinBlue, Mailjet, MailGun, Pepipost and Mandrill are several popular transactional email services. Click on the links below to learn more about each service. Then register with one of the services.

Find out more about Postmark App (Free tier available)

Find out more about SendinBlue (Free tier available)

Find out more about Mailjet  (Free tier available)

Find out more about MailGun (Free tier available)

Find out more about Pepipost (Free tier available)

Find out more about SendGrid (Paid service)

Find out more about Mandrill (Paid service)

Install and setup a WordPress plugin for your selected service

Now that you have picked a transactional email service, you’ll need a plugin to connect the service to your WordPress site. Click on the link below for the service that you have selected. Then download your plugin and upload through WP-admin (WP Dashboard) –> Plugins –> Add New –> Upload.

Download the SendGrid plugin

Download the Postmark app plugin

Download the SendinBlue plugin

Download the Mailjet app plugin

Download the Mailgun plugin

Download the Pepipost plugin

Download the wpMandrill plugin

The creators of Mandrill also published a step by step guide on creating an account, installing the wpMandrill plugin and linking your account with your WordPress site, click here to view the guide

Activate your new transactional email service plugin

After the upload has completed, you can activate your plugin. Then go to the settings page for your plugin and enter your credentials and save changes. You can optionally send a test email to confirm that it has been set up correctly.

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Event Espresso