Barcode Scanner Add-on

The Barcode Scanner add-on is great alternative to the mobile apps for checking-in attendees the door of your classes and events. Just plugin your handheld scanner to your desktop or laptop computer and easily start scanning tickets at the door, right from your WordPress dashboard.

Don’t have a barcode scanner? No problem. They are fairly inexpensive and easy to use. You can pick one up on for around $25 to $99. Some beta users have picked up bluetooth barcode scanners to allow attendee look-up and scanning using a mobile device.If you plan on allowing attendees to display tickets on their mobile devices, you need to purchase a 2D barcode scanner.

View quick links for this add-on –> 

Need to Buy a Support License for the Barcode Scanner Add-on?



This add-on is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin).

Download the latest version of the Barcode Scanner add-on from your Event Espresso account.

Then login to your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New –> Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Setup and Configuration

Go to your WP-admin (WP Dashboard). Then locate Event Espresso in the WP admin menus and click on Barcode Scanner.

You’ll then see a screen like this:


Click on the dropdown and locate your event and click on it.

Then decide if you want to continuously scan attendees/registrants or lookup an attendee and manually check them in.


Once you’ve selected your event from the dropdown, use your mouse (or finger if using a mobile device) to select the field labeled “Scan or enter barcode here”, which listens for and reads the scanned barcodes.


Scan a ticket! This is the fun part. Make sure your handheld scanner is plugged-in to your computer (or connected via bluetooth to your mobile device), then grab a ticket you’ve printed and scan it. If everything works correctly, the scanner should read the barcode and populate the text field with a number/text string that will automatically check-in or display an attendees information.


Continuous Scanning
Here’s a short video that shows the “Continuous Scanning” option in action:

That’s it. You are now ready to checking-in people at the door of your event.

Front-end Ticket Scanning Page

Tickets can be scanned from any page of your website by adding this shortcode to any WordPress page:

Please make sure the page is password protected, or set to private to keep unwanted visitors from attempting to check themselves in to your events. See our note about permissions below.


Note About Permissions: If the barcode scanner is loaded via the admin page, a capability check for the ee_edit_checkins capability is done before allowing any action to be done on the scanner (or to even show the scanner form). The following capabilities are required at a minimum to scan registrations for all events with the scanner interface on the admin side:

  • ee_edit_checkin
  • ee_edit_checkins
  • ee_edit_others_checkins
  • ee_read_checkin
  • ee_read_checkins
  • ee_read_others_checkins
  • ee_read_event
  • ee_read_events
  • ee_read_others_events
  • ee_read_registration
  • ee_read_registrations
  • ee_read_others_registrations
  • ee_read_transaction
  • ee_read_transactions

When this is used on a front facing page via a shortcode that capability check is completely removed. It can be filtered with the
EED_Barcode_Scanner__scanner_form__user_can_from_shortcode filter hook to add a capability check for the front-end if desired, but it defaults to no capability check. Having no check makes it easier for Event Admins to implement by putting the barcode scanner on a password protected page.


The plugin will not activate. Can you help?
Are you running a current version of Event Espresso 4? This add-on needs at least version 4.6 to activate.

Note About Hardware!
It is important that you know the differences between barcode scanners before making a barcode scanner purchase. We have confirmed that the some of the less expensive laser scanners cannot scan codes that are on mobile phone screens. If you plan on allowing attendees to display tickets on their mobile devices, you need to purchase a 2D barcode scanner.


Our support team cannot write custom coding for you. Below are some examples on customizing this add-on.

Need to Buy a Support License for the Barcode Scanner Add-on?


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Events Social Sharing Integration

Use the Events Social Sharing extension to create exposure for your events by allowing your attendees post to social media that they’ve registered for your events.

View quick links for this add-on –> 

Need to Buy a Support License for the Events Social Sharing Add-on?
Purchase a support license for the Events Social Sharing integration for Event Espresso


This add-on is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin).

Download the latest version of the Events Social Sharing add-on from your Event Espresso account.

Then login to your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New –> Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Setup and Configuration

You will not see any new WordPress administration menus for the add-on. Your social media accounts can be enabled by browsing to Event Espresso –> General Settings –> Your Organization. Once on the Your Organization screen, scroll down, and locate the Social Links options.

Twitter, Facebook are the only social networks that are currently available for the Events Social Sharing add-on. You can fill out all of the fields as needed, but only Facebook, and Twitter will be used at this time for the add-on.


The social sharing options will appear at the end of the thank you page for Event Espresso.


The plugin will not activate. Can you help?
Are you running a current version of Event Espresso 4? This add-on needs at least version 4.4 to activate.

Where is the menu screen for this add-on?
This plugin does not create any new menus in the WordPress admin screen. It uses the existing social links which can be found in the General Settings page of Event Espresso.


Our support team cannot write custom coding for you. Below are some examples on customizing this add-on.

How to Change the Messenging

Below are some recommendations for how to change the messaging or verbiage that is used by the add-on.

The default heading that is used by this add-on is:

Support us on Social Media — Spread the Word

The sample code below will change the heading to:

Tell a Friend on Facebook and Twitter!

function ee_override_registration_checkout_social_sharing_heading() {
 return 'Tell a Friend on Facebook and Twitter!';

add_filter ('FHEE__EED_Social_Buttons__thank_you_page__heading', 'ee_override_registration_checkout_social_sharing_heading');

The following is the formatting for the Twitter share button:

I just registered for {name of event} at {name of organization}

The sample code below will change the tweet messaging to:

I’m excited about attending the {name of event} event by {name of organization}

function ee_override_registration_checkout_social_sharing_twitter_messaging( $message, $registration, $organization ) {
	if ( $registration instanceof EE_Registration && ! empty( $organization ) ) {
		$message = sprintf(
			__('I\'m excited about the %1$s event by %2$s', 'event_espresso'),
			$organization instanceof EE_Organization_Config ? $organization->name : ''
	return $message;
add_filter( 'FHEE__EED_Social_Buttons__thank_you_page__tweet_message', 'ee_override_registration_checkout_social_sharing_twitter_messaging', 10, 3 );

How to Relocate the Buttons

The buttons are added via WordPress action hooks so they can be removed and added to other places within the Thank You page. The example code shared here can be used to move the buttons so they’re before the registration details.

The sample code snippets shared above can be added to your child theme’s plugin or a site specific plugin.

Need to Buy a Support License for the Events Social Sharing Add-on?
Purchase a support license for the Events Social Sharing integration for Event Espresso

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How to build custom Espresso Event post templates on Genesis

Event Archive template

Step one: Copy an archive-espresso_events.php template file into your Genesis child theme. Here’s a copy you can use:


Step two: Copy the content-espresso_events.php template part into your child theme. If you plan on customizing the other template parts included in Espresso Arabica 2014, you can copy those over to your child theme.

Step three: Modify the markup in your copy of content-espresso_events.php and other template parts as desired. The code block that controls the display of the Event Archive is in the later part of the file, after the
elseif ( is_archive() ) :

Single Event template

Step one: Copy a single-espresso_events.php template file into your Genesis child theme. Here’s a copy you can use:


Step two: Modify the markup in your copy of content-espresso_events.php as desired. The code block that controls the display of a single event is in the first part of the file, after the
if ( is_single() ) :
check and before the
elseif ( is_archive() ) :

Venues and taxonomy archives

The same basic steps apply for Venue and taxonomy templates. Here’s a list of Venue and Taxonomy templates that WordPress will pick up and use if they’re present in the child theme:

Venue templates

  • archive-espresso_venues.php
  • single-espresso_venues.php

A ready-made example of a single-espresso_venues.php template.

Venue templates can use the content-espresso_venues.php template part. You add
espresso_get_template_part( 'content', 'espresso_venues' );
to the loop.

Taxonomy templates

Event taxonomy archives. These can use the content-espresso_events.php template part.

  • taxonomy-espresso_event_categories.php — Displays an archive of events by category

Venue taxonomy archives. These can use the content-espresso_venues.php template part.

  • taxonomy-espresso_venue_categories.php — Displays an archive of venues by category

People Archive template

Step one: Copy an archive-espresso_people.php template file into your Genesis child theme. Here’s a copy you can use:


Step two: This is optional. Copy the content-espresso_people-details.php template part from the People Add-on’s public/templates folder into your child theme. If you do not plan on customizing the -details template, you do not need copy it over to your child theme.

Step three: Modify the markup in your custom template as desired.

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Event Espresso 4 Shortcodes and Template Variables

This page shows shortcodes that are currently available for Event Espresso 4.

This page is a work in progress and will be updated as additional shortcodes are added to Event Espresso.

A similar list of shortcodes can also be found in the Help & Support tab for Event Espresso. To reach this tab, login to your WordPress admin (WP Dashboard) and locate Event Espresso in the WordPress admin menu. Then click on Help & Support. You’ll see available options in the Shortcodes tab.

Event Listings Shortcode

Displays a list of events based on a set of criteria on a WordPress page or post. Unless otherwise specified, events are sorted by start date.

  • Show a list of all of your events
  • Showed your events including expired events
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS show_expired=true]
  • Set a custom title for the event list
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS title="My Super Event List"]
  • Limit (paginate) the number of events that are shown in the event list on a page or post
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS limit=5]
  • Filter the event list by month and year
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS month="December 2019"]
  • Remove the title heading
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS show_title=false]
  • Sorts the event list in ascending order
  • Sorts the event list in descending order
  • Order the event list by a specific set of parameters (refer to available options below)
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS order_by=start_date,id]

The following sorting parameters (or options) are available to work with the order_by parameter listed above. Multiple parameters can be separated by a comma.


Event Ticket Selector Shortcode

  • Display a ticket selector for an event on a WordPress page or post

Event Categories Shortcode

  • Display a list of events from a specific category on a WordPress page or post
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS category_slug=your_event_category_slug]
  • Display a list of events from two or more categories (separated by a comma) on a WordPress page or post
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS category_slug=category-1,category-2]

Event Attendees Shortcode

This shortcode represents the link between attendees and a specific event.

  • List approved attendees for the earliest active event or the earliest upcoming event

    With no parameters set, this shows the attendees for the earliest active event or if there is no active event, then the earliest upcoming event is shown. If it is used in the event description area (via your event editor), then it will show the attendees for that specific event.

  • List the attendees for a specific event

    Replace `123` with numeric ID for your event. The ID can be found by looking at the ID column in the Events Overview screen in your WP Dashboard.

  • List the attendees for a specific datetime
    [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES datetime_id=123]

    The datetime_id is a numeric ID for your datetime and it can be found by looking at the ID which appears for a datetime when you have clicked the advanced options (gear icon) for a specific datetime in the datetimes editor within the event editor in your WP Dashboard.

  • List the attendees for a specific ticket

    The ticket_id is a numeric ID for your ticket and it can be found by looking at the ID which appears for a ticket when you have clicked the advanced options (gear icon) for a specific ticket in the ticket editor within the event editor in your WP Dashboard.

  • List attendees with Gravatars
    [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES show_gravatar=true]
  • List attendees with a specific registration status
    [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES status=status_code_here]

These parameters (status options) are available for the shortcode above. Use “all” to return all attendees regardless of status. If this parameter is not set, then the shortcode will return attendees/registrants with a status of approved.

status=RAP (shows attendees with a registration status of approved. This is the default behavior.)
status=RCN (shows attendees with a registration status of cancelled.)
status=RDC (shows attendees with a registration status of declined.)
status=RIC (shows attendees with a registration status of incomplete.)
status=RNA (shows attendees with a registration status of not approved.)
status=RPP (shows attendees with a registration status of pending payment.)

How to customize the Attendee list templates

Step 1: Copy the espresso_event_attendees.php template from the /event-espresso-core-reg/public/Espresso_Arabica_2014/ folder to your WordPress child theme’s folder.
The main template’s name is content-espresso_event_attendees.php. If you need to modify the loop, you can copy loop-espresso_event_attendees.php.
Step 2: Make your modifications to the templates that you copied to your theme.

Examples of customized Attendee list templates

Example of how to add an answer value from a registration form question to the attendee list
After you follow steps 1 and 2 above, you can add some PHP code to your templates to get and display the answer of a custom registration form question. There is an example template that you can modify/reuse/adapt located in this Github gist.

Example of how to add a ticket quantity for each contact in the attendee list
After you follow steps 1 and 2 above, you can add some PHP code to your templates to get and display the number of tickets related to the contact for the event. There is an example template that you can modify/reuse/adapt located in this Github gist. This example adds a digit after the attendee name if the quantity of tickets is greater than one. This is useful only if additional attendee names are not captured from the registration form.

Migrating EE3 shortcodes to EE4

If you are migrating to EE4 from EE3, there are a few shortcodes that can be converted from EE3 to EE4.

  • The EE3 [EVENT_LIST] shortcode’s equivalent is [ESPRESSO_EVENTS]
  • The EE3 [ESPRESSO_REG_FORM] is roughly equivalent to [ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR]
  • [EVENT_ESPRESSO_CATEGORY event_category_id=your_category_identifier] can be replaced with [ESPRESSO_EVENTS category_slug=your_category_identifier]

Reminder: this page is a work in progress and will be updated as additional shortcodes are added to Event Espresso.

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EE4 Conditional Tags

Conditional tags allow you to control where certain content appears. For example, if you wanted some content to only appear on your single event pages then you could use is_espresso_event_single().

Below are the conditionals that are available for Event Espresso 4.


This conditional checks for the event list page (e.g.

<?php if(is_espresso_event_archive()) {
 echo '<div>This is a test for is_espresso_event_archive()!</div>';
} ?>


This conditional checks for a single event page (e.g.

<?php if(is_espresso_event_single()) {
 echo '<div>This is a test for is_espresso_event_single()!</div>';
} ?>


This conditional checks for a event category page (e.g.

<?php if(is_espresso_event_taxonomy()) {
 echo '<div>This is a test for is_espresso_event_taxonomy()!</div>';
} ?>


This conditional checks for the venue list page (e.g.

<?php if(is_espresso_venue_archive()) {
 echo '<div>This is a test for is_espresso_venue_archive()!</div>';
} ?>


This conditional checks for a single venue page (e.g.

<?php if(is_espresso_venue_single()) {
 echo '<div>This is a test for is_espresso_venue_single()!</div>';
} ?>


This conditional checks for a venue category page (e.g.

<?php if(is_espresso_venue_taxonomy()) {
 echo '<div>This is a test for is_espresso_venue_taxonomy()!</div>';
} ?>


This conditional checks the type of $post_id to determine if it is a event.

<?php if(is_espresso_event()) {
 echo '<div>This is a test for is_espresso_event()!</div>';
} ?>


This conditional checks the type of $post_id to determine if it is a venue.

<?php if(is_espresso_venue()) {
 echo '<div>This is a test for is_espresso_venue()!</div>';
} ?>

Resources: Learn more about WordPress conditional tags

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Messages System: Working with message contexts

A single message type may have different content depending on the context in which that message is used, for example the content of the ‘Registration Approved’ message you send to the Event Admin will likely be very different from the content used for that same message sent to the Registrant(s).

The Event Admin may need to know there is x amount of new registrations within the email, but that may be all that they need to know. The Registrant(s) on the other hand may need directions, special instructions, an overview of the registration etc all of which do not need to be included within the Event Admin message. So although the message type is the same, those two messages are very different.

When editing your message templates, its important to keep these contexts in mind and ensure you edit the correct one for the intended recipient.

Here we will show you how to edit the default ‘Registration Pending Payment’ message in the ‘Primary Registrant’ context.

Go to Event Espresso -> Messages.


Under ‘Recipients’ we can see that the Event Admin and Primary Registrant contexts are active. We want to edit the message sent to the Primary Registrant as they will handle all payments, so we click on the ‘Primary Registrant’ link.

Notice we can see our context within the title (underlined) and we can also switch between any context available within that message type using the drop-down to select the context and pressing the ‘Switch Recipient’ button.

We can see this message is to be sent to the [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_EMAIL] from [CO_EMAIL] (which is the email address set as your Primary Contact Email within Event Espresso → General Settings → Your Organisation).

Any amendments made to the content of this message context will only be sent to the corresponding recipient (in this case the Primary Registrant) and will be used for all your events that are not using a custom message template.

When using custom message templates, the same contexts also apply, the different here is where we edit these.
For these we go to Event Espresso -> Messages. Custom Message Templates Tab.


Within EE4.3.x when you edit a message type from within the Event Editor:


The default context is currently the Event Admin, meaning any changes you make to the template that is initially displayed will only be sent to the Event Admin, although again you can switch using the Switch Recipient button. Be sure to check the context of the message you are editing.

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EE4 “Single Page Checkout” Page Actions & Filters

Wrapper Template

This template is for the Reg Step Indicators at the top of the page. The other steps get added via a PHP template var.


  • AHEE__SPCO__before_registration_steps
  • AHEE__SPCO__after_registration_steps
  • AHEE__SPCO__reg_form_footer


Attendee Information Template

This template is for the Attendee Information Reg Step:


  • AHEE__registration_page_attendee_information__start 1 argument: $event_queue
  • FHEE__registration_page_attendee_information__edit_link_text 1 argument: $string (edit)
  • AHEE__registration_page_registration_questions__template__after_spco_attendee_information_header
  • AHEE__registration_page_registration_questions__template___before_questions 2 arguments: $item, $att_nmbr
  • AHEE__before_spco_whats_next_buttons 2 arguments: $current_step, $next_step ( $current_step = ‘attendee_information’ )
  • AHEE__SPCO_after_reg_step_form 2 arguments: $current_step, $next_step ( $current_step = ‘attendee_information’ )


NEW in 4.3:
  • FHEE__registration_page_attendee_information__attendee_information_pg 1 argument: $string (In order to process your registration…)
  • FHEE__registration_page_attendee_information__attendee_info_not_required_pg 1 argument: $string (This ticket type does not require…)
  • FHEE__registration_page_attendee_information__copy_attendee_pg 1 argument: $string (This option allows you to use the above…)
  • FHEE__registration_page_attendee_information__auto_copy_attendee_pg 1 argument: $string (The above information will be used…)


Payment Options Template

This template is for the Payment Options Reg Step:


  • FHEE__registration_page_payment_options__edit_link_text 1 argument: $string (edit)
  • FHEE__registration_page_payment_options__coupon_codes_pg 1 argument: $string (Enter any coupon codes you have…)
  • AHEE__before_spco_whats_next_buttons 2 arguments: $current_step, $next_step ( $current_step = ‘payment_options’ )
  • AHEE__SPCO_after_reg_step_form 2 arguments: $current_step, $next_step ( $current_step = ‘payment_options’ )


NEW in 4.3:
  • AHEE__registration_page_payment_options__after_spco_payment_options_header
  • AHEE__registration_page_payment_options__payment_info_table_thead_row_end
  • AHEE__registration_page_payment_options__payment_info_table_ticket_row_end 1 argument: $ticket
  • AHEE__registration_page_payment_options__payment_info_table_sub_total_row_end 1 argument: $sub_total
  • AHEE__registration_page_payment_options__payment_info_table_tax_row_end 1 argument: $tax
  • AHEE__registration_page_payment_options__payment_info_table_payment_row_end 1 argument: $payment
  • AHEE__registration_page_payment_options__payment_info_table_grand_total_row_end 1 argument: $grand_total
  • AHEE__registration_page_payment_options__payment_info_table_amount_owing_row_end 1 argument: $amount_owing
  • FHEE__registration_page_payment_options__select_method_of_payment_hdr 1 argument: $string (Please select your method of payment)
  • FHEE__registration_page_payment_options__select_other_gateway_lnk 1 argument: $string (select a different method of payment)
  • FHEE__registration_page_payment_options__no_payment_required_pg 1 argument: $string (This is a free event, so no billing will occur)

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EE4 “Thank You” Page Actions & Filters

Payment Overview Template

This basically is just the congratulations message. the other templates get added to this via the AHEE__thank_you_page_overview_template__content hook or JS:

  • FHEE__thank_you_page_overview_template__order_conf_desc 1 argument: $string (Congratulations message)
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_overview_template__content
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_overview_template__top
  • FHEE__thank_you_page_overview_template__order_conf_button_text 1 argument: $string (text for big blue button) (
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_overview_template__bottom


Registration Details Template

This template is for the Registration Details table:

  • AHEE__thank_you_page_registration_details_template__after_heading
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_registration_details_template__after_registration_table_row 1 argument: $registration
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_registration_details_template__after_registration_details


Transaction Details Template

This template is for the Transaction Details table:

  • AHEE__thank_you_page_transaction_details_template__after_heading
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_transaction_details_template__after_transaction_table_row 1 argument: $transaction
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_transaction_details_template__after_transaction_details


Payment Details Template

This template is for the Payment Details table:

  • FHEE__payment_overview_template__no_payments_made 1 argument: $string
  • FHEE__payment_overview_template__no_payment_required 1 argument: $string
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_registration_details_template__after_heading
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_payment_details_template__after_each_payment 1 argument: $payment
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_payment_details_template__no_payments_made 1 argument: $transaction
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_payment_details_template__no_payment_required
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_payment_details_template__after_gateway_content 1 argument: $gateway_content
  • AHEE__thank_you_page_payment_details_template__after_payment_details

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Add a Course Curriculum Section to the “Thank You” Page Using Advanced Custom Fields

Requires Event Espresso 4.8

In this tutorial, I show you how to get started with adding course curriculum/downloads to the “Thank You” page after payment.

Adding a downloads section to the “Thank You” page will allow you to add things like course curriculum or allow registrants to download files that are only accessible after they pay for a class or event.

For this particular tutorial, we will be using two different ACF add-ons to add a “Course Curriculum” section and a few courses to the Event Espresso “Thank You” page. So please make sure you have the “Repeater Field” and “Flexible Content Field” add-ons for ACF installed and ready to go before we start this tutorial.

It is assumed that you are familiar with ACF, are capable of adding new fields to WordPress posts/custom post types, and can add new hooks to your WordPress theme/functions.php. If you are unfamiliar with ACF, please refer to the details and documentation on the Advanced Custom Fields website.

Add a New ACF Field Group for Course Curriculum

  1. acf-ee-add-new-curriculumCreate a new ACF Field Group (WP Admin > Custom Fields > Add New) [screenshot]
  2. Using the screen shot as a guide, add the following fields to the group:
    1. Class Courses (class_courses | Flexible Content)
      Label: Course Material
      Name: course
      Display: Row

      1. Course Name (course_name | text)
      2. Course Description (course_description | textarea)
      3. Course Image (course_image | image)
      4. Course Files (course_files | repeater)
      5. Course File (course_file | File)
  3. Set the “Show this field group if ” setting to “Post Type > is equal to > espresso_events”.
  4. [optional] Change the order, position, and style of the meta box in the EE4 event editor.

Add a Custom Hook

Next we need to add the code that will output the course curriculum. There are actually two options, which I will outline below:

  • Option 1: Child Theme
    Add the following code to the functions.php file in a child theme. For more information about child themes, checkout the WordPress Child Theme Documentation.
  • Option 2: Site-specific Plugin
    [Recommended] Create a site specific plugin using the code below. For more information about site specific plugins, check out our documentation on the subject.

The snippet above uses an EE4 action hook called


to display the contents of the
ee_course_materials_section_thank_you_page() function, which contains the HTML for the new section to download the course materials. The data for the ACF fields are pulled from the WP global $post variable.

acf-ee-add-new-curriculum-eventCreate a New Event & Add Course Materials

  1. Create a new Event Espresso event (WP Admin > Event Espresso > Events > Add New Event)
  2. In the new meta box generated by ACF using the steps outlined above, add the course details and files to the event. [screenshot]
  3. Publish the event.

Finishing up the course curriculum section

That covers adding a course curriculum section to a single event on the thank you page. After successfully registering and paying for an event, you should end up with something like this on the payment page:



Adding Related Events Using Advanced Custom Fields

Add a Sponsors Section to Events Using Advanced Custom Fields

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Events Grid View Template Add-on

The Events Grid View Template add-on for Event Espresso 4 will display your events in a grid format.

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Documentation for Event Espresso 3 follows the documentation for Event Espresso 4

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Installation for the Event Espresso 4 Events Grid Template Add-on

This add-on is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin).

Download the latest version of the Events Grid View Template add-on for Event Espresso 4 from your Event Espresso account.

Then login to your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New –> Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Setup and Configuration for the EE4 Events Grid Template Add-on

You will not see any new WordPress administration menus for the add-on.

Usage for the Event Espresso 4 Events Grid Template Add-on

The Events Grid View Template add-on can be used by adding a shortcode to a WordPress page or post.

This is the default template and it displays events in a CSS grid structure, using the featured image for an event. Hovering over the image will display further information about an event. If the event does not have a featured image available, then it will use a default one.

The default image is a white image with black text that states “Image Coming Soon”. You can change this by setting the default_image parameter to an URL of an image.


  • Show the template with all of your events
  • Show the template with all events and sort by ascending order (descending order is also available)
  • Show the template with a specific number (e.g. 15 events) of events
  • Show events on the template and include expired events
    [ESPRESSO_GRID_TEMPLATE show_expired=true]
  • Show events from a specific category on the template
    [ESPRESSO_GRID_TEMPLATE category_slug=your-event-category-slug]
  • Show events from a specific category on the calendar and include expired events
    [ESPRESSO_GRID_TEMPLATE category_slug=your-event-category-slug show_expired=true]
  • Show events for a specific month
    [ESPRESSO_GRID_TEMPLATE month=august-2016]
  • Display a default image when no featured image is set for an event
    [ESPRESSO_GRID_TEMPLATE default_image=]

Standard Shortcode Parameters

The following parameters are available for this add-on. You can see examples of these parameters in use in the section above.

These parameters (options) are available for the order_by shortcode parameter above. Multiple parameters should be separated by a comma.


sort=ASC (set the sort order such as ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending); must be used with order_by parameter)
limit=15 (set a numeric limit on the number of events to show (e.g. 15))
show_expired=false (set to true to include expired events)
month=august-2016 (show events for a specific month)
category_slug=your-event-category-slug (retrieve events from a certain category, using the category slug)
default_image = when an event does not have a featured image, show this image URL instead (e.g. default_image=

Link Text Shortcode Parameters

button_text="Your custom link text"

(this will override the default Register text; shown on hover)

alt_button_text="Your custom link text"

(this will override the default View Details link text; used when registration is turned off or an alternate URL is set for an event)

Troubleshooting the Event Espresso 4 Events Grid Template Add-on

The plugin will not activate. Can you help?
Are you running a current version of Event Espresso 4? This add-on needs at least version 4.4 to activate.

Where is the menu screen for this add-on?
This plugin does not create any new menus in the WordPress admin screen. It can be used by adding a shortcode to a WordPress post or post. Please see the documentation in the usage section on this page.

I can’t exclude categories using the category parameter.
The parameters for this add-on do not currently support excluding certain categories or using multiple categories at once (an array of categories).

I can see event information but the styling looks broken.
This add-on requires wp_footer() to work correctly. WP footer is used by many popular WordPress plugins and is used to load resources in the footer of a page. Please ensure that wp_footer() is being used in your theme’s footer (typically footer.php theme template file).

Customizations for the Event Espresso 4 Events Grid Template Add-on

Our support team cannot write custom coding for you. Below are some examples on customizing this add-on.
  • You can display the available spaces in the EE4 grid template by copying the
    espresso-grid-template.template.php file to your active WordPress theme.
    Then you copy this code into the template just after the $datetime variable is defined:

    Then you add this code to the template to the spot where you want the tickets remaining message displayed:
    echo '<strong>' . $remaintext . '<strong>';
Need to buy a support license for the EE4 Events Grid View Template add-on?

Need to buy a support license for the EE3 Events Grid View Template add-on?

Installation for the Event Espresso 3 Events Grid View Template Add-on

This add-on requires Event Espresso 3.1.33 or newer. It cannot be used with old versions of Event Espresso 3.
This Custom Template add-on must be installed and activated.

This add-on is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin).

Download the latest version of the Events Grid Template add-on for Event Espresso 3 from your Event Espresso account.

Then login to your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New –> Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Setup and Configuration for EE3 Events Grid View Template Add-on

You will not see any new WordPress administration menus for the add-on.

Usage for the Event Espresso 3 Events Grid View Template Add-on

The Events Grid Template add-on can be used by adding a shortcode to a WordPress page or post.

The Custom Template add-on must be installed and activated before you can use this template add-on. View documentation for the Custom Template add-on

This add-on is not compatible with the Multiple Event Registration add-on.


  • Show the template with all of your events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid]
  • Show the template with all events and order by start date
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid order_by=start_date]
  • Show the template with all events and sort by ascending order (descending order is also available)
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid sort=ASC order_by=start_date]
  • Show the template with a specific number (e.g. 15 events) of events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid limit=15]
  • Show events on the template and include expired events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid show_expired=true]
  • Show events on the template and include secondary (waitlist) events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid show_secondary=true]
  • Show events on the template and include deleted events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid show_deleted=true]
  • Show events on the template and include expired events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid show_expired=true]
  • Show events from a specific category on the template
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid category_identifier=your-event-category-identifier]
  • Show events from a specific category on the template and include expired events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=grid category_identifier=your-event-category-identifier show_expired=true]

Standard Shortcode Parameters

The following parameters are available for this add-on. You can see examples of these parameters in use in the section above.

order_by=false (order events by start date instead of title; enable by setting to start_date)
sort=ASC (set the sort order such as ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending); must be used with order_by parameter)
limit=15 (set a numeric limit on the number of events to show (e.g. 15))
show_expired=false (set to true to include expired events)
show_secondary=false (set to true to include waitlist events)
show_recurrence=false (set to true to include recurring events)
show_expired=false (set to true to include expired events)
recurrence_only=false (set to true to show only recurring events)
max_days=7 (show events over a period of time starting from today; uses event start date)
event_category_id=123 (retrieve events from a certain category, using the event category which is a numeric value such as 123)
category_identifier=featured-events-123 (retrieve events from a certain category, using the event category which is a alphanumeric value such as featured-events-12345)
user_id=2 (show events from a specific WordPress user; uses the numeric ID of a WP user)

Events Grid Shortcode Parameters

The following parameters are specific for this template add-on and are only available for this template add-on.

default_image= (specify a URL for the default image (e.g.

Troubleshooting the Event Espresso 3 Events Grid View Template Add-on

The plugin does not work as expected. Can you help?
The plugin will not install. Can you help?
Are you running the latest version of Event Espresso 3?

My template will not display. I see a shortcode on my page.
Is the Custom Template add-on installed and activated?

Need to buy a support license for the EE3 Events Grid View Template add-on?

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