Events Calendar Table Template Add-on

The Events Calendar Table Template add-on presents your events in a list style template, with a bold date and a customizable register now button.

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This add-on requires Event Espresso 3.1.33 or newer. It cannot be used with old versions of Event Espresso 3.
This Custom Template add-on must be installed and activated.

This add-on is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin).

Download the latest version of the Events Calendar Table Template add-on for Event Espresso 3 from your Event Espresso account.

Then login to your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New –> Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Setup and Configuration

You will not see any new WordPress administration menus for the add-on.


The Events Calendar Table Template add-on can be used by adding a shortcode to a WordPress page or post.

The Custom Template add-on must be installed and activated before you can use this template add-on. View documentation for the Custom Template add-on


  • Show the template with all of your events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table]
  • Show the template with all events and order by start date
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table order_by=start_date]
  • Show the template with all events and sort by ascending order (descending order is also available)
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table sort=ASC order_by=start_date]
  • Show the template with a specific number (e.g. 15 events) of events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table limit=15]
  • Show events on the template and include expired events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table show_expired=true]
  • Show events on the template and include secondary (waitlist) events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table show_secondary=true]
  • Show events on the template and include deleted events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table show_deleted=true]
  • Show events on the template and include expired events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table show_expired=true]
  • Show events from a specific category on the template
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE template_name=calendar-table category_identifier=your-event-category-identifier]
  • Show events from a specific category on the calendar and include expired events
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table category_identifier=your-event-category-identifier show_expired=true]
  • Show events from a specific month
    [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW template_name=calendar-table month=nameofmonth]

Standard Shortcode Parameters

The following parameters are available for this add-on. You can see examples of these parameters in use in the section above.

order_by=false (order events by start date instead of title; enable by setting to start_date)
sort=ASC (set the sort order such as ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending); must be used with order_by parameter)
limit=false (set a numeric limit on the number of events to show (e.g. 15))
show_expired=false (set to true to include expired events)
show_secondary=false (set to true to include waitlist events)
show_recurrence=false (set to true to include recurring events)
show_expired=false (set to true to include expired events)
recurrence_only=false (set to true to show only recurring events)
max_day=false (show events over a period of time starting from today; uses event start date)
event_category_id=false (retrieve events from a certain category, using the event category which is a numeric value such as 123)
category_identifier=false (retrieve events from a certain category, using the event category which is a alphanumeric value such as featured-events-12345)
user_id=false (show events from a specific WordPress user; uses the numeric ID of a WP user)

Events Calendar Table Shortcode Parameters

The following parameters are specific for this template add-on and are only available for this template add-on.

show_featured=false (set to true to show featured images for events)
change_title=’false’ (specify a custom title for the events shown (e.g. My Upcoming Events))


The plugin will not install. Can you help?
Are you running the latest version of Event Espresso 3?

My template will not display. I see a shortcode on my page.
Is the Custom Template add-on installed and activated?


Our support team cannot write custom coding for you. Below are some examples on customizing this add-on.
  • None at this time. Check back soon!

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How to Setup WPEngine hosting for Event Espresso

Disable Caching for Event Espresso pages

If WP Engine is your host you will need to ask WP Engine support to disable caching for the pages that handle Event Espresso events and registration checkout. The URLs that need to be excluded from the cache may include:


Important: Your site’s event and registration checkout URLs may be different, and you can refer to the pages listed in Event Espresso > General Settings > Critical page settings to verify which pages need to be excluded from the cache.

In addition to the above, any page or post that’s set to display a ticket selector using the [ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR] shortcode must also have caching disabled.

Using Event Espresso 4 with WP Engine? View a sample message that you can share with the support team at WP Engine.

Using Event Espresso 3? Try this message instead.

Enable the Heartbeat API

WP Engine will also by default disable the built-in WordPress Heartbeat API. This will break the Event Espresso 4 advanced ticket editor functions and will also break the automatic payment status update feature on the EE4 payment page. In Event Espresso 3, you will see issues with the Payment gateway settings boxes not allowing you to open and close them. The above issues are caused by the missing WordPress Heartbeat scripts. To fix this, you can also put in a request with WP Engine support to enable the Heartbeat API scripts.

Since there may be a delay before WP Engine can re-enable the Heartbeat API scripts, there’s a temporary workaround you can use that’s published in this gist:

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Payment Settings for Event Espresso 3

Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for the Payment Settings

The Payment Settings options page has all the settings for every payment gateway that Event Espresso supports.

Payment gateways are split into two broad categories: onsite and offsite. Onsite gateways allow users to pay with their credit card without leaving your website. Offsite gateways, send the user to the payment gateway site to complete the transaction.

You will at first be faced with a lots of grey bars, with the payment gateway names on them. Clicking one will open it to show a green activation button. Click that and the gateway will become active and you will then need to add the appropriate details for the gateway.

The list below links to each payment gateways documentation where you can find set up instructions, troubleshooting and usage tips.


  • 2Checkout ID: Your unique ID number available from 2Checkout
  • 2Checkout Username: Your unique username available from 2Checkout
  • Country Currency: Select the currency you are using for your sales.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Turn on Debugging Using the 2Checkout Sandbox: Allows you to test the payment system using sandbox credentials.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.


Back to top AIM

  • AIM Login ID: Your AIM login ID
  • AIM Transaction Key: This can be obtained from your account.
  • Account uses development server: Allows you to test the payment system using sandbox credentials available from a developer account.
  • Submit a test transaction: Check this if you are using the development server and wish the test the transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.


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  • Merchant ID: Available from your ANZ account.
  • Access Code: Available from your ANZ account.
  • Secure Secret: Available from your ANZ account.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.

If you want to test your account, use the test credentials (the test Merchant ID always starts with the characters ‘TEST’. e.g., if your normal account has a Merchant ID of ‘ANZKANGAROO’, your test merchant ID should be ‘TESTANZKANGAROO’.)

Also, ANZ will provide you wish two Secure Secrets. You may use either one.

Back to top SIM

  • Login ID: Your AIM login ID
  • Transaction Key: This can be obtained from your account.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Image URL: This is for your logo.
  • Relay Response URL: This shows the specific the URL to which the gateway should return the relay response for a transaction. This the page should be set in your account. Login to, goto Account > Response/Receipt URLs > Add URL and enter the following URL.
  • Relay Response URL:  e.g.
    • This URL can be changed in the “Organization Settings” page, by changing the Notify URL page option.
    • For complete information on configuring relay response, please refer to Reference & User Guides.
  • Account uses development server: Allows you to test the payment system using sandbox credentials from a developer account.
  • Submit a test transaction: Check this if you are using the development server and wish the test the transactions.  USE MD5 check to secure payment response: Use a secure algorithym for your payments.
  • MD5 Hash value: Required for the above to work. To configure an MD5 Hash value for your account:
    • Log on to the Merchant Interface at
    • Click Settings under Account in the main menu on the left.
    • Click MD5-Hash in the Security Settings section
    • Enter any random value to use for your MD5 Hash Value. Enter the value again to confirm
    • Click Submit
  • This may be a problem, such as a mismatch, between the and Event Espresso MD5 Hash value settings.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.


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Electronic Funds Transfer

  • Title: The title to display for the payment gateway.
  • Payment Instructions: Specific instructions on how to initiate the payment or terms.
  • Name On Account: The name on Your account
  • Bank Account #: Your account number
  • Bank Name: Your bank name
  • Bank Address: Your bank address


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  • Beanstream Merchant ID: Available from your Beanstream account.
  • Use Beanstream in Sandbox mode?: Allows you to test the payment system using sandbox credentials.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.


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Check(Cheque)/Money Order

  • Title: The title to display for the payment gateway.
  • Payment Instructions: Specific instructions on how to initiate the payment or terms.
  • Payable To: Who the check(cheque) should be made payable to.
  • Address to send Payment: Default is the address set in the Organization Settings section of the General Settings page. Change it here to override this.


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  • Eway ID: Available from your Eway account.
  • Eway username: Your Eway username.
  • Choose your region: Choose the correct location for your business.
  • The currency set for your region is: This will auto update when you select the Region and update the settings.
  • Image URL: Here you can upload an image to use as a logo on your payment page. Either type in the url or use the link on the far right of the field to use the WordPress Media Uploader.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Turn on debugging using the Eway Sandbox: Allows you to make test transactions.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.


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Eway Rapid 3.0

  • Eway Rapid 3.0 API Key: Available from your Eway account.
  • Eway Rapid 3.0 API username: Available from your Eway account.
  • Eway Rapid 3.0 API password: Available from your Eway account.
  • Choose your region: Choose the correct location for your business.
  • The currency set for your region is: This will auto update when you select the Region and update the settings.
  • Use Eway Rapid 3.0 in Sandbox Mode: Use this for testing transactions. Remember to turn it off before accepting live transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.


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  • E-xact Login ID: Your E-xact login ID
  • E-xact Transaction Key: This can be obtained from your account.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Image URL: This is for your logo.
  • Relay Response URL: This shows the specific the URL to which the gateway should return the relay response for a transaction. This the page should be set in your account. Login to, and follow this guide to enter the Relay Response URL that’s outlined in yellow on the EE3 Manage Payment Gateways page.
    • This URL can be changed in the “Organization Settings” page, by changing the Notify URL page option.
    • For complete information on configuring relay response, please refer to Reference & User Guides.
  • Account uses’s development server: Allows you to test the payment system using sandbox credentials.
  • Submit a test transaction: Check this if you are using the development server and wish the test the transactions.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.


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First Data

  • First Data Store Number: Available from your First Data account.
  • Accepted Credit Cards: Choose whihc credit cards you would like to accept by ticking the appropriate boxes.
  • Use Verify Peer Option in cURL: In the call between your server and firstdata’s servers, there is an option to verify the ssl certificate of the firstdata server. Normally, you would want to use this for improved security. However, if the CA file on your server is missing or out of date, then you may want to bypass this check, in order to get the First Data gateway to function.
  • Turn on Debugging using the First Data sandbox: Allow test transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.
  • Attention!Place the .pem file in the following folder. Make sure the .pem file has the same name as your store number:\wp-content\plugins\event-espresso\gateways\firstdata. First Data uses a special file to help authenticate and secure transactions. In order for the gateway to function correctly you need to place the provided .pem file in the location above.


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First Data E4/Payeezy

  • First Data E4 Payment Page ID: Available from your First Data account.
  • First Data E4 Transaction Key: Available from your First Data account.
  • Set Encryption Type: In the Payeezy account’s Payment Pages settings, go to page 9 (Security) and set Encryption type to HMAC-MD5
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Image URL: This is for your logo.
  • Relay Response URL: This shows the specific the URL to which the gateway should return the relay response for a transaction. This the page should be set in your account. Login to, and follow this guide to find where to enter your Relay Response URL. The Relay Response Url is outlined in yellow on the EE3 Manage Payment Gateways page.
    • This URL can be changed in the “Organization Settings” page, by changing the Notify URL page option.
    • For complete information on configuring relay response, please refer to Reference & User Guides.
  • Account uses First Data E4’s development server: Allows you to test the payment system using sandbox credentials.
  • Submit a test transaction: Needs to be ticked alongside the above option, if you wish to use test transactions.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.


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iDEAL by Mollie

  • Mollie Partner ID: Available from your Mollie account.
  • Use iDEAL in test mode: Selecting this will mean only test transactions go through, live transactions will not occur. YOu need to make sure that test mode is enabled in your Mollie account as well.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.


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  • Title: The title to display for the payment gateway.
  • Invoice Instructions: Specific instructions on how to initiate the payment or terms.
  • Payable To: Who the invoice should be made payable to.
  • Address to send Payment: Default is the address set in the Organization Settings section of the General Settings page. Change it here to override this.
  • PDF Settings
    • PDF Title (top right of the invoice): allows you to change the title in the PDF file.
    • Logo URL: Add an image url to insert a logo into the PDF.
    • Invoice instructions on the PDF: Specific instructions on how to initiate the payment or terms.
    • Show as option on the payment page: Default is Yes. If turned to No it will hide the invoice option from the payment page.

Troubleshooting Invoices

I am getting an error and tickets won’t download – If the error mentions a missing or incorrect image file such as “FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file:”, it is likely due to an incorrect server setting. You can either try amending your PHP.INI file or contacting your host to see and/or enable the “allow_url_fopen” option. You can also check if this is enabled or not by using a plugin such as WordPress phpinfo().

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  • Luottokunta ID / Merchant Number: Available from your Luottokunta account.
  • Perform MAC security Check : Turns the MAC security check on or off (see below).
  • Secret MAC key: Available from your Luottokunta account.
  • Luottokunta Payment Page Language: Choose from a list of languages. This is not set by Event Espresso.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.
Luottokunta MAC Security Check

Using MAC calculation (MAC = Message Authentication Code) improves the security of the card payments in online store. Use of the MAC calculation is mandatory and the merchant must implement the MAC calculation in two phases in the HTML form interface. If the merchant does not use MAC calculation, the merchant will be responsible for any security risks and damages experienced by Luottokunta.

Luottokunta sends the merchant one secret key for the MAC calculation, enclosed in the service ID codes letter for Luottokunta ePayment Service, and this key is used for actual MAC calculation.

To Activate the Mac Security Check:

Log in to Transaction management section of the web interface of Luottokunta ePayment Service, using a merchant admin user or admin user ID.
Go to the page “Merchant settings”.
Enable the options “Add MAC check to HTML form” and “Add MAC check to Success_Url” (by marking them as checked).
Save your changes by clicking the button “Update”
Lastly, from within Event Espresso’s payments page, set “Perform MAC security Check” to “Yes” and click “Update Luottokunta Settings”

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  • Affiliation ID: This is available from your Megasoft account.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.
  • Account Uses Megasoft’s development Server: Allows you to send test transactions.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.


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Merchant Warrior

  • MW Merchant UUID: Available from your Merchant Warrior account.
  • MW API Key: Available from your Merchant Warrior account.
  • MW API Passphrase: Available from your Merchant Warrior account.
  • Select the currency for your country: Choose from a list of currencies. This is not set by Event Espresso.
  • Image URL: Type an URL or upload an image to act as your logo on the Merchant Warrior page.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Use the Test Mode for Merchant Warrior: Allows you to send test transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.


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The Moneris gateway requires some setting up in both the Event Espresso settings and your Moneris account before it can fully integrate with Event Espresso.

Moneris Hosted Paypage Configuration

Log into your Moneris account and navigate to the main Hosted Paypage Configuration page by clicking your configuration or after creating a new configuration.

Under Basic Configuration>Response Method you select Response Method: Sent to your server as a POST. You set the Approval and Declined URLS to the URL that’s the Event Espresso Thank You page. Then Save changes.


Next step: Configure Response Fields.
Then click on the Configure Security button. You check the boxes next to the following items:

  • Return line item details.
  • Return billing details.
  • Return other customer fields. (cust_id, client_email, note . . .)
  • Return ECI value.
  • Return the txn_number. This field is used to perform follow-ons.
  • Automatically prompt cardholder for new card number on decline.


Next Step: Configure Security. On the Security Features page under Referring URL, add full URLs pointing to the home page URL and for the main EE pages: registrations, transactions, thank-you. The cancellation page does not need to be added.

Add each one individually and click the Add URL button after adding the link to the input field.

In the Transaction Verification section, make sure that the Enable Transaction Verification checkbox is selected and then select Displayed as XML on our server from the list of available Response Methods.

After that, enter the full URL for the EE transactions page in the Response URL text input.

Finally click on the Save Verification Settings button.


Event Espresso account settings

  • Moneris Hosted Pay Page Store ID (ps_store_id): Please see your Moneris account for this information.
  • Moneris Hosted Pay Page Key (hpp_key): Please see your Moneris account for this information.
  • Transaction Mode: Has three settings; Development – uses the Moneris testing servers to test payments; Dev + Debug – similar to Development but outputs data onto the website for easier debugging; Production – this is to be used if your site is live and taking real payments.
  • Moneris Canada or USA?: Set your country preference.
  • Language: Set your language preference between English and French. English is default.
  • Invoice Notes: Here you can add a default note that will appear on invoices.
  • Button Image URL: Use a custom button for Moneris on your Event Espresso payment page.


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NAB Transact Direct

  • NAB Merchant ID: This is available from your NAB account
  • NAB Merchant Password: This is available from your NAB account
  • Use NAB Transact Direct post in test mode?: This turns on the test mode to allow test transactions.


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  • PayChoice Username: This is available from your PayChoice account.
  • PayChoice Password: This is available from your PayChoice account.
  • PayChoice Currency Symbol: PayChoice currently only accepts AUD.
  • Use the Test Mode for PayChoice: Allows you to send test transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.


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PayPal Standard

  • PayPal ID: Available from PayPal, normally your email.
  • Select the Currency for your country: Please choose the correct currency. Event Espresso does not set this.
  • Image URL: Type an URL or upload a file to act as your logo on the Paypal page.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Shipping Address Options: Choose an option for whether a delivery address is required or not.
  • Use the Debugging Feature and the Paypal Sandbox: Allows you to send test transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.

Using PayPal Sandbox

The PayPal Sandbox is a method of testing payments for PayPal without actually having to pay something. PayPal’s sandbox documentation can be found here.

Setting up the PayPal IPN

We have a guide to help you set up your IPN (Instant Payment Notification) with PayPal. This can be found here.

Troubleshooting PayPal

Users cannot pay by credit card – This is a PayPal setting, check this handy image to find the correct setting.

Per-Event Settings

By setting fields in the Event Meta section of the event editor, you can override the global paypal settings, and direct revenue from an event to a separate account. This feature will not work with the Multiple Event Registration add-on registration process, however. The override fields are:

    • paypal_email


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Paypal Payments Pro

An SSL certificate is required to use PayPal Pro.
  • PayPal Payments Pro Email: The email you use for PayPal
  • PayPal API username: Available from your PayPal Pro account.
  • PayPal API Password: Available from your PayPal Pro account.
  • PayPal API Signature: Available from your PayPal Pro account.
  • Select the currency for your country: Choose the appropriate currency. This is not set by Event Espresso.
  • Accepted Credit Cards: Tick the boxes for the credit cards you wish to accept. Please verify that PayPal Pro accepts the card type in your locale. For example, Website Payments Pro in the UK will not accept American Express. This means if you accept payments in the UK the AMEX should be left unchecked.
  • Use PayPal Payments Pro in Sandbox Mode: Allows you to send test transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.


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  • PayTrace User ID: Available from your PayTrace account.
  • PayTrace User Password: Available from your PayTrace account.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.


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  • Canadian PSiGate Store Key (Merchant ID): Available from your PSiGate account.
  • US PSiGate Store Key (Merchant ID): Available from your PSiGate account.
  • Select the currency for your country: Choose the appropriate currency. This is not set by Event Espresso.
  • Luottokunta Payment Page Language: Choose from a list of currencies. This is not set by Event Espresso.
  • Use the Development Site: Turns on the test mode, no real transactions can be made whilst this setting is on.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.

Why is there a Canadian and US PSiGate Store Key?

If you will be accepting payments only in USD, you only need to enter a “US PSiGate Store Key”. Conversely, if you are only accepting payments in CAD, you need only enter a “Canadian PsiGate Store Key”.

If, however, some events will be accepting US dollars and others will be accepting Canadian dollars, you will need 2 PSiGate accounts: one accepting CAD and the other for USD. Enter the store keys for each into Event Espresso in the appropriate fields (“Canadian PSiGate Store Key” and “US PSiGate Store Key”).

Then, select a default currency. You may then specify an event as using the other currency by adding an ‘Event Meta’ called ‘event_currency’, and give it a value of either ‘USD’ or ‘CAD’.

When customers go to pay for an event, if the currency is in USD, your US Store Key will be used. If the currency for the event is CAD, the Canadian Store Key will be used.

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Purchase Order

  • Title: The title to display for the payment gateway.
  • Payment Instructions: Specific instructions on how to initiate the payment or terms.
  • Payable To: Who the invoice should be made payable to.
  • Address to send Payment: Default is the address set in the Organization Settings section of the General Settings page. Change it here to override this.

The Purchase order number will show on the attendee overview page.

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Quick Books

  • QuickBooks Connection Ticket: Available from your Quick Books account.
  • Use PTC (Development) Server: Use the test server to put through fake transactions. Remember to turn this off before allowing live transactions.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.

The Purchase order number will show on the attendee overview page.

How to Configure QuickBooks Merchant Services Payment Gateway

  1. First signup for a Merchant Services Account here
  2. After creating the account, click here to link Event Espresso to your QuickBooks Merchant Services account
  3. After you click on the previous link, enter your QuickBooks Merchant Services email and password.
  4. You will then be given a ‘Connection Ticket’, which you must copy and paste into the Field ‘Connection Ticket’ in Event Espresso’s QuickBooks Merchant Services payment settings field.
    (Note: if you change whether you’re using the PTC/Development server, you will need to re-acquire your connection ticket.)
  5. All done! Now just test that payments are working, and you’re done!

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  • QuickPay ID: Available from your QuickPay account.
  • QuickPay MD5 Secret: Available from your QuickPay account.
  • Payment Window Language: Choose a language which the payment screen will be displayed in.
  • Automatic Capture: Automatic Capture skips the bank authorization process and obtains the money directly.
  • Currency: Choose a currency for payments.
  • Turn on debugging using the Sandbox: Allows you to send test transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.


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  • Merchant ID: Available from your RealAuth account.
  • Shared Secret: Available from your RealAuth account.
  • Country Currency: Choose your countries currency.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Use the debugging feature: Turn on the debugging feature to allow you to find errors in the payment process.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Auto settle transactions: Used to signify whether or not you wish the transaction to be captured in the next batch or not. If set to “Y” and assuming the transaction is authorised then it will automatically be settled in the next batch. If set to “N” then the merchant must use the realcontrol application to manually settle the transaction. This option can be used if a merchant wishes to delay the payment until after the goods have been shipped. Transactions can be settled for up to 115% of the original amount.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.

In addition to adding the Merchant ID and Shared secret, you will need to contact Realex support and give them a response URL (which is the page on your site with the [ESPRESSO_TXN_PAGE] shortcode. By default, it’s the page set as the notify URL in the Event Espresso>General Settings.

I recommend this documentation for additional info, there is a check-list on page 5 that may help you get up and running:


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  • Stripe Secret Key: Available from your Stripe account.
  • Stripe Publishable Key: Available from your Stripe account.
  • Stripe Currency Symbol (USD): Defaults to USD, but as Stripe expands other currencies may become available.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.


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USAePay Offsite

  • Key: Available from your USAePay account.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.


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USAePay Onsite

  • Key: Available from your USAePay account.
  • Use USAePay Development Server?: Use the test server to enable you to create fake transactions whilst tesrting your site. Make sure you obtain and use the Development Key rather than your own Key.
  • Submit a test transaction: Tick to enable fake transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Display a form header: Tick this if you wish to see a header above the payment form.
  • Header Text: This is the text that will be displayed if the above option is ticked.


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  • WePay Client ID: Available from your WePay account.
  • WePay Client Secret: Available from your WePay account.
  • Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Select the Account to use: Select the WePay account that you wish to use for Event Espresso.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Turn on Debugging using the WePay Sandbox: Allows you to use test transactions.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.


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  • WorldPay Installation ID: Available from your WorldPay account.
  • Button Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Image URL: This contains the default image supplied by Event Espresso. If you wish to use a different button, change the url here.
  • Select the currency for your country: Choose the appropriate currency. This is not set by Event Espresso.
  • Relay Response URL: This shows the specific the URL to which the gateway should return the relay response for a transaction. This the page should be set in your Worldpay account.
    Enabling Payment Response As a default the payment response feature is set to OFF by default, to enable this feature:

    1. Log in to the Merchant Interface
    2. Select Installations from the left hand navigation
    3. Choose an installation and select the Integration Setup button for either the TEST or PRODUCTION environment
    4. Check the Enable Payment Response checkbox
    5. Enter the Payment Response URL of the server-side script that is hosted on your web server. This will be the Event Espresso Thank You page URL
    6. Select the Save Changes button
    7. Note:If your Payment Response URL starts with HTTPS:// you will need to make sure that your server supports either SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0.
  • Bypass Payment Overview Page: If this is set as Yes, instead of the user having to select the payment gateway button it will redirect the user to the gateway directly.
  • ImportantThis should only be used when you have one payment gateway, which also must be an offsite gateway like PayPal. It is also highly recommended that you turn off the payment return option to avoid the user being looped back to the gateway if the payment fails.
  • Turn on Debugging Using the WorldPay Sandbox?: Turns on the test mode, no real transactions can be made whilst this setting is on.
  • Force HTTPS on Return URL: Forces the gateway provider to send the customer back to the return page — or pull the return page from the site — using HTTPS. This is required in some instances to prevent a warning that the page the user is going to is not secure.
  • Current Button Image: A visual representation of the current button.

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How to Create a Custom Registration ID

This guide is for Event Espresso version 3.

The attendee registration ID is used throughout Event Espresso 3 to find, and display a particular attendee. It is used in the admin, the emails and the tickets (with the Ticketing Add On).

The registration ID does have some meaning but in practical use it is merely a set of random and unique letters and numbers.

If you want to make the registration ID more useful, here’s how you can do it.

Add the following code to your themes functions.php or preferably a custom_functions.php file in wp-content/uploads/espresso.

function my_remove_registration_id_filter() {
  remove_filter('filter_hook_espresso_registration_id', 'espresso_build_registration_id', 10);
add_filter ('filter_hook_espresso_registration_id', 'my_remove_registration_id_filter', 9 );

function my_custom_registration_id(){

	$date = date('Y-m-d');
	$count = $_POST['num_people'];
	$cost = $_POST['event_cost'];

	$id = $date . '-' . $count . '-' . $cost . '-' . rand(100, 1000);
	return $id;

add_filter('filter_hook_espresso_registration_id', 'my_custom_registration_id', 10, 1);

Let’s break this down:

This will remove the existing code that creates the registration id

function my_remove_registration_id_filter() {
  remove_filter('filter_hook_espresso_registration_id', 'espresso_build_registration_id', 10);
add_filter ('filter_hook_espresso_registration_id', 'my_remove_registration_id_filter', 9 );

This function is what creates the new registration ID.

function my_custom_registration_id(){
     $id = uniqid();
     // for the sake of an example, we'll convert the unique ID to be letters from the alphabet, which would make for something similar to an airline's reservation code
     return strtr($id, '01234567890', 'abcdefghij');

This will apply our new function

add_filter('filter_hook_espresso_registration_id', 'my_custom_registration_id', 10, 1);

That function will basically just change the already random ID into a slightly more structured but still random ID.

What if you wanted to add in more useful information such as the event cost?

That’s where the $_POST variable come in. This variable contains information from the event. Most of the time the following is available (but this can differ from event to event):

  • event_cost (if the event has a price)
  • payment (if the event is free)
  • start_time_id
  • fname
  • lname
  • email
  • use_coupon
  • use_groupon
  • event_id
  • num_people

Note that if you use event_cost in the ID but the event is free nothing will print out, so it is advisable to do a check for to see if the event_cost exists or not.

Here is an example that creates an ID with the date, number of tickets and event cost. Instead of creating just a random string it uses actual data to build the registration ID:

function my_custom_registration_id(){

	//get todays date
	$date = date('Y-m-d');

	//how many tickets were there?
	$count = $_POST['num_people'];

	//if there is more than one attendee, this will check the amount
	if(!isset($count)) { $count = count($_POST['x_attendee_fname']) + 1; }

	//how much did the event cost?
	$cost = $_POST['event_cost'];

	//lets make sure there is a cost, otherwise lets use the word free instead
	if(!isset($cost)) { $cost = "free"; }

	//combine them all up, seprated by dashes and add some random numbers at the end.
	$id = $date . '-' . $count . '-' . $cost . '-' . rand(1000, 100000);
	return $id;

For an event registered on the 5th June 2014 for 1 person, at a cost of $20.00, the registration id would be:


The last digits are random, just to help keep things unique.

This has been tested on standard registrations and Multiple Event Registration (MER) cart registrations and works, with the exception that it is very difficult to get the ticket count to work as each attendee is registered separately with MER.

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Ticketing Add-on Template Tags

The following tags can be used in a custom Ticket Template. If you need help creating a custom ticket, we have a handy how to guide here.


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How to Create a Site Specific Plugin for your WordPress Site

Today we will learn how to create a site specific plugin for our WordPress site. Before we get started on creating the file, lets briefly talk about why these plugins are helpful.

In the past, if you wanted to add a code snippet to your site then you might use your theme’s functions.php file which is usually in this location:


One problem with this approach is that it does not account for theme updates which means there is a risk of losing your customizations if you update your theme. This is especially true if your theme has a convenient one-click update feature from within the WordPress admin. A site specific plugin is a better choice since your customizations will be in organized in one location. Additionally, if you add your code through the WordPress Plugin Editor, then WordPress will check your code to ensure that it won’t cause any fatal errors and take your site offline. Finally, some customizations require loading the code early in the request, so by the time the theme’s functions.php file loads it’s too late!

The Solution: Create your Site Specific Plugin

To get started, you will need to login to your WordPress root with an SFTP or FTP client. Cyberduck and FileZilla are free options that are available on multiple platforms. This will require an SFTP or FTP login which can be provided by your web host.

1) After logging in to your WordPress root, browse to this location:


2) Now create a new folder. In this example, we’ll create one called myexamplesite:


3) Next, open the new folder that you just created.

4) We now need to create a file. In this example, we will create a file called myexamplesite-customizations.php:


5) Then, copy the sample code below:

Plugin Name: Site plugin for
Description: Site specific code for
/* Begin Adding Functions Below This Line; Do not include an opening PHP tag as this sample code already includes one! */

/* Stop Adding Functions */

6) Return to your SFTP or FTP client and paste the header code above into the file. You can change “” to something else such as your own site URL. Be sure to save changes to the file.

6b) You add your custom functions. Be sure to save changes to the file.

6c) You may need to update the file permissions for the file. Check with your web host for the required file permissions.

7) Now login to your WordPress admin and go to the Plugins page and click the Activate link to activate the new plugin.

8) Optional, and generally not recommended: You can also make edits to the plugin by going to Plugins → Editor. Select your new plugin from the dropdown in the top right corner:

You can now add your code snippets to this file and save changes by clicking on Update File.

Remember, by using the WordPress Plugins Editor, WordPress will check your code to ensure that it won’t crash your site.


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How To Prevent Users From Double Booking Events

Have you ever had events that are accepting registrations at the same time, and then had customers purchase tickets or register for both events, even though they can’t split themselves in half and attend both events at the same time?

If so, here is a little trick that Event Espresso maestro himself, Josh, came up with.

First of all you will need to group the events (classes, etc) together in a table. This can be achieved with the table shortcodes from the Custom Files add-on.

Adding the following to the page or page template which displays the tables.

<script> jQuery("a.ee_add_item_to_cart").click(function() { jQuery(this).closest(".espresso-table").fadeOut('slow'); })? </script>

This code hides the table once an item is added to cart, effectively stopping the user from selecting any others from that group.

If the user has Javascript turned off, this will not work.

We always recommend migrating to Event Espresso 4 if the time and situation is right for you. In this case, Event Espresso 4 also has a feature that disallows people from registering for more than one ticket at a time for a single event (given you are NOT using the Multiple Event Registration add-0n). These features can help you select the right events and keep their schedule organized. Additionally, you can add iCal links to your confirmation email messages so that when attendees add your events to their calendar, they can clearly see that they have one or multiple events booked for the same time.

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How To Sell Multiple Ticket Types Simultaneously

The following documentation only applies to Event Espresso 3. We now recommend that you use Event Espresso 4 to sell multiple ticket types simultaneously.

Not all events are equal. In fact it is rare when an event simply sells one type of ticket. There are often varying ticket prices such as adults, children, and seniors or additional products or ‘bolt ons’ that can be added to the event.

In this article, you’ll learn how to use Event Espresso to sell various types of tickets, in various quantities via one event.

What you will need:

  • An Event Espresso Business or Developer licence
  • Event Espresso
  • Multiple Event Registration add on
  • A little bit of time.
You should already be familiar with creating an event using the Event Espresso event editor. If not, please see our getting started link at the end of this tutorial.

Let’s get started

First, make sure that both the Event Espresso core plugin and the Multiple Event Registration add-on are activated.

We will start of with a brand new event, but you can easily edit an existing one to do this as well.

Once you have the event editing screen loaded, fill out the basics: event title, event description, registration, and event dates.

event pricingIn the price section fill out a basic ticket price. In this example I will use Adult as the base ticket.

Then click Add A Price – this will bring up more fields for extra prices.

Fill out the next one, I will use Child here.

Then keep generating prices and filling them out until you have the number you need. I will just add Seniors and be done there.

On the right, change the Allow group registrations? to Yes, and below that add a number to Max Group Registrants. This number will be the maximum number of tickets one person can buy in one go. It is important to set a number here as it cannot be unlimited, but you can make it as high as you like. I am going to select 10.

In order to make sure that the customer has access to the extra tickets, we need to turn off the registration form on the event page, and add an Add to Cart link, so that the user uses the Multiple Event Registration functionality.

event optionsSo, on the right where it says Display registration form?, set it to No.

Ok, one more thing here, we need to add that link, otherwise the registration page wont lead anywhere and it could cause confusion and potential lost sales.

We will use the [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK] shortcode, but it needs to be tweaked a little to make it look good, so we will use this version:

[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK anchor="Register for this Event" direct_to_cart=1 moving_to_cart="Redirecting to cart..."]

What this does is to change the default link text to “Register for this event” and on click sends the user to the shopping cart. If you just want to change the link text but not redirect the customer, then use this [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK anchor="Register for this Event"]

Ok, so now we have everything we need, we just need to make sure that the rest of the event is in order – questions, member prices, emails, etc. Once its to your satisfaction, click Submit New Event to save and publish your event.

Go and check out your event. Of course if you are looking at the Event List you will see the add to cart button, courtesy of the Multiple Event Registration add-on, but if you select the event to read it rather than add it to cart you will see that the registration form has gone and in its place is an awesome add to cart button.

event registration page

Clicking that will add it to cart and send you directly there (or not, see above) and you will see that the customer can now select various quantities of each ticket type up to the maximum ticket allowance you set.

view cart


Getting started link

MER link

Add to cart link 

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How to Setup A Table List of Events

In this how-to I will show you how to set up a tabular list of events that a customer can use to add multiple events to cart.

You will need Multiple Event Registration add-on and Custom Files add-on to set this up.

First of all, install and activate the Multiple Event Registration (MER) add-on.

Next, use an SFTP or FTP client such as FileZilla or Cyberduck to copy the contents of the Custom Files add-on to the wp-content/uploads/espresso directory. You will need to maintain the directory structure so the custom_functions.php, custom_includes.php and custom_shortcodes.php files will go into the wp-content/uploads/espresso directory, and the contents of the templates folder will go into wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates.

In your WordPress dashboard create a new page for your table. I will call mine TablePage for this example but feel free to change that name. In the page put the [ESPRESSO_TABLE] shortcode.

Now comes a little bit of coding, as we need to modify the wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates/espresso_table.php file to work with MER. You can either do this via your servers control panel file manager or you can download the file via FTP or SFTP and edit it (don’t forget to upload the new version).

In that file look for the following line of code

<?php echo $register_button ?>

and then delete it and replace it with this line of code

<?php echo do_shortcode('[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id="'.$event->id.'" anchor="Add to Cart"]');?>

The original link would have sent the customer to the registration page, which we did not want. The new link will add the event to the cart instead.

Feel free to change the wording of Add to Cart


If you want the user to be able to click directly off of the calendar (you will require the Calendar add-on) and end up at the table list, follow these instructions.

Install the Calendar add on, and create a new page in WordPress called Calendar (feel free to use your own name for it) and make sure the page contains the shortcode [ESPRESSO_CALENDAR].

Then in the events that you want to link to the table, in the option “Alternate Registration Page (optional)”, add the URL for the page containing the table (e.g.

Now when the customer clicks that event in the calendar they will be redirected to the table page containing a list of all your events.

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Track Club Events – Ventura Tigres


The Ventura Tigres needed to set up a registration system for their youth track meets, to help automate their process and allow the organizers to not have to wake up at 5am to sort out the registrations! With a little help and guidance from the team at Event Espresso, this is how they have done it.

What plugins are used?

  • Event Espresso – the core plugin.
  • Multiple Event Registration – enables a shopping cart system, allowing the users to buy several event tickets in one go.
  • Volume Discounts – allows discounts on bulk sign ups. Used here to give a discount for more than one child from the same family.
  • Custom Files – various code snippets that can be built on to provide different or extra functionality.

Where to start?

We will start by creating the season events. What will happen is we will create 5 events for the 5 groups so that we can limit the number of kids that can join one group so that there are not any problems with over booking. Though not covered here you could easily set up an Overflow Event should you wish to capture possible subs if a child pulls out at the last minute.


Go to Questions and add as many as you need to that are relevant to your needs. In this example I created some sample questions:

  • Previous experience
  • Illnesses/conditions
  • I agree to terms

You can obviously make more such as Personal Record, parent name, contact details, etc. etc.

Once the questions are done, go to Question Groups and create a group, allocating the questions you just made to that new group.

This can include options for selecting the different meets by creating new questions and question groups which can be attached to the specific events e.g  create a question group for the Gremlins that includes checkboxes for 1600m, 400m 100m, 800m and only attach that to the Gremlins event.


Go to the Categories menu and Add New Category. You can add as little or as much information here as you like so long as it has a name. I will call mine Season1, and that’s the only information I will add here.


Of course we can’t have the events if there is no financial reimbursement to cover the overheads incurred. Go to the Payment Settings and find the name of the payment gateway(s) you wish to use and click it. A green box will appear asking if you wish to activate the gateway, click it. Fill out the appropriate details for the payment gateway and click the update button.


Go to Event overview and create an event for the seasons first age group. I called mine Season 1 – Gremlins (age 7-8), but you can no doubt word it better than I can.

Set the registration period and the event date (event date will be the full season period). Add in a price and set the attendance limit (I used 60) and make sure you set the group registrations to Yes and the group amount to 4 (or applicable number). This will limit the number of overall places in the event and also limit how many kids can be signed up in one go. This is important as their will be a discount for 2 or more children so limiting it can help avoid parents grouping their kids too much.

Set the category to Season1 (or whatever you called your category).

Then create the event, by clicking the Submit New Event button in the top right hand side of the screen.

Go back into that event by clicking on its name in the Event Overview page and duplicate it by clicking the Duplicate button in the top right hand side of the screen.

Do this until you have five events. Edit four of those events, changing the title and the pricing and the attendee count as needed, in order to end up with the correct grouping structure, names etc.

Season registration page.

Create a new Page in WordPress, this will be for people to click on and register their kids to the season. Call it whatever you want (I called it Season) and in their feel free to write any info but make sure you add the shortcode [ESPRESSO_TABLE  category_id=”season1″]. This will list just those events categorised Season1.

Now here is something a little complicated. I am using here the  [ESPRESSO_TABLE] shortcode from the custom files add on.

As it stands its not perfect for what we need, so I have modified the code to simplify the table (removing some columns that are not needed) and to change the register link into an add to cart function for use with MER.

I have included a copy of the modified file (espresso_table.php) which needs to replace the one in your add on.

Volume Discounts

There will be discounts provided for the events if more than one child is registered. As such we will use Volume Discounts to handle these discounts.

In the Volume Discounts settings page set these options:

  • Discount based on: Number of registrants
  • Discount threshold: 2 (so if 1 kid joins, no discount)
  • Discount amount: the number of discount (percent or flat fee)
  • Discount type: the type of discount percent or flat fee
  • Discount applied message: self explanatory
  • Discounts apply to: (The category the discounts apply to) season1

Save those changes.

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