Plan your first aid classes from your website with Event Espresso so you can accept first aid class registrations through WordPress

Accept online registrations for your CPR and first aid classes in Ohio so you can save time and receive payments quickly with the best first aid class registration plugin

“We’ve been using it for our site classes for several years and we love it”

Great plugin, does all we need and more.


A preview of a first aid (CPR) class created with Event Espresso


An example of a first aid class with Event Espresso and WordPress


How to set up a first aid class with WordPress and Event Espresso



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Here are just a few organizations that trust Event Espresso for their first aid classes


MH First Aid (New South Wales, Australia)

Four Minutes First Aid Training (Caerphilly, United Kingdom)

CPR Training Professionals (California, United States)

CPR-N-MORE (Missouri, United States)

Alibi Training (Brisbane, Australia)

Pernice’s Rescue Training (New York, United States)

Simply First Aid (British Columbia, Canada)

The Emergency Academy (Idaho, United States)

ENLIVEN CPR and First Aid (Tennessee, United States)

Safety Solved (Colorado, United States)

In-Pulse CPR (Florida, United States)

SynergyCPD (Crewe, United Kingdom)


Popular questions about first aid classes and Event Espresso


Do I need to be a computer expert to use Event Espresso?
You don’t need to be an expert with technology to use Event Espresso. If you are comfortable with creating a blog post on your existing WordPress website and browsing your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin), then you’ll find Event Espresso familiar. We also have a quick start guide for Event Espresso which will help you get up and running fast through a series of recommendations and short video tutorials.

Do I need a WordPress website to use Event Espresso?
Yes, a WordPress website is required to run Event Espresso. However, our sister company, Event Smart offers free hosting for class registration websites using Event Espresso and WordPress as the backbone, where events, calendars, and pricing option selectors can then be embedded on any website, such as Weebly, Wix, and websites.

I want to show my first aid classes on a calendar. Can I do that with Event Espresso?
Yes, with the Events Calendar extension, your first aid classes will automatically appear on a calendar. Your participants can browse to a class and then click to begin a registration. The Events Calendar add-on is available as a separate purchase for the Personal support license or Developer support license. However, it is included in the Everything support license.

I want to allow more than one participant to register for my first aid classes at a time. Are group registrations available?
Yes, you can allow multiple participants to register at once by enabling the Personal Information question group for additional registrants through the lower right area of the event editor and saving changes.

Can I create a first aid class that has different dates?
Yes, you can create a first aid class that has different dates in Event Espresso by using the multiple date times and pricing options feature. Here is a video tutorial on how to create a class that has various dates that a participant can choose from.

I have a first aid class that has different pricing options. Can I create that in Event Espresso?
Yes, with the multiple dates times and pricing options feature, you’ll be able to do that. Here is a video tutorial on how to create an event that has different pricing options.

I need to create courses or a series of related first aid classes. Can Event Espresso help me with with courses?
Yes, you can create a first aid class that has different dates or sessions across a period of time and allow participants to register. Here is a video tutorial on how to create a course in Event Espresso.

How will I receive payments from my participants?
You’ll receive your funds as your participants register for your first aid classes by partnering with a secure payment service and adding your API credentials to Event Espresso. Some of our event organizer favorites are Stripe,, Braintree, or PayPal. Or you can choose another supported payment service.

I have a question that I need help with.
Start a conversation with us so we can help you move forward with your first aid classes today.


“The breath of functionality you get in the cost of the plugin is impressive”

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