
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium your custom files plug in does not upload to word press

your custom files plug in does not upload to word press

Posted: August 14, 2013 at 12:02 am

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Laura Martin

August 14, 2013 at 12:02 am

I have just installed and paid for the business license. I am frustrated that I know have to pay an additional 65 for email support. Your plugin for custom files is not working and will not upload to wordpress.

please advise


August 14, 2013 at 12:09 am

Hello Martin,

Sorry for your frustration. The priority support tokens are not necessary, we are happy to work with you on the forums.

The Custom Files add on is not a plugin so it will not upload to WordPress, it needs to be installed via FTP into the wp-content/uploads/espresso directory.

We have a full guide to installing it here

Please note that the Custom Files add on is designed as a base for extending Event Espresso so HTML, CSS and PHP knowledge is required.

Laura Martin

August 14, 2013 at 12:47 am

Thanks for the info. I have another question. It seems my menu now lists all of the required event registration pages. How do I get this as a sub page?


August 14, 2013 at 12:54 am


It sounds like your theme is just defaulting to listing all new pages added. You would probably be best creating a Custom Menu if you havent already. If you have and are running WordPress 3.6 check to see if the Automatically add new top-level pages option is set.

Please note that you can happily add the Event Espresso pages as dropdown menu items, but we suggest not adding a parent page to them.

Laura Martin

August 14, 2013 at 12:55 am

To follow up I know how to make sub pages in wordpress. However I the event reg pages will not let me, even though I have moved them out and make them sub pages. What am I missing, my website looks a mess.


August 14, 2013 at 1:20 am

I’m not 100% sure what you mean so Im sorry if the following is a little basic but I want to make sure.

Event Espresso creates 4 pages, by default they are called

Event Registration
Thank you
Registration Cancelled

Only Event Registration should show on your menu.

If you decide to use the [EVENT_LIST] shortcode which is a flexible version of the default event registration, then you can add that to a sepaaret page and add it to your menu.

If you want individual events to be added to a menu you will need to use the Custom Links box in the Menus page

Add the URL and a title and add it to your menu.

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