
Home Forums Events Calendar Add-on Wrong Venue appears in Calendar

Wrong Venue appears in Calendar

Posted: January 8, 2013 at 11:50 pm

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Robert Hardy

January 8, 2013 at 11:50 pm

For some reason the wrong venue is appearing in the pop-out Description on the Events Calendar when you mouse over an event. This happens regardless of whether I quote the ID or not in the description for the event. Please see the “Introduction to Value Investing” event on Feb 12th 2013 listed with the Sydney “head office” venue on the calendar, but the correct Geelong address in the Event registration page. [] The correct event venue appears on the registration page. I have “Display Addresses in the registration forms witched OFF” so the address doesn’t appear twice. Your assistance would be much appreciated.

  • This topic was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Robert Hardy. Reason: Forgot to give url for error


January 9, 2013 at 1:03 am

Hi Robert,

I would look to update your WordPress to either 3.4.2 or 3.5 (ideally 3.5), which if you choose to update to 3.5 will also update you to the latest jquery.

I can’t say 100% this will resolve the issue but it will bring you to a level playing field to help us debug it. Plus Event Espresso has only been tested on WordPress 3.4.2 and up.

Robert Hardy

January 9, 2013 at 7:01 pm

Hi Dean,

Upgrade to WP3.5 has been done. Problem still exists, but having added another venue, all venues have now changed to the new Brisbane venue that I added. Same link as before…

(by the way, some problems with teh colour coding of events being overwritten, when changes are made ot events, but not too worried about that until the venue issue is resolved).



Robert Hardy

January 9, 2013 at 7:07 pm

Actually Dean, The Pop ups (on mouse over) seem to have disappeared completely now!!!



January 9, 2013 at 11:47 pm

Hi Robert,

Can you go to Calendar Settings and make sure that “show tooltips” is set to yes. Even if it is can you re-save those settings please.

Robert Hardy

January 10, 2013 at 5:31 pm

HAve done that. It made no difference. I even tried setting to no and saving, and then re-setting to yes and re-saving. No change, so far!!!

Robert Hardy

January 10, 2013 at 10:25 pm

hi Dean,

I am no expert at this, but when running the JavaSCript Console in Chrome, It was repeatedly telling me that…

“qTip2: Unable to locate content for tooltip! Aborting render of tooltip on element:





January 11, 2013 at 4:20 am

Is it possible to get your login details in order to look into this?

If so, please send them via

Choose the “I am sending login info as requested” option and fill out the form

Please make sure you add the forum post link to aid us in case another team member picks up the email.

NOTE: login details need to be Admin level.


January 14, 2013 at 3:16 am


The problem here is that the events you are redirecting to a webinar page dont have any content, the description is blank. As such the calendar is throwing an error and stopping all the tooltips from working. If you fill out content on those events the calendar tooltips will start to function again.

Robert Hardy

January 14, 2013 at 3:15 pm

Hi Dean,

The webinars might not have had any description, but all of the other events most certainly did (and still do). For example: the SMSF Presentation on Jan 23rd.

I have also put the description “testing the tooltip” into each webinar, and there is still no tooltip showing.

That clearly wasn’t the problem. (although I realise that user error is the most common such problem, and indeed it might still be the case, just a different one!!!)

Please remembber that the original problem was the fac tthat the SAME venue was showing in every tooltip (that was before we upgraded to WP 3.5) so even if it does start workgin again, I will not know if that problem has gone away.




January 15, 2013 at 3:00 am


I haven’t forgotten the original issue, we just need to get the new issue resolved first before we can move back to the original issue.

My tests suggested that the lack of description causes the no tooltips and JS error (which it does) but the no tooltips is being caused somewhere in your theme (deactivate the theme then the tooltips – albeit incorrect ones – show back up).

Right now I suggest that the theme be reverted to the twentyeleven/twentytwelve theme for testing purposes and the plugins be completely deactivated except EE and see how it works, and reactivate the plugins one by one, as I dont believe it to be an outright bug with EE but some sort of conflict.

If you need me to do this I will have to request a Priority Support Token purchase in order to spend the time downloading the site to a local server and going through the plugins/theme to track down the cause.

I can also do it quicker and without the support token if I can work on the live site, but obviously I don’t want to take everything offline if the site is in use, without your permission.

If not then please let me know the results of deactivation/reactivation.

Robert Hardy

January 15, 2013 at 5:13 pm

Hi Dean,

2 tokens purchased (to try and make sure we are covered!!!) though I have to say that the response has been pretty great without paying. Fingers crossed this is figured out fairly quickly.



January 16, 2013 at 5:17 am

Hi Robert,

Just an update. OK, so I have pinned down the incorrect venue details issue. It is Event Espresso. I was pretty surprised by that. What is happening is for some reason the calendar is showing every venue on the tooltip not just the one for that event, and it is showing them in alphabetical order.

This can be resolved by using one of the following short codes instead of the generic [ESPRESSO_VENUE]:

[ESPRESSO_VENUE id=X] where X equals the Venues ID number
[ESPRESSO_VENUE event_id=X] where X equals the Event ID number

I have yet to pinpoint why the theme is blocking the tooltip entirely, but it is definitely the theme doing something to it.

Robert Hardy

January 16, 2013 at 3:20 pm

HI Dean,

I am surprised that fixed (adding the ID, I mean. if you take a look back my original post, you will see that we had actually tried adding the ID, but it didn’t seem to work. It could have been the fact that we were still on an old version of WP, I suppose, but definitely were not successful making that change last time. Once we have identified why the tooltip isn’t showing at all, we will give it another go.




January 18, 2013 at 2:18 am

Hi Robert,

OK I finally pinned down the issue in the theme, it was loading jquery.ui.core.js in the theme, but it was an old version. I have renamed that file to old_jquery.ui.core.js and uploaded a more up to date version (ver. 1.10.0 instead of 1.8.16).

So, if the events have the event_id or id attached to the venue shortcode it resolves the multiple venue details (check Jan 23rd event).

There is one issue with all of this that I currently cannot resolve. Bringing the calendar up to date resolves the tooltip issues but brings us to an issue with images in the calendar, they overlap and it has been a known issue for a while that we have been unsuccessful in resolving. The only workarounds are to either roll back the calendar to an earlier version and lose tooltips/images or turn images off.

Robert Hardy

January 20, 2013 at 5:00 pm


Many thanks for your help on this. Whilst the whole issue might not have been fully resolved (I know you are working on it) I still wanted to say how impressed I have been by the support from the yourself and the team at Event Espresso. You obviously take quit some pride in offering a good product and great service. Keep it up.

Thanks again,



January 21, 2013 at 2:38 am

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the comment, much appreciated! If you are happy to, we always appreciate feedback on the WordPress repository or a tweet or two!

I am not sure what else I can do currently with your issue, as mentioned in the previous post from me, the issues we were looking at – no tooltip and wrong venues – are now fixed (old javascript updated) or have a fix available (changing the shortcode to include id or event_id).

It does leave the issue of the overlapping images and as mentioned this is a known problem that has been with us for a while that we have been unable so far to squash. The only ways to fix it are less than ideal: roll back to an previous version of the calendar, and lose the tooltips or turn off the images in the calendar.

Robert Hardy

January 21, 2013 at 2:21 pm

Would be happy to offer some support. More good customer reviews means more customers, more revenue for you, and in the end a better product right?!!!

Shame about the photos. We are having difficulty getting the colours to work correctly (although we should now retry with the changes made), but adding a small graphic actually worked even better.

Given that there has been so much customer comment on it, I am sure that you will continue to work on it and get there in the end.



Robert Hardy

January 21, 2013 at 5:35 pm

Some bad news Dean…

Whilst the problem of the wrong venue seems to have been fixed for the first month on the calendar (January), when you switch to the February the incorrect venue appears, even when the ID+ tag is included in the description. eg: SMSF Presentation Geelong. (12th Feb). Once again, it is listing ALL of the venues, in order.


Robert Hardy

January 21, 2013 at 5:38 pm

OK. Doesn’t work on page 2 with the venue id, but it DOES work with the event id.




January 22, 2013 at 12:28 am

Hi Rob,

OK so if you use the event_id it works fine? Are you ok with using that?

Regarding the graphics, yes it has been and no doubt will continue to be a thorn in our side. We must discuss that calendar every meeting we have! We are continually looking to try and fix it or find an alternative to the calendar system we have now.

More good customer reviews means more customers, more revenue for you,
and in the end a better product right?!!!

Absolutely spot on! And we appreciate everyone spreading the word, we have already expanded our team in the past few months both support and development so much more is occurring at a quicker rate which is pretty awesome.

Robert Hardy

January 22, 2013 at 2:52 pm

Event ID is fine. Strange that venue works OK, on the first page, but not the others. Computers eh?!!!

Also an unrelated question. How do I put the calendar as a widget a side column. I have seen a shot of it, but was wondering what code/shortcode I should use.

Thanks again,



January 22, 2013 at 11:21 pm

Hey Rob,

Yeah these pesky computers, lol. I will get that looked into though, could be something simple.

Calendar in sidebar = widget. If you go to Appearance > Widgets menu, you should see a widget there called Event Espresso Calendar Widget. On the right is a list of places you can add widgets too, click one to open it and drag the EE widget there, change and settings and click the save button on the widget.

Robert Hardy

January 23, 2013 at 2:29 pm

OK. I don’t see an Appearance menu option, which is probably my user set up (I am not the main admin).

Many thanks,



  • Support Staff

January 24, 2013 at 10:33 am

Hi Rob,

You’ll need access to the Appearance menu in order to add widgets. You can check with the main admin about getting access to that menu.

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