
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Wrong currency

Wrong currency

Posted: February 24, 2013 at 4:32 am

Royal Botanic Garden

February 24, 2013 at 4:32 am


I’m organizing an event for the Royal Botanic Garden of Jordan.

After selecting Jordan as the country in Settings, I get Euros as the corresponding currency.

That’s not right. I need prices in Jordanian Dinars (JOD)

How can I fix this?


February 25, 2013 at 5:51 am


The currency has been added as that as it is a placeholder because none of the payment gateways we support support that particular currency (unless something has changed we are not aware of).

You can add this in by editing a file, but it is a core file and updates will wipe this code.

In event-espresso/includes/organization_config.php around line 70 you will see a list of countries and currencies, add this to the list

case 'JOR' : $org_options['currency_symbol'] = 'JOD'; // Jordanian Dollar

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