
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Wrap Text Visual Editor

Wrap Text Visual Editor

Posted: January 21, 2024 at 7:09 pm

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January 21, 2024 at 7:09 pm

Hi guys, same problem as a year ago. I was hoping it would be fixed now. It’s mind boggling that nobody has fixed this yet.

When editing an event, I prefer to use the “TEXT” box instead of the “VISUAL” box becuase I copy a lot from my notepad++ and I don’t want to paste formatting ever.

I have deactivated any “advanced editor” or “Classic Editor” and I have tried changing your plugin to the “Advanced editor” which by the way is really bad. Please don’t ever take the option away because the plugin seems unusable with the “Advanced Editor” by EE turned on. I really think you should do a poll of customers and see if anyone uses the Event Espresso advanced editor.

Can somebody please just hire a developer that will know how to allow wordpress text editor to “WRAP” text.

There has been a few posts on this already from others and support even tried to blame it on chrome and firefox. I really don’t think you want to say it doesn’t work on the most popular web browsers.

To reproduce the issue. Create an event, change the box from Visual to TEXT and then hold down the letter F. You will see that the letter F will go across the editor and never wrap.

Hopefully someone can tell me how to fix this.

Also, this entire support ticket is “wrapping my text” . So maybe just copy code from the forum plugin so that event espresso event editor will wrap text also.


  • Support Staff

January 22, 2024 at 5:12 am

Hi Jarred,

Hi guys, same problem as a year ago. I was hoping it would be fixed now. It’s mind boggling that nobody has fixed this yet.

This was indeed fixed previously but it looks like a regression, I’ll create an issue to investigate further.

I have deactivated any “advanced editor” or “Classic Editor” and I have tried changing your plugin to the “Advanced editor” which by the way is really bad. Please don’t ever take the option away because the plugin seems unusable with the “Advanced Editor” by EE turned on.

Can you add more details other than ‘really bad’?

Did it not work? If not, what happened?

Did it show an error message? If so, on what action and when?

Did the text overlay with something else?

I’m all for constructive criticism and can pass it on to the team but I need more to work with than just ‘really bad’.

There are pros and cons to both editors, one of the big reasons we redesigned the event editor is due to the max_input_vars server-side limitation which defaults to 1000 inputs and then simply ignores the rest on the page. This means once you create ~20 Datetime/Ticket combinations and hit save the page will reload and tickets ‘randomly’ vanish because the server simply ignored them.

The actual number you can create depends on many factors (I’ve seen themes add an options section to EE posts setting over 5000 inputs in a single metabox, there’s the limit exceeded already and that’s not including anything at all to do with EE itself) and what value has been set on your server (the default is 1000 and most hosts use it, you could have the option to change that, another user may not).

The advanced editor doesn’t run into that issue.

Anyone who has installed Event Espresso since the Advanced editor was introduced is automatically using it. The Recurring Events Editor add-on for EE4, requires the Advanced Editor (in part due to the limitation I mentioned above). I’ve switched numerous users over to the Advanced Editor during support requests to enable the new features they needed etc.

The advanced editor is in use and for the most part working as we intended.


January 22, 2024 at 6:50 pm

the ShortPixel plugin “Enable Replace Media” now does not show on Event Espresso events. I was able to pull up an old staging copy with version 5.07 and Shortpixel plugin still displayed but now it doesn’t and its ONLY on Event Espresso events.

It does show up on wordpress pages. After looking, its more CSS issues from EE. Maybe it has to do with the Wrap text thing?

Image of what it looks like to “edit an image” while it’s inside the event (NOT the Featured Image) but an actual image that is in the main text box to describe the event. The CSS is messed up. I believe EE code trying to make it one column but WordPress code for that box is two column. You can even see the padding on the left is wrong.

*EXAMPLE Image of WordPress page with image inside of it. Click on the image then “EDIT”. and then it will pull up the box showing the image details and size and the button for enable replace media

*Example of that same box on an Event Espresso Event on a Small Screen (15.6 inch)

*Example of that same box on Event espresso event on a monitor 3840×2160

*I was able to go back to Event Espresso Version 5.0.7 and the Enable Replace Media still worked. BUT, the Wrapped Text still doesn’t work in that version either. That’s from a staging site that I created for you guys back in August of 2023 with the same wrap text issue.

I checked wordpress pages and wordpress posts and the wrapped text feature works in both and the replace media works on both.
So for now, EDIT image on Event Espresso event has bad css. ANd the text editor not wrapping text issue are the only two things I really hope can get fixed fast.


January 25, 2024 at 2:23 pm

any update on these issues?


  • Support Staff

January 25, 2024 at 5:43 pm

The next version of Event Espresso will include this CSS to fix the text wrapping issue:

.espresso-admin .wp-editor-container .wp-editor-area {
    white-space: pre-wrap !important;

You can test if that will work for you using a plugin like:

Add the CSS to load within the admin.

The plugin conflict issue I’ve opened a ticket for but no updates on that yet.


January 26, 2024 at 6:40 pm

Thank you Tony for the code for the wrapped text. Im about to create all the summer events and that helps more then you can know for the text editor wrap to work. I installed the plugin you advised and it worked.

I will check back about the ShortPixel plugin “Enable Replace Media” css as mentioned above. So will keep this ticket open for now. Thanks


  • Support Staff

January 29, 2024 at 3:11 pm

Hi Jarred,

Just noting that 5.0.16.p has now been released which includes the text wrapping fix.


February 1, 2024 at 3:38 pm

Thanks Tony. The wrap error was fixed.

Hopefully the shortpixel replace media error can be fixed as well. It’s the EE code listed below. I think the best way to know what it should look like is just open up a post on wordpress. Insert an image. Then click on that image to edit. Then a box pops up showing the image options like link, alt text etc. etc. That is what it is supposed to look like when opening image on wordpress. So if the developers can just copy wordpress image open box that would work perfectly. Thanks

Im sure there is better way to fix it. But for now the css used is

/*Fix ee admin css height where shortpixel replace buttons are not viewable */
.espresso-admin .media-modal-content .media-frame :not(.screen-reader-text) {
bottom: 5px!important;


  • Support Staff

February 1, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Thanks for sharing. the shortpixel issue is submitted to our DEV and will be available in the upcoming update.

thanks for letting us know the solution you did.


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